18201 |
Color Atlas of Postharvest Quality of Fruits and vegetables
2008 |
NUNES, Maria Cecilia do Nascimento |
Blackwell |
18202 |
Interviewing. Principle and Practices
2008 |
STEWART, Charles J |
McGraw - Hill Book Company - New York |
18203 |
Menjadi seorang guru
2008 |
PARKAY, Forrest W |
INDEKS - Jakarta |
18204 |
Trik & taktik mengajar. Strategi Meningkatkan pencapaian pengajaran di kelas
2008 |
GINNIS, Paul |
INDEKS - Jakarta |
18205 |
Wahai Para Guru, Ubahlah Cara mengajarmu. Perintah pengajaran yang berbeda-beda dan sesuai dengan otak
2008 |
KAUFELDT, Martha |
INDEKS - Jakarta |
18206 |
Mengajar dengan senang. Menciptakan perbedaan dalam pembelajaran siswa
2008 |
HALL, Gene E |
INDEKS - Jakarta |
18207 |
Teknik-teknik yang berpengaruh di ruang kelas
2008 |
INDEKS - Jakarta |
18208 |
Best Practices for Teaching. Social Studies
2008 |
STONE, Randi |
Corwin Press |
18209 |
Cara Mengembangkan berbagai komponen kecerdasan. Petunjuk Praktis bagi guru, Masyarakat umum dan orang tua.
2008 |
LWIN, May |
18210 |
Seratus Permainan Kreatif: untuk Outbond dan Training
2008 |
SANTOSA, Vincentius Endy |
Andi Offset - Yogyakarta |
18211 |
Bertahan di bumi : Gaya hidup menghadapi perubahan iklim
2008 |
MANGUNJAYA, Fahcruddin M |
Yayasan Obor - Jakarta |
18212 |
Menciptakan Hubungan Sekolah-Rumah yang positif
2008 |
RICH, Dorothy |
INDEKS - Jakarta |
18213 |
7 Langkah untuk menyusun rencana disiplin kelas proaktif
2008 |
COLVIN, Geoff |
INDEKS - Jakarta |
18214 |
Kuasai Pikiran anda rancang jalan hidup anda. Master your Mind Design Your Destiny
2008 |
KHOO, Adam |
INDEKS - Jakarta |
18215 |
PR 2.0 New Media, New Tools, New Audences
2008 |
18216 |
Millennial Makeover. MySpace, Youtube & The Future of Amarican Politik
2008 |
WINOGRAD, Morley |
Rutgers University press |
18217 |
Oxford Collocations dictionary for Students of English
2008 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
Oxford University Press |
18218 |
How International Law Works. A Rational Choice Theory
2008 |
GUZMAN, Andrew T |
Oxford University Press |
18219 |
Pengantar Farmakologi Molekular
2008 |
IKAWATI, Zullies |
Gadjah Mada University Press |
18220 |
The Dark Side. The inside story of How the War on Teror. Turned into a War on AMerican Ideals
2008 |
MAYER, Jane |
Doubleday |
18221 |
Mewujudkan Good Governance : Melalui Pelayanan Publik
2008 |
Agus Dwiyanto (Editor) |
Gadjah Mada University Press - Yogyakarta |
18222 |
The Elements of Library Research: What Every Student Needs to Know
2008 |
GEORGE, Mary W. |
18223 |
Youth To Power : How Today's Young Voters Are Building Tomorrow's Progressive Majority
2008 |
CONNERY, Michel |
New Yersi |
18224 |
Pengantar hukum internasional I
2008 |
Aksara Persada |
18225 |
Slavery By Another Name
2008 |
BLACKMON, Douglas A. |
Anchor Books |
18226 |
Liberty of Conscience. in Defense of America's Tradition of Religius Equality
2008 |
NUSSBAUM, Martha C |
Basic Books |
18227 |
The Post-American World with a new Preface
2008 |
ZAKARIA, Fareed |
W.W. Norton & Company |
18228 |
How to Write a Business Plan.Write a winning proposal. Finance a start-up or expansion ...
2008 |
18229 |
Elections A to Z
2008 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
CQ Press |
18230 |
The Small Business Bible. Everything you need to know to succeed in your small business
2008 |
STRAUSS, Steven D |
John Wiley & Sons |
18231 |
Barron's Toefl IBT Internet-Based test 2008
2008 |
SHARPE, Pamela J |
Barron's Educational Series Inc |
18232 |
Breaking Dawn
2008 |
MEYER, Stephenie |
Little Brown & Company |
18233 |
Pemilihan Presiden Amerika Serikat
2008 |
NAPANG, Marthen |
Zahdilfath |
18234 |
Beyond Tolerance : Searching for Interfaith Understanding in America
2008 |
NIEBUHR, Gustav |
Viking |
18235 |
Olive Kitteridge
2008 |
STROUT, Elizabeth |
Random Hause |
18236 |
The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms
2008 |
BALDICK, Chris |
Oxford University Press |
18237 |
Let's Talk Turkey : The Stories behind America's Faforite Expressions
2008 |
OSTLER, Rosemarie |
Prometheus Books |
18238 |
The Hemingses of Montcello. An American Family
2008 |
GORDON-REED, Annette |
W.W Norton & Company |
18239 |
Smithsonian ocean : our water, our world
2008 |
CRAMER, Deborah |
Collins |
18240 |
Regulasi & Pengawasan Bank Syariah
2008 |
CHAPRA, M. Umer |
Bumi Aksara - Jakarta |
18241 |
Manajemen Perbankan
2008 |
18242 |
Akad & Produk Bank Syariah
2008 |
Raja Grafindo Persada |
18243 |
Metode Penelitian Komunikasi. Contoh-contoh penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan Praktis
2008 |
MULYANA, Deddy |
18244 |
Komunikasi Politik Indonesia. Dinamika Islam Politik pasca-Orde Baru
2008 |
MUHTADI, Asep Saeful |
18245 |
Pengantar Keuangan Islam. Teori & Praktik
2008 |
IQBAL, Zamir |
Kencana |
18246 |
Molecular Biology of The Cell
2008 |
ALBERTS, Bruce |
Garland Science |
18247 |
Harrison's Manual of Medicine
2008 |
FAUCI, Anthony S |
McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing Division |
18248 |
Prinsip-prinsip Sains untuk Keperawatan
2008 |
JAMES, Joyce |
Erlangga |
18249 |
Neurologi. Lecture Notes
2008 |
GINSBERG, Lionel |
Erlangga |
18250 |
Pendidikan dalam Keperawatan
2008 |
Salemba Medika |