22601 |
Peacekeeping and the International System
2006 |
MACQUEEN, Norrie |
Routlesge - London |
22602 |
Pirace, Maritime Terrorism and Securing the Malacca Straits
2006 |
GERARD, Graham |
Iseas - Singapore |
22603 |
Understanding the European Constitution
2006 |
CHURCH, Clive H. |
Routledge - London |
22604 |
The United Nations Development Programme
2006 |
MURPHY, Craig N |
Cambridge - New York |
22605 |
EU-US Relations
2006 |
Palgrave - London |
22606 |
Multiculturalism, Muslims and Citizenship
2006 |
MODOOD, Tariq |
Routledge - London |
22607 |
Security and Development
2006 |
Routledge - London |
22608 |
Singapore - Malaysia Relations
2006 |
HOCK,Saw Swee |
Iseas - Singapore |
22609 |
Perspectives On World Politics
2006 |
LITTLE, Richard |
Routledge - London |
22610 |
International Organizations as Law-Makers
2006 |
ALVAREZ, Jose E, |
Oxfor - New York |
22611 |
America's Dialogue With the World
2006 |
KIEHL, William P. |
Public Diplomacy Council - Washingthon |
22612 |
Module for Structure one : English Parts of Speech
2006 |
Azwar Abbas |
English Departement Ahmad Dahlan University - Yogyakarta |
22613 |
China Into The HU-Wen Era
2006 |
WONG, John |
World Scientific - New Jersey |
22614 |
Modern Diplomacy
2006 |
Pearson - London |
22615 |
The Internet and Politics
2006 |
Routledge - London |
22616 |
Corporate Soldiers and International Security
2006 |
KINSEY, Chistopher |
Routledge - London |
22617 |
ABC Of Conflict and Disaster
2006 |
REDMOND, Anthony D. |
Blackwell - Victoria |
22618 |
BioDiesel : Sumber energi alternatif penggainti solar yang terbuat dari ekstraksi minyak jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas L.)
2006 |
Susilo, Bambang |
Trubus Agrisarana - Surabaya |
22619 |
Pirace, Maritime Terrorism and Securing the Malacca Straits
2006 |
ONG-WEBB, Graham Gerard |
Iseas - Singapore |
22620 |
Approaches,Levels,and Methods of Analysis in International Politics
2006 |
STARR, Harvey |
Palgrave - New York |
22621 |
Biodiesel Jarak Pagar : Bahan bakar alternatif yang ramah lingkungan
2006 |
Syah, Andi Nur Alam |
Agro Media Pustaka - Jakarta |
22622 |
The English School Of International Relations
2006 |
Cambridge - New York |
22623 |
Sejaran Muhammadiyah Magelang Ada untuk Bermakna
2006 |
M Nasiruddin and Jumari Al- Ngluwary |
PDM Magelang |
22624 |
sejarah muhammadiyah magelang
2006 |
muhammad Nasiruddin and Jumari Al Ngluwary |
PDM Kab Magelang - magelang |
22625 |
Solving the mistery of reading
2006 |
Carolyn L. Davidson |
Pearson Education |
22626 |
Effective Academic Writing 3 : the essay
2006 |
Jason Davis and Rhonda Liss |
Oxford University Press - New York |
22627 |
Vessel-Source Marine Pollution
2006 |
JIN TAN, Alan Khee |
Cambridge - New York |
22628 |
Islam & Politics in the Centemporary World
2006 |
EDWARDS, Beverlay Milton |
Polity - New York |
22629 |
Islam In The World
2006 |
RUTHVEN, Malise |
Oxford - New York |
22630 |
Hukum Pidana Islam : Sebuah Alternatif
2006 |
Ichsan, Muhammad and Endrio Susilo |
Lab Hukum - Yogyakarta |
22631 |
Hukum Konstitusi dan Mahkamah Konstitusi
2006 |
Fadjar, Abdul Mukthie |
Sekretariat Jenderal dan Kepaniteraan MK RI - Jakarta |
22632 |
Hidrologi Terapan
2006 |
Beta Offset - Yogyakarta |
22633 |
Islam and the Moral Economy
2006 |
TRIPP, Charles |
Cambridge - New York |
22634 |
Jihad and International Security
2006 |
Palgrave - New York |
22635 |
Democratization in the Muslim World
2006 |
VOLPI, Frederic |
Routledge - New York |
22636 |
Popular Movements and Democratization in the Islamic World
2006 |
KISAICHI, Masatoshi |
Routledge - New York |
22637 |
Contemporary Islam: Dynamic, ot Static
2006 |
SAID, Abdul Aziz |
Routledge - London |
22638 |
Buktikan Cintamu !
2006 |
Masykur, Muhammad Nazhif |
Pro-U Media - Yogyakarta |
22639 |
Islam and the Muslim World
2006 |
HUSAIN, Mir Zohair |
Mc.Graw-Hill - Washington |
22640 |
Mengungkap Rahasia Simfoni Dzikir Jagat Raya
2006 |
Pustaka Darul Ilmi - Jakarta |
22641 |
Muslim Diaspora, Gender, Culture and Identity
2006 |
MOGHISSI, Haideh |
Routledge - London |
22642 |
Iran Encountering Globalization, problems and prospects
2006 |
Routledge Curzon - New York |
22643 |
Saudi Arabia, Power, Legitimacy and Survival
2006 |
Routledge - London |
22644 |
Madariju al-durusi al-'arabiyati 1
2006 |
Muhammad Bashori 'Ulwa |
Rahmatika - Malang |
22645 |
Madariju al-durusi al-'arabiyati 2
2006 |
Muhammad Bashori 'Ulwa |
Rahmatika - Malang |
22646 |
Madariju al-durusi al-'arabiyati 3
2006 |
Muhammad Bashori 'Ulwa |
Rahmatika - Malang |
22647 |
Islam In Indonesian Foreign Policy
2006 |
SUKMA, Rizal |
Routledge Curson - London |
22648 |
The Political Road to War With Iraq
2006 |
Routledge - London |
22649 |
The Arab Diaspora
2006 |
SALHI, Zahia Smail |
Routledge - London |
22650 |
Southeast Asia In Search Of An Asean Community
2006 |
Rodolfo C, |
Iseas - Singapore |