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Number of items : 60055
No Title Year Author Publisher
23701 International Relations The Path Not Taken : Using International Law to Promote World Peace and Security 2006 Thomas J. Schoenbaum Cambridge University Press - London
23702 Making American Foreign Policy 2006 Ole R. Holsti Routledge - London and New York
23703 Globalism, Nationalism, Tribalism: Bringing Theory Back In 2006 Paul James Sage - London
23704 Kepemimpinan mengefektifkan organisasi 2006 H. Hadari Nawari Gadjah Mada University Press - Yogyakarta
23705 Temptations of Power: The United States in Global Politics After 9/ 11 2006 Robert J. Jackson and Philip Towle Palgrave - London
23706 The Anarchical Society in a Globalized World 2006 Richard Little Palgrave - London
23707 The Empire of Security and The Safety of The People 2006 William Bain Routledge - London and New York
23708 The Twilight of The Nation State: Globalisation, Chaos and War 2006 Prem Shankar Jha Pluto press - London
23709 Complexity in World Politics: Concepts and Methods of a New Paradigm 2006 Neil E. Harrison State University of New York Press - New York
23710 The Hidden History of Realism 2006 Sean Molloy Palgrave - New York
23711 The Study of World Politics: Theoritical and Methodological Challenges 2006 James N. Rosemau Routledge - London and New York
23712 World History: An American BookWorks Corporation Project 2006 Wiley Publishing - Canada
23713 The Power of Israel in The United States 2006 Michael Parenti
23714 Europe 1789 to 1914: Encyclopedia of The Age of Industry and Empire 2006 John Merriman and Jay Winter Thomson Gale
23715 Beyond Sovereign Territory 2006 Thom Kuehls Palgrave - New York
23716 Kindergarten Success : everything you Need to help your child learn 2006 Amy James Jossey -bass - San Fransisco
23717 Exceptional Selling 2006 Jeff Thull Wiley - Canada
23718 Mediterranean Anarchy, Interstate War, and The Rise of Rome 2006 Arthur M. Eckstein University of Clifornia Press - London
23719 Just and Unjust Interventions in World Politics 2006 Catherine Lu Palgrave Macmillan - London
23720 Professionalism in Medicine Critical Perpectives 2006 Brian Castellani and Frederic W Springer
23721 Panduan Perancangan Undang-Undang Intelijen Negara 2006 Ali A. Wibisono Pacivis - Jakarta
23722 Idiom Bahasa Jepang Memakai Nama-Nama Bagian Tubuh 2006 GARRISON, Jeffrey G. Kesaint Blanc - Jakarta
23723 Choosing the Lesser Evil: Understanding Decision ... 2006 Liesbet Heyse Ashgate
23724 Menakar Jaminan Atas Tanah Sebagai Pengamatan Kredit Bank 2006 Priyo Handoko Center for Society Studies
23725 Buku Ajar Fundamental Keperawatan Konsep, Proses, dan Praktik 2006 POTTER and PERRY
23726 Great Powers and Geopolitical Change 2006 Jakub J. Grygiel The Johns Hopkins University Press - United States
23727 Cosmopolitanism and Solidarity : Studies in ethnoracial, religious and professional affiliation in the United States 2006 Hollinger, David A. University of Wisconsin Press - London
23728 Statistik Kesehatan 2006 Luknis Sabri and Sutanto Priyo Hastono Rajawali Pers - Depok
23729 Persiapan Menghadapi Persalinan : Dari Perencanaan Kehamilan Sampai Mendidik Anak 2006 Imam Musbikin Mitra Pustaka - Yogyakarta
23730 Al - Ahkam As-Sulthaniyyah Hukum-Hukum Penyelenggaraan Negara Dalam Syariat Islam 2006 Al-Mawardi, Imam Darul Falah
23731 Companion To The European Union 2006 Alasdair Blair Routledge - London
23732 Cara Membuat Pupuk Hidroponik 2006 Eko PW Dharma Utama - Jakarta
23733 The Study of World Politics globalization and governance 2006 James N. Rosenan Routledge - London
23734 Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi Fakultas Adab 2006 UIN Sunan Kalijaga - Yogyakarta
23735 Sajak-Sajak Burdah Imam Muhammad Al-Bushiri 2006 Mansoer, Moh. Tolchah PP Sunni Darussalam - Yogyakarta
23736 Analisis Simbol Terhadap Gunungan Pada Upacara Grebeg di Keraton Yogyakarta 2006 Yusuf, Mundzirin UIN Sunan Kalijaga - Yogyakarta
23737 Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam 2006 Hamami, Tasman UIN Sunan Kalijaga - Yogyakarta
23738 Manajemen Pemasaran 2006 M. Mursid Bumi Aksara - Jakarta
23739 World - Systems Analysis 2006 Immanuel Wallerstein Duke University - london
23740 Korupsi, Hukum & Moralitas Agama Mewacanakan Fikih Antikorupsi 2006 Mas'udi, Masdar F. Gama Media - Palembang
23741 Perempuan Merajut Gelombang 2006 Syamsuri, Maulana Gama Media - Yogyakarta
23742 Pengakuan Para Sastrawan Dunia Pemenang Nobel 2006 Zen RS (ed.) PINUS - Yogyakarta
23743 Menulis artikel untuk Jurnal Ilmiah 2006 Saukah, Ali Universitas Negeri Malang - Malang
23744 Reformasi Terpadu Pelayanan Publik 2006 Purbokusumo, Yuyun and M. Baiquni Kemitraan Partnership - Yogyakarta
23745 The International Thought of Martin Wight 2006 Ian Hall Palgrave - macmilan
23746 World War to Cold War 2006 David Reynolds Oxford - University Press
23747 Small Arms and Security 2006 Denise Garcia Routledge - London
23748 Comparative Federalism, the european union and the united states in comparative perpective 2006 Anand Menon Oxford - University Press
23749 Inilah Jawaban Cerdas Terhadap 48 Pertanyaan Anak Tentang Allah dan Makhluk Ghaib 2006 Muhammad Muhyidin DIVA Press - Yogyakarta
23750 Studi Pengembangan Prototype Fasilitas Pelayanan Angkutan Penumpang Antarmoda Di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta 2006 Departemen Perhubungan PT REKADAYA SENTOSA - Jakarta

Number of items : 60055