27701 |
Genetika Kedokteran : Buku Pegangan Kuliah
2004 |
HARTONO dkk. |
Bagian Anatomi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada |
27702 |
Imunologi Dasar
2004 |
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia |
27703 |
Communication Research
2004 |
Leslie A. Baxter and Earl Babbie |
Wadsworth |
27704 |
Psikologi Terapan: Mengupas Dinamika Kehidupan Umat Manusia
2004 |
Ancok, Djamaludin |
Darussalam - Yogyakarta |
27705 |
Berry and Kohns Operating Room Technique 2
2004 |
PHILLIPS, Nancymarie |
Mosby |
27706 |
The Campaign Manager
2004 |
Catherine M. Shaw |
Westview - Amerika |
27707 |
Content Analysis An Introduction to its Methodology
2004 |
Klaus Krippendorff |
SAGE - California |
27708 |
Adi 2003: Adverting Directory of Indonesia
2004 |
Sledgehammer - Jakarta |
27709 |
Kejahatan Perang : Apa yang Harus Diketahui
2004 |
Anderson, Kenneth |
Program Pelatihan Jurnalistik - Jakarta |
27710 |
The Media in your life an introduction to mass communication
2004 |
Pearson - Amerika |
27711 |
Lighting For Digital Video and Television
2004 |
Jackman, John |
Elsevier - Amerika |
27712 |
Media Writing : Print, Broadcast, and Public Relation
2004 |
Whitaker, W. Richard and Ramsey, Janet E. |
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates - London |
27713 |
Manajemen Strategis Public Relations
2004 |
Iriantara, Yosal |
Ghalia Indonesia - Jakarta |
27714 |
A Cognitive Psychology of Mass Communication
2004 |
Harris, Richard Jackson |
Lawrence Erlbaum Associate - New Jersey |
27715 |
24 Hours To The Perfect Interview : Quick Steps for Planning, Organizing and Preparing for the Interview that Gets the Jobs
2004 |
Deluca, Matthew J. and Deluca, Nanette F. |
MacGraw-Hill - Amerika |
27716 |
ADSO4 : Advertising Directory of Singapore
2004 |
[ tak terdaftar ] |
Sledgehammer Communications - Singapore |
27717 |
Contoh Lengkap Pidato dan MC dalam Berbagai Acara dan Kesempatan
2004 |
Alfandi, Safuan |
Sendang Ilmu - Solo |
27718 |
Nonton Film Nonton Indonesia
2004 |
Kristanto, JB |
Buku Kompas - Jakarta |
27719 |
Communitarian Politics in Asia
2004 |
[ tak terdaftar ] |
Routledgecurzon - London |
27720 |
Understanding Celebrity
2004 |
Turner, Graeme |
Sage - London |
27721 |
Television : Technology and Culture Form
2004 |
Williams, Raymond |
Taylor & Francis - Sleman |
27722 |
Pers Terhukum : Kekerasan Terhadap Pers Indonesia 2003
2004 |
Luwarso, Likas and Sumsuri |
SEAPA - Jakarta |
27723 |
Ethnic Conflictin World Politics
2004 |
Harff, Barbara and Gurr, Ted Robert |
Dilemmas in World Politics |
27724 |
2004 |
27725 |
Etika Bisnis Islami
2004 |
Muhamad |
UPP-AMP YKPN - Yogyakarta |
27726 |
Hukum Asuransi : Perlindungan Tertanggung Asuransi Deposito Usaha Perasuransian
2004 |
man suparman sastrawidjaja, endang |
P.T Alumni - bandung |
27727 |
Social Revolution of Islam
2004 |
Muzaffar Husain |
printed in india - delhi |
27728 |
Family Life Under Islam
2004 |
Husain Shujaat |
Anmol Publication PVT. LTD - India |
27729 |
Kapital : Buku I
2004 |
Marx, Karl |
Penguin Classics |
27730 |
Transisi Menuju Indonesia Baru
2004 |
Sjahrir |
Yayasan Obor Indonesia - Jakarta |
27731 |
Prinsip-Prinsip Pokok Periklanan dalam Perspektif Global
2004 |
Monle Lee and Carla Johnson |
Prenada Media - Jakarta |
27732 |
Mental Health Care For People With Learning Disabilities
2004 |
Helena Priest and Michael Gibbs |
Churchill Livingstone - Singapore |
27733 |
Informasi Temulawak Indonesia
2004 |
Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan RI - Jakarta |
27734 |
Antropologi Islam
2004 |
Baqdar, Abu Bakar Ahmad |
Dar Al Hadi - Beirut |
27735 |
Dalil Asy Syab Al Muslim Fi Al Alami Al Hadits
2004 |
Nasr, Husein |
Maktabatu Asy Syorouk Ad Dauliyah - Kairo |
27736 |
Irhasat Nubuwwa Khatimul Mursalin Muhammad SAW
2004 |
Qutb, Muhammad Ali |
Dar Ats Tsaqafiyah Li An Nasyri - Kairo |
27737 |
Mastering Global Market ,strategi for today's trade global
2004 |
Czinkota and Ronkainen,Donath |
Thomson South Western - united state of america |
27738 |
International Retail Marketing, a cause study approach
2004 |
Elsever Butterworth Heinemann - Burlington |
27739 |
Strategic Management and Business Analysis
2004 |
Williamson David and Jenkins Wyn |
Library of Congress Cataloguing |
27740 |
Managerial Economics in Global Economy
2004 |
Salvatore, Dominick |
Thomson South Western - Boulevard,mason |
27741 |
OPERATIONS RESEARCH, Aplications and Alogaritms
2004 |
Winston, Wayne L. |
- USA |
27742 |
Pendidikan Islam Integratif : Upaya Mengintegrasikan Kembali Dikotomi Ilmu dan Pendidikan Islam
2004 |
Pustaka Pelajar - Yogyakarta |
27743 |
Transnational Politics of the Environment
2004 |
Liliana B. Andonova |
The MIT Press - London |
27744 |
Power in a Global Information Age, From Realism to Globalization
2004 |
Joseph S Nye, Jnr |
Routledge - New York |
27745 |
Postcolonial Politics, the Internet, and Everyday Life : Pacific Travrsals Online
2004 |
M. I. Franklin |
Routledge - New York |
27746 |
Worlds on the Move : Globalization, Migration, and Cultural Security
2004 |
Jonathan Friedmas |
I. B. Tauris - New York |
27747 |
The Overcoming of History in War and Peace
2004 |
Jeff Love |
Rodopi - New York |
27748 |
Media, Bureaucracies and Foreign Aid: A Comparative Analysis of the United States, The United Kingdom, Canada, France and Japan
2004 |
Douglas A. Van Betle |
palgrave macmillan - New York |
27749 |
Great Powers and Outlaw States :Unequal Sovereigns in the International Legal Order
2004 |
Gerry Simpson |
Cambridge University Press - UK |
27750 |
Africa in International Politics: External Involvement on The Continent
2004 |
Ian Taylor |
Routledge - London and New York |