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Number of items : 60068
No Title Year Author Publisher
27701 Genetika Kedokteran : Buku Pegangan Kuliah 2004 HARTONO dkk. Bagian Anatomi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada
27702 Imunologi Dasar 2004 BARATAWIDJAJA, Karnen Garna Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia
27703 Communication Research 2004 Leslie A. Baxter and Earl Babbie Wadsworth
27704 Psikologi Terapan: Mengupas Dinamika Kehidupan Umat Manusia 2004 Ancok, Djamaludin Darussalam - Yogyakarta
27705 Berry and Kohns Operating Room Technique 2 2004 PHILLIPS, Nancymarie Mosby
27706 The Campaign Manager 2004 Catherine M. Shaw Westview - Amerika
27707 Content Analysis An Introduction to its Methodology 2004 Klaus Krippendorff SAGE - California
27708 Adi 2003: Adverting Directory of Indonesia 2004 Sledgehammer - Jakarta
27709 Kejahatan Perang : Apa yang Harus Diketahui 2004 Anderson, Kenneth Program Pelatihan Jurnalistik - Jakarta
27710 The Media in your life an introduction to mass communication 2004 FOLKERTS, Jean Pearson - Amerika
27711 Lighting For Digital Video and Television 2004 Jackman, John Elsevier - Amerika
27712 Media Writing : Print, Broadcast, and Public Relation 2004 Whitaker, W. Richard and Ramsey, Janet E. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates - London
27713 Manajemen Strategis Public Relations 2004 Iriantara, Yosal Ghalia Indonesia - Jakarta
27714 A Cognitive Psychology of Mass Communication 2004 Harris, Richard Jackson Lawrence Erlbaum Associate - New Jersey
27715 24 Hours To The Perfect Interview : Quick Steps for Planning, Organizing and Preparing for the Interview that Gets the Jobs 2004 Deluca, Matthew J. and Deluca, Nanette F. MacGraw-Hill - Amerika
27716 ADSO4 : Advertising Directory of Singapore 2004 [ tak terdaftar ] Sledgehammer Communications - Singapore
27717 Contoh Lengkap Pidato dan MC dalam Berbagai Acara dan Kesempatan 2004 Alfandi, Safuan Sendang Ilmu - Solo
27718 Nonton Film Nonton Indonesia 2004 Kristanto, JB Buku Kompas - Jakarta
27719 Communitarian Politics in Asia 2004 [ tak terdaftar ] Routledgecurzon - London
27720 Understanding Celebrity 2004 Turner, Graeme Sage - London
27721 Television : Technology and Culture Form 2004 Williams, Raymond Taylor & Francis - Sleman
27722 Pers Terhukum : Kekerasan Terhadap Pers Indonesia 2003 2004 Luwarso, Likas and Sumsuri SEAPA - Jakarta
27723 Ethnic Conflictin World Politics 2004 Harff, Barbara and Gurr, Ted Robert Dilemmas in World Politics
27725 Etika Bisnis Islami 2004 Muhamad UPP-AMP YKPN - Yogyakarta
27726 Hukum Asuransi : Perlindungan Tertanggung Asuransi Deposito Usaha Perasuransian 2004 man suparman sastrawidjaja, endang P.T Alumni - bandung
27727 Social Revolution of Islam 2004 Muzaffar Husain printed in india - delhi
27728 Family Life Under Islam 2004 Husain Shujaat Anmol Publication PVT. LTD - India
27729 Kapital : Buku I 2004 Marx, Karl Penguin Classics
27730 Transisi Menuju Indonesia Baru 2004 Sjahrir Yayasan Obor Indonesia - Jakarta
27731 Prinsip-Prinsip Pokok Periklanan dalam Perspektif Global 2004 Monle Lee and Carla Johnson Prenada Media - Jakarta
27732 Mental Health Care For People With Learning Disabilities 2004 Helena Priest and Michael Gibbs Churchill Livingstone - Singapore
27733 Informasi Temulawak Indonesia 2004 Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan RI - Jakarta
27734 Antropologi Islam 2004 Baqdar, Abu Bakar Ahmad Dar Al Hadi - Beirut
27735 Dalil Asy Syab Al Muslim Fi Al Alami Al Hadits 2004 Nasr, Husein Maktabatu Asy Syorouk Ad Dauliyah - Kairo
27736 Irhasat Nubuwwa Khatimul Mursalin Muhammad SAW 2004 Qutb, Muhammad Ali Dar Ats Tsaqafiyah Li An Nasyri - Kairo
27737 Mastering Global Market ,strategi for today's trade global 2004 Czinkota and Ronkainen,Donath Thomson South Western - united state of america
27738 International Retail Marketing, a cause study approach 2004 Elsever Butterworth Heinemann - Burlington
27739 Strategic Management and Business Analysis 2004 Williamson David and Jenkins Wyn Library of Congress Cataloguing
27740 Managerial Economics in Global Economy 2004 Salvatore, Dominick Thomson South Western - Boulevard,mason
27741 OPERATIONS RESEARCH, Aplications and Alogaritms 2004 Winston, Wayne L. - USA
27742 Pendidikan Islam Integratif : Upaya Mengintegrasikan Kembali Dikotomi Ilmu dan Pendidikan Islam 2004 Pustaka Pelajar - Yogyakarta
27743 Transnational Politics of the Environment 2004 Liliana B. Andonova The MIT Press - London
27744 Power in a Global Information Age, From Realism to Globalization 2004 Joseph S Nye, Jnr Routledge - New York
27745 Postcolonial Politics, the Internet, and Everyday Life : Pacific Travrsals Online 2004 M. I. Franklin Routledge - New York
27746 Worlds on the Move : Globalization, Migration, and Cultural Security 2004 Jonathan Friedmas I. B. Tauris - New York
27747 The Overcoming of History in War and Peace 2004 Jeff Love Rodopi - New York
27748 Media, Bureaucracies and Foreign Aid: A Comparative Analysis of the United States, The United Kingdom, Canada, France and Japan 2004 Douglas A. Van Betle palgrave macmillan - New York
27749 Great Powers and Outlaw States :Unequal Sovereigns in the International Legal Order 2004 Gerry Simpson Cambridge University Press - UK
27750 Africa in International Politics: External Involvement on The Continent 2004 Ian Taylor Routledge - London and New York

Number of items : 60068