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Number of items : 60078
No Title Year Author Publisher
29651 Konstitusi-Konstitusi Modern 2003 K.C.Wheare Pustaka Eureka - Surabaya
29652 Pembangunan & Krisis : Kritik dan solusi menuju kebangkitan Indonesia 2003 Baasir, Faisal Pustaka Sinar Harapan - Jakarta
29653 Singapore inc. : Public Policy Options in the Third Millennium 2003 Linda Low and Douglas M. Johnston Eastern Universities Press - Singapore
29654 Gerakan Demokrasi di Indonesia Pasca-Soeharto 2003 A.E. Priyono and Stanley Adi Prasetyo Demos - Jakarta
29655 PENGATURAN HUKUM Sumber Daya Air dan Lingkungan Hidup DI INDONESIA 2003 Daud Silalahi Alumni - Bandung
29656 Manusia Seutuhnya Dalam Moral Pancasila 2003 Asdi, Endang Daruni Pustaka Raja - Yogyakarta
29657 The Law and Institution of Zakat 2003 Farishta G. de Zayas The Other Press
29658 The Legal Protection of Databases 2003 Davidson, Mark Cambridge University Press - New York
29659 Falsafah Hukum : Suatu Pengantar 2003 Mahadi Alumni - Bandung
29660 Ekologi dan Krisis Kapitalisme 2003 Gorz, Andre Insist Press - Yogyakarta
29661 Organization Behaviour for Leisure Service 2003 Lashley, Conrad and Lee-Ross Darren Butterworth Heinemann - Oxford
29662 Strategy and Capability : Sustaning Organizational Change 2003 Salaman, Graeme and Asch, David Blackwell Publishing
29663 Organizational Change in 100 Days : A Fast Forward Guide 2003 Murray, Elspeth and Richardson, Peter Oxford University Press - New York
29664 Organization Development at Work 2003 Wheatley, Margaret and Tannenbaum, Robert Pfeiffer - San Fransisco
29665 Leading And Managing People In The Dynamic Organization 2003 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
29666 Pengkajian Hukum Tentang : Tanggung Jawab Pejabat Negara Dalam Harta Kekayaan 2003 Prof. Dr. Arifin P. Soeriaatmadja, S.H. BPHN Dep. Kehakiman dan HAM RI - Jakarta
29667 The Soul of an Organization : Understanding The Values That Drive Successful Corporate Cultures 2003 Gallagher, Richard Dearborn Trade Publishing - USA
29668 Panduan Eksaminasi Publik 2003 Wasingatu Zakiyah and Emerson Yuntho Indonesia Crruption Watch (ICW) - Jakarta
29669 Bersaksi Untuk Pembaruan Agraria : Dari Tuntutan Lokal Hingga Kecenderungan Global 2003 FAUZI, Noer Insist Press - Yogyakarta
29670 New African Diasporas 2003 KOSER, Khalid Routledge - New York
29671 Ekonomi Manajemen Sumberdaya Manusia dan Ketenagakerjaan 2003 Sonny Sumarsono Graha Ilmu - Yogyakarta
29672 A First Course in Fuzzy Logic 2003 Hung T. Nguyen and Elbert A. Walker Chapman&Hall - London
29673 Terorisme Definisi, aksi, dan regulasi 2003 Imparsial - Jakarta
29674 How to Identify Your Organization's Training Needs 2003 John H. Mc Connell Amacom - New York
29675 Organizations Rational, Natural, and Open Systems 2003 W. Richard Scott Prentice Hall Pearson Education International - New Jersy
29676 Indonesian destinies 2003 Theodore Friend The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press - London
29677 Understanding Organizational Change:the contemporary experience of people at work 2003 Patrick Dawson Sage Publications - London
29678 Issues in Contemporary Western Philosophy: Islam-west philosophical dialogue the paper presented at the world congress on mulla sadra (may, 1999, tehran) 2003 Prof. Sayyed Mohammed Khamenei SIPRIN - Mulla
29679 Issues in Contemporary Western Philosophy: Islam-west philosophical dialogue the paper presented at the world congress on mulla sadra (may, 1999, tehran) 2003 Prof. Sayyed Mohammed Khamenei SIPRIN - Mulla
29680 Issues in Contemporary Western Philosophy: Islam-west philosophical dialogue the paper presented at the world congress on mulla sadra (may, 1999, tehran) 2003 Prof. Sayyed Mohammed Khamenei SIPRIN - Mulla
29681 Issues in Contemporary Western Philosophy: Islam-west philosophical dialogue the paper presented at the world congress on mulla sadra (may, 1999, tehran) 2003 Prof. Sayyed Mohammed Khamenei SIPRIN - Mulla
29682 Issues in Contemporary Western Philosophy: Islam-west philosophical dialogue the paper presented at the world congress on mulla sadra (may, 1999, tehran) 2003 Prof. Sayyed Mohammed Khamenei SIPRIN - Mulla
29683 Issues in Contemporary Western Philosophy: Islam-west philosophical dialogue the paper presented at the world congress on mulla sadra (may, 1999, tehran) 2003 Prof. Sayyed Mohammed Khamenei SIPRIN - Mulla
29684 Issues in Contemporary Western Philosophy: Islam-west philosophical dialogue the paper presented at the world congress on mulla sadra (may, 1999, tehran) 2003 Prof. Sayyed Mohammed Khamenei SIPRIN - Mulla
29685 Metodologi Sejarah 2003 Kuntowijoyo Tiara Wacana - Yogyakarta
29686 Thibbul Qulub 2003 Umar Ahmad Dar Kotob Al Ilmiyah - Beirut
29687 Central Park, An American Materpiece 2003 Sara Cedar Miller Abrams - New York
29688 Mahabbah Allah Ta'ala imam jalalain 2003 Ibnu Taimiyah Dar Kotob Al Ilmiyah - Beiru
29689 Pengantar Analisis Kebijakan Publik 2003 DUNN, William N. Gajah Mada Univ Press - Yogyakarta
29690 Calculation And Coordination : Essays On Socialism And Transitional Political Economy 2003 Peter J. Boettke Rouledge - New York
29691 Private Power, Public Law 2003 Susan K. Sell Cambridge University Press - United Kingdom
29692 Himpunan Undang-Undang Politik jilid II 2003 Pustaka Antara Utama - Jakarta
29693 Financial Transactions in Islamic Jurisprudence Vol 1 2003 Wahbah Al-Zuhayli and Mahmoud A. El-Gamal Dar Al-Fikr - Damascus
29694 Financial Transactions in Islamic Jurisprudence Vol 2 2003 Wahbah Al-Zuhayli and Mahmoud A. El-Gamal Dar Al-Fikr - Damascus
29695 Transaksi Derivatif, Hedging, dan Pasar Modal 2003 Itjang D. Gunawan PT Grasindo - Jakarta
29696 Sustainable Development in The Muslim Countries 2003 Monzer Kahf Islamic Development Bank - Jeddah
29697 Islam Aplikatif 2003 HAFIDHUDDIN, Didin Gema Insani Press - Jakarta
29698 Undang-Undang R.I. Nomor : 12 Tahun 2003 tentang Pemilihan Umum (PEMILU) 2003 2003 Mini Jaya Abadi - Jakarta
29699 Political campaign communication. Inside and out 2003 Powell, Larry and Cowart, Joseph PEARSON EDUCATIONS, Ink
29700 Peta Islam Politik Pasca-Soeharto 2003 Zainal Abidin Amir LP3ES - Jakarta

Number of items : 60078