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Number of items : 60078
No Title Year Author Publisher
30301 Modul Hukum Internasional 2002 KANSIL, C S T Djambatan
30302 Democracy for The Few 2002 PARENTI, Michael Wadsworth Pub. Company
30303 The River Why. A Novel 2002 DUNCAN, David James Sierra Club Books
30304 New York Masjid : The Mosque of New York city 2002 DODDS, Jerrilynn (Ed) Power House Books
30305 Saving room for dessert. A Novel 2002 CONSTANTINE, K C [Tidak Terdaftar]
30306 The Hermit's Story 2002 BASS, Rick Houghton Mifflin Company
30307 Higher Education in the United States an Encyclopedia Volume II M-Z 2002 [Tidak Terdaftar] James JF Forest and Kevin Kinser
30308 Guide to the Presidency Volume I - II 2002 [Tidak Terdaftar] CQ Congressional Quarterly Inc.
30309 Controversies in American politics & society 2002 McKAY, David Blackwell
30310 The New biographical dictionary of film 2002 THOMSON, David Alfred A Knopf
30311 Bowling beatniks, and bell-bottoms. Pop culture of 20 th-century America 2002 [Tidak Terdaftar] Thomson Gale
30312 American political leaders 2002 WILSON, Richard L Facts On File
30313 American Indian politics and the american political system 2002 WILKINS, David E Rowman & Littlefield Pub
30314 U S Diplomacy since 1900 2002 SCHULZINGER, Robert D Oxford University Press
30315 Where have all the voters gone 2002 WATTENBERG, Martin P Harvard University Press
30316 The Essential desk reference 2002 [Tidak Terdaftar] Oxford University Press
30317 The Founders almanac. A Pratical guide to the notable events, ... 2002 SPALDING, Matthew [Tidak Terdaftar]
30318 American in quotations. A Kaleidoscopic view of American History 2002 LANGER, Howard J Greenwood Press
30319 Documents of American diplomacy. From the American revolution to the present 2002 GAMBONE, Michael D Greenwood Press
30320 The Oxford Companion to American Law 2002 [Tidak Terdaftar] Oxford University Press
30321 The Forgotten Founders : Rethinking the History of the Old West 2002 UDALL, Stewart L. Island Press
30322 Click On Democracy : The Internet's Power to Change Political Apathy into Civic Action 2002 DAVIS, Stave Westview Press
30323 Higher Education in the United States an Encyclopedia 2002 [Tidak Terdaftar] James JF Forest and Kevin Kinser
30324 Pranata Islam di Indonesia. Pergulatan sosial, politik, hukum dan pendidikan 2002 [Tidak Terdaftar] Logos Wacana Ilmu
30325 Selancar takwa. Meniti derajat muttaqin 2002 BADAWI, Abdul Adzim Darul Falah
30326 Isyarat Ilahi. Tafsir juz Amma ibn Arabi 2002 ARABI, Ibn Hikmah
30327 Pendidikan liberal berbasis sekolah 2002 CHAN, Stevan M KREASI WACANA
30328 Cara menulis makalah filsafat 2002 STRAMEL, James S Pustaka Pelajar
30329 Metodologi Penelitian Agama : Pendekatan Teori & Praktek 2002 ALI, M. Sayuti Raja Grafindo Persada
30330 School-Based Management (Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah) 2002 ABU-DUHOU, Ibtisam Logos Wacana Ilmu
30331 Tanggung Jawab Wanita Islam 2002 JARULLAH, Abdullah Titian Illahi Press
30332 Mencintai Kekasih Allah 2002 JAFRY, Yaqoob Pustaka Zahra
30333 Islam liberalisme demokrasi. Membangun sinerji warisan sejarah. Doktrin, dan konteks global 2002 LEWIS, Bernard Paramadina
30334 Ar-Radd Al-Mufhim hukum Cadar 2002 ALBANI, Muhammad Nashiruddin Media Da'wah
30335 Ilmu-ilmu al-Qur'an. Ilmu-ilmu pokok dalam menafsirkan Al-Qur-an 2002 SHIDIEQY, Tengku Muhammad Hasbi Ash Pustaka Riski Putra
30336 Metodologi Ijtihad hukum Islam 2002 MUBAROK, Jaih UII - Press
30337 Khazanah peradaban Islam 2002 SIBA'Y, Musthafa As Pustaka Setia
30338 The New Encyclopedia of Islam 2002 GLASSE, Cyril Rowman & Littlefield Pub
30339 Techniques and principles in language teaching 2002 LARSEN-FREEMAN, Diane Oxford University Press
30340 Communicative grammar practice. Activities for intermediate students of english 2002 JONES, Leo Cambridge At The Univ. Press
30341 America's relegions from their origins to the twenty-first century 2002 WILLIAMS, Peter W University of Illinois Press
30342 Militat Islam reaches America 2002 PIPES, Daniel W.W. Norton & Company
30343 English for specific purposes 2002 Tom Hutchinson and Alan Waters Cambridge At The Univ. Press
30344 Tasks for teacher education. Trainer's book 2002 [Tidak Terdaftar] Longman Cheshire
30345 Pronunciattion games 2002 HANCOCK, Mark Cambridge At The Univ. Press
30346 Separation Church And State 2002 HAMBURGER, Philip Harvard University Press
30347 Mid-Atlantic 2003. Mobil travel guide 2002 [Tidak Terdaftar] [Tidak Terdaftar]
30348 On the oscasion of my last afternoon 2002 GIBBONS, Kaye Perennial
30349 Doughters of Islam 2002 ADENEY, Miriam [Tidak Terdaftar]
30350 Of Mice and men 2002 STEINBECK, John Penguin Books

Number of items : 60078