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Number of items : 60201
No Title Year Author Publisher
38251 International relations theory and the third world 1998 [Tidak Terdaftar] Macmillan Publishing Company
38252 Politics in Western Europe 1998 [Tidak Terdaftar] Chatham House Pub.
38253 International relations. A concise introduction 1998 NICHOLSON, Michael Macmillan Publishing Company
38254 China's foreign relations 1998 ROY, Denny Macmillan Publishing Company
38255 Perdagangan dalam perspektif ekonomi-politik internasional 1998 MAS'OED, Mohtar Univ. Gadjah mada
38256 Comparative politics. Theory and methods 1998 PETERS, B. Guy Macmillan Publishing Company
38257 The Age of migration. International population movements in the modern World 1998 CASTLES, Stephen Macmillan Publishing Company
38258 Comparative government and politics. An introduction 1998 HAGUE, Rod Macmillan Publishing Company
38259 Globalization and the nation-state 1998 HOLTON, Robert J Macmillan Publishing Company
38260 Political change and underdevelopment. A critical introduction to third world politics 1998 RANDALL, Vicky Macmillan Pres LTD
38261 Government and Politics of The United States 1998 [Tidak Terdaftar] Macmillan Pres LTD
38262 Introduction to international politics 1998 HEATER, Derek Macmillan Pres LTD
38263 Developments in central and East European politics 2 1998 [Tidak Terdaftar] Macmillan Pres LTD
38264 Teknik penulisan naskah acara siaran radio 1998 DARMANTO Univ. Atma Jaya
38265 Rahasia komunikasi 1998 THOMSON, Peter Yayasan Obor
38266 Dinamika informasi dalam era global 1998 [Tidak Terdaftar] REMAJA ROSDAKARYA
38267 Statistik Deskriptif 1998 SUBAGYO, Pangestu BPFE YOGYA
38268 Akuntansi inflasi 1998 NA'IM, Ainun BPFE YOGYA
38269 Etika Bisnis : Pendekatan Subtantif Dan Fungsional 1998 MUSLICH Ekonisia
38270 Pengantar pengendalian kualitas statistik 1998 MONTGOMERY, Douglas C Gadjah Mada University Press
38271 Yeast physiology and biotetechnology 1998 WALKER, Graeme M. John Wiley & Sons
38272 Modern management control systems. text & cases 1998 MERCHANT, Kenneth A PRENTICE HALL
38273 Tropical flowers of Indonesia 1998 [Tidak Terdaftar] PERLIPLUS
38274 Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics in Natural and Agricultural Tropical Ecosystems 1998 [Tidak Terdaftar] Biddles Ltd.
38275 Tropical fruits 1998 NAKASONE, H Y Biddles Ltd.
38276 Transgenic Plants 1998 Galin, Esra Imperial College Press - Singapore
38277 Ekologi umum 1998 MEHDEN, Fred. R.Von Der Gadjah Mada University Press
38278 Fisika I. Untuk sains dan teknik 1998 [Tidak Terdaftar] Erlangga
38279 Sayuran dunia I. Prinsip, produksi dan gizi 1998 RUBATZKY, Vincent E. Institut Teknologi Bandung - Bandung
38280 Lintasan Sejarah Pemikiran Perkembangan Moderen Dalam Islam606 1998 SANI, Abdul Raja Grafindo Persada
38281 Kontrak Pemborongan Mega Proyek 1998 FUADY, Munir Citra Aditya Bakti
38282 Ilmu Perundang Undangan : Dasar - Dasar Dan Pembentukannya 1998 SOEPRAPTO, M Farida Indrati Kanisius
38283 Wanita Dan Media : Konstruksi Ideologi Gender Dala Ruang Publik Orde Baru 1998 [Tidak Terdaftar] REMAJA ROSDAKARYA
38284 Organizational Behavior 1998 LUTHANS, Fred McGraw - Hill Book Company
38285 International relations. Conflict and cooperation at the turn of the 21 st century 1998 HENDERSON, Conway W McGraw - Hill Book Company
38286 Asia after the Miracle. Redefining U S Economics and security priorities 1998 HARRISON, Selig S Economic Strategy Institute
38287 Institutions in Australian Society 1998 [Tidak Terdaftar] Oxford University Press
38288 A Concise History of the Modern World : 1500 to the Present 1998 WOODROFF, William Macmillan Pres LTD
38289 The Oxford History of the Twentieth Century 1998 HOWARD, Michael Oxford University Press
38290 Asian SecurityPractice 1998 [Tidak Terdaftar] Stanford University Press
38291 Nursing Theory : Analysis, Application, Evaluation 1998 BARNUM, Barbara Stevens LIPPINCOTT
38292 Home Care Survival Guide 1998 GREEN, Kay LIPPINCOTT
38293 clinical leadership in nursing 1998 ROCCHICCIOLI, Judith T W.B Sounders Comp
38294 Essentials Of Medical Surgical Nursing Buku 3 1998 DEWIT, Susan C W.B Sounders Comp
38295 Pathophysiology Concepts of Altered Health States 1998 PORTH, Carol Mattson LIPPINCOTT
38296 Mental healt and mental illnes 1998 BARRY, Patricia D LIPPINCOTT
38297 Home care survival guide 1998 GREEN, Eric D LIPPINCOTT
38298 Basic concepts of Psychiatric-mental health nursing 1998 SHIVES, Louise Rebraca LIPPINCOTT
38299 Petunjuk Modern Kepada Kesehatan 1998 ANDERSON, Clifford R. INDONESIA PUBLISHING HOUSE
38300 Sejarah Ekonomi Modern Indonesia : berbagai tantangan baru 1998 LINDBLAD, J Thomas LP3ES

Number of items : 60201