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Number of items : 60048
No Title Year Author Publisher
39401 Introduction to Community Based Nursing 1997 HUNT, Roberta LIPPINCOTT
39402 Drugs and the human body with implications for society 1997 LISKA, Ken PRENTICE HALL
39404 Tri brata catur prasetya : Sejarah-perspektif & prospeknya 1997 KUNARTO CIPTA MANUNGGAL
39405 China in the twenty-first century: Politics, economy, and society 1997 ITOH, Hiroshi United Nations
39406 Understanding international conflicts. An introduction to theory and history 1997 NYE, Joseph S. Longman Publisher USA
39407 New thinking in international relations theory 1997 [Tidak Terdaftar] Westview Press
39408 Kajian hubungan masyarakat 1997 [Tidak Terdaftar] UMM Press
39409 Karyawan bermasalah. Kiat meningkatkan kinerja mereka 1997 WYLIE, Peter Erlangga
39410 Universitas dan masa depan Amerika 1997 BOK, Derek Yayasan Sumber Agung
39411 Mari Kita Berdebat Tentang Demokrasi 1997 KHALID, Duryani Jagat Terang
39412 Teori organisasi dan teknik pengorganisasian 1997 HARDJITO, Dydiet RAJAWALI
39413 Indonesia dan haji 1997 DOUWES, Dick INIS
39414 Economics 1997 PARKIN, Michael Addison-Wesly Pub
39415 Microeconomics for today 1997 TUCKER, Irvin B West Publishing Company
39416 Economics to day 1997 MILLER, Roger LeRoy Addison-Wesly Pub
39417 Pemikiran politik PERTI. Persatuan Tarbiyah Islamiyah 45 - 70 1997 KOTO, Alaiddin NIMAS MULTINA
39418 Relasi tuhan dan manusia. Pendekatan semantik terhadap Al-Qur'an 1997 IZUTSU, Toshihiko Tiara Wacana Yogyakarta
39419 Koreksi atas pemahaman LA ILAHA ILLALLAH 1997 QUTHUB, Muhammad Pustaka Al Kautsar
39420 Butter and Guns. America's cold war economic diplomacy 1997 KUNZ, Diane B The Free Press
39421 The politics of the Earth environmental discourses 1997 DRYSEK, John S Oxford University Press
39422 The bangkers the next generation. The new worlds of money, credit and banking in an electronic age 1997 MAYER, Martin [Tidak Terdaftar]
39423 Pengembangan kemampuan teknologi industri di Indonesia 1997 THEE, Kian Wie [Tidak Terdaftar]
39424 Melintas cakrawala Julius Tahija. Kisah sukses pengusaha Indonesia 1997 TAHIJA, Julius GRAMEDIA
39425 Silsilah Hadits Dha'if Dan Maudhu' Jilid II 1997 ALBANI, Muhammad Nashiruddin Gema Insani Press
39426 Drought tolerance in higher plants: genetical, physiological and molecular biological analysis 1997 [Tidak Terdaftar] kluwer academic publiser
39427 Fisiologi kedokteran. Buku ajar 1997 GUYTON, Arthur C EGC
39428 Elektromagnetika teknologi II 1997 HAYT, William H Erlangga
39429 Konsepsi ekonomi ibnu taimiyah 1997 ISLAHI, Amin Ahsan Bina Ilmu
39430 Wire bonding in microelectronics naterials, orocesses, reliability and yield 1997 HARMAN, George McGraw - Hill Book Company
39431 Terapi diet dan nutrisi. Buku pedoman 1997 MOORE, Mary Courtney [Tidak Terdaftar]
39432 Introduction to total quality. Quality management for production, processing, and services 1997 GOETSCH, David L PRENTICE HALL
39433 Kebudayaan dan Perubahan Suku Muyu Dalam Arus Modernisasi Irian Jaya 1997 SCHOORL, J.W. Grasindo
39434 Bincang-bincang dari klaten tentang bisnis-gender-manajemen 1997 [Tidak Terdaftar] [Tidak Terdaftar]
39435 BOIES Buku ajar penyakit THT 1997 ADAMS, GEORGE L EGC
39436 Kamus Istilah Kependudukan Keluarga Berencana Keluarga Sejahtera 1997 [Tidak Terdaftar] AB Sitti Sjamsijah
39437 Nursing diagnosis & intervention. Planing for patient care 1997 FARLAN, Gertrude K Mosby Year Book
39438 Encyclopaedia of International Law 1-8 1997 LALL, Vinot K Anmol Publications Pvt.Ltd.
39439 Pedoman Ilmu Kedokteran Forensik 1997 IDRIES, Abdul Mun'im Binarupa Aksasa
39440 International Politics On The World Stage 1997 ROURKE, John T. Dushkin
39441 From farmers to fishers. Developing reservoir aquaculture for people displaced by dams 1997 COSTA-PIERCE, Barry The World Bank
39442 Fundamentals of nursing II. Concepts, process & practice 1997 POTTER, Patricia A Mosby Year Book
39443 Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Vol III 1997 KENJI ISHIHARA AA. BALKEMA , ROTTERDAM
39444 Structural Engineering Handbook 1997 GAYLORD, Edwin H McGraw-Hill Book Company
39445 Asuhan Nutrisi Rumah Saki : Diagnosis, Konseling & Preskripsi 1997 HARTONO, Andry EGC
39446 Consept of Man in Comparative perspective. An attempt to understand ... 1997 ANSARI, Iqbal A SYNERGY
39447 Filsafat Pendidikan : Manusia, Filsafat dan Pendidikan 1997 JALALUDDIN and Abdullah Idi Gaya Media Pratama - Jakarta
39448 The Constitution of The Islamic Republic of Iran 1997 Islamic Culture and Relations Organization
39449 Pembahasan, Aplikasi pascal dalam program analisis struktur rangka sendi dan portal dua dimensi 1997 Ahmad, Ari Yusuf - YOGYAKARTA
39450 Analisis Statistik Nonparametrik dengan SPSS 7.5 for Windows 95 1997 Andi - Yogyakarta

Number of items : 60048