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Number of items : 60042
No Title Year Author Publisher
42601 Quiet Cataclysm: Reflections on The Recent Transformation of World Politics 1995 John Mueller Harper Cllins Collage Publishers
42602 The New Sovereignty: Compliance With International Regulatory Agreements 1995 Abraham Chayes and Antonia Handler Chayes Harvard University Press - London
42603 Simulating Sovereignty 1995 Cynthia Weber Cambridge University Press - London
42604 The New Sovereignty: Compliance with International Regulatory Agreements 1995 Abraham Chayes and Antonia Handler Chayes Harvard University Press - United States
42605 The Politics of Diplomacy 1995 James A. Baker III Putnam Adult; First Edition
42606 Ziaratul Qubur wal Istijadu bil Maqtur 1995 Ats Tsalitsah
42607 Kegiatan Dakwah Islamiyah Melalui PT Radio Prima UNISI Yogyakarta Terhadap Para Pendengarnya 1995 Kustiyah, Siti STIDMS - Yogyakarta
42608 Sosiolinguistik Suatu Pengantar 1995 Chaer, Abdul and Leonie Agustina Rineka Cipta - Jakarta
42609 Al Iman wa Takamulil Insan 1995 An Nursi, Sa'id Sozle - Istambul
42610 Al Jami'ul Farid 1995 Jarullah, Abdullah Bin Dar As Sami'i
42611 Dirasah Islamiyah 1 1995 Hariyanto, Muhsin FAI UMY - Yogyakarta
42612 Readings in Contemporary Sociological Theory From Modernity to Post-Modernity 1995 McQuarie, Donald Prentice Hall - New Jersey
42613 The Post-Colonial Studies Reader 1995 Bill Ashcroft (ed.) Routledge - New York
42614 Nationalism and Postcommunism 1995 Aleksandar Pavkovic and Halyna Koscharsky Darmouth Publishing Company Limited - England
42615 Culture and Politics 1995 Oliver H. Woshinsky Printice Hall - New Jersey
42616 Public Administration in Indonesia 1995 Rohdewold, Rainer Montech PTY LTD - Victoria
42617 Sumbangan Ilmu Sosial Terhadap Konsepsi Ketahanan Nasional 1995 Ichlasul Amal and Armaidy Armawi Gadjah Mada University Press - Yogyakarta
42618 Polities in Indonesia 1995 Ramage, Douglas E. Routledge - New York
42619 Teologi Industrialisasi 1995 Mohamad Thoyibi Muhammadiyah University Press - Surakarta
42620 Problem Nasionalisme, Regionalisme, dan Keamanan di Asia Tenggara 1995 H. Roeslan Abdulgani Duta Wacana University Press - Yogyakarta
42621 Environmental psychology: An interdisciplinary perspective 1995 Russell Veitch and Daniel Arkkelin Prentice Hall - New Jersey
42622 Mereka Bicara tentang ICMI 1995 Lukman Hakiem (ed.) Amanah Putra Nusantara - Jakarta
42623 ICMI Beberapa Catatan Kritis 1995 Tamsil Linrung (ed.) Amanah Putra Nusantara - Jakarta
42624 Memperkenalkan Sosiologi Kesehatan 1995 Fauzi Muzaham UIP
42625 ICMI Di Mata Pemuda, Mahasiswa, Da'i dan Kaum Dhuafa 1995 Mahmud F. Rakasima (ed.) Amanah Putra Nusantara - Jakarta
42626 Teori dan Issue Pembangunan 1995 Tjokrowinoto, Moeljarto UGM - Yogyakarta
42627 Penyusunan Rencana Pengembangan Kawasan Prioritas dan Jalur Wisata Sedudo 1995 UB - Malang
42628 Pergeseran Pemilikan dan Penguasaan Tanah Masyarakat Sekitar Obyek Wisata 1995 Usman, Sunyoto UGM - Yogyakarta
42629 Membumikan Islam 1995 Maarif, Ahmad Syafii Pustaka Pelajar - Yogyakarta
42630 Community Development Creating Community Alternatives - Vision, Analysis and Practice 1995 Ife, Jim Longman - Melbourne
42631 Social Security Programs: A Cross-Cultural Comparative Perspective 1995 Dixon, John (ed.) and Scheurell, Robert P. (ed.) Greenwood Press
42632 Wawancara Habibie 1995 Mahmud F. Rakasima (ed.) Amanah Putra Nusantara - Jakarta
42633 Social Policy: Themes and approaches 1995 Spicker, Paul Prentice-Hall
42634 Sociology 1995 Schaefer, Richard T. and Lamm, Robert P. McGraw-Hill
42635 State and Civil Society : Explorations in Political Theory 1995 Chandhoke, Neera Sage Publications
42636 Religious Studies: The Making of a Discipline 1995 Capps, Walter H. Fortress Press - Minneapolis
42637 Buku Pintar Tentang Islam 1995 Hamid, Syamsul Rijal Pustaka Amani
42638 Justice And The Genesis Of War 1995 David A. Welch Cambridge Studies - Toronto
42639 Total Quality Management : Implications for Higher Education 1995 Hoffman, Allan M. and Julius, Daniel J. Prescott Publishing
42640 Democracy and the Global Order : From the Modern State to Cosmopolitan Governance 1995 Held, David Standford University Press - Stanford
42641 Konstruksi Fikih Perempuan 1995 Muhammadiyah - Yogyakarta
42642 Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pengawasan Melekat Untuk Semua Pejabat Eselon II di Lingkungan Depdikbud 1995 DEPDIKBUD - Jakarta
42643 Organizational Behavior and Management a Contingency Approach 1995 Tosi, Henry L. and W. Clay Hamner St. Clair Press - Chicago
42644 Infrastructure and the Complexity of Economic Development 1995 Springer - Melbourne
42645 The Politics Of Oil-Producer Cooperaration 1995 Dag Haraid Claes MIT - Soviet
42646 Laporan Penelitian : Konsepsi Islam Tentang Kerukunan Hidup Umat Beragama 1995 Bahiroh, Siti
42647 The New Lexicon Webster's Dictionary of the English Language 1995 Lexicon Publications, Inc
42648 Gerakan Keluarga Sejahtera Muhammadiyah: 14 1995 Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah LPMSDM
42649 Gerakan Keluarga Sejahtera Muhammadiyah: 15 1995 Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah LPMSDM
42650 Five Children And It 1995 EDITH NESBIT Oxford - New York

Number of items : 60042