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Number of items : 60199
No Title Year Author Publisher
44951 Bhagawadgita 1993 Soimun Direktorat Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisonal - Jakarta
44952 Mandzumat Ummahat AL 'Ulum 1993 'Adnan Al Ghazali
44953 Walter and Miller's Textbook of Radiotherapy : Radiation Physics, Therapi and Oncology 1993 Churchill LivingStone
44954 Penyakit Infeksi Tropik Pada Anak 1993 RAMPENGAN, T.H. EGC
44955 Clinical Oncology : A Multidisciplinary Approach for... 1993 RUBIN, Philip W.B. Saunders Company
44956 Petunjuk Praktis Anestesi Lokal 1993 EGC
44957 Atlas Helmintologi dan Protozoologi Kedokteran 1993 JEFFREY H.C EGC
44958 Principles and Practice of Medical Intensive Care 1993 W.B. Saunders Company
44959 Anatomi Untuk Kedokteran Gigi : Buku Pintar 1993 DIXON, Anrew D Hipokrates
44960 Tropical and Geographical Medicine : Companion Handbook 1993 Mc Graw Hill
44961 Analysis and Evaluation of Nursing Theories 1993 FAWCETT, Jacqueline F.A. Davis Company
44962 Esensial Psikoterapi: Teori Dan Praktek Para Ahli 1993 GOLEMAN, Daniel et al. Dahara Prize
44963 Pedoman Penggolongan Dan Diagnosis Gangguan Jiwa di Indonesia III 1993 Departemen Kesehatan R.I.
44964 Situasi Anak - Anak di Dunia 1993 1993 GRANT, James P. Unicef
44965 Understanding Periodontal Diseases 1993 BERNS, Joel M. Quintessence Publishing Co.Ltd.
44966 District Health Facilities : Guidelines for Development and Operations 1993 World Healt Organization
44967 Applied Strategic Planning : A Comprehensive Guide 1993 GOODSTEIN, Leonard D. et al. Mc Graw Hill
44968 Power Public Relations 1993 SAFFIR, Leonard et al. NTC Business Books
44969 Promotion Management and Marketing Communications 1993 SHIMP, Terence A. The Dryden Press
44970 Buku Ajar Periodonti 1993 MANSON, J.D. et al. Hipokrates
44971 Atlas Berwarna Manifestasi Oral Dari Aids 1993 SILVERMAN Binarupa Aksara
44972 The Textbook of Total Quality in Health Care 1993 St. Lucie Press
44973 The Handbook of Project Based Management : Improving the Processes for Achieving Strategic Objectives 1993 TURNER, J. Rodney Mc Graw Hill
44974 Essentials Medical Genetics 1993 CONNOR, JM. et al. Blackwell Scientific Publications
44975 Competence at Work : Models for Superior Performance 1993 SPENCER, Lyle M. et al. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
44976 Habermas and The Oublic Sphere 1993 Craig Calhoun Maaaachussets Institute of Technology
44977 Shahih Bukhari Jilid IX ( Tarjamah ) 1993 Achmad Sunarto Asy Syifa' 1993
44978 Bourdieu : Critical Perspectives 1993 [ tak terdaftar ] Polity Press - Chicago
44979 Siaran Pers : Suatu Kiat Penulisan 1993 Mappatoto, Andi Baso Gramedia Pustaka Utama - Jakarta
44980 metodelogi penelitian ekonomi 1993 Arief sritua universitas indonesia - jakarta
44981 Aerodrome Design Manual Part 4: Visual AIDS 1993
44982 Aerodrome Design Manual Part 4: Aerodrome Operating Procedures Section 7 Movement Area Maentenance (Appendix) 1993 PT. Persero Angkasa Pura I
44983 Parametric technology corporation Production Drawing (training guide) 1993 Parametric technology corporation
44984 Bagaimana Mewujudkan Impian Anda 1993 David J. Schwartz and Nina Fauzi Binarupa Aksara
44985 the integrated curriculum in use practical ideas for planning and assesment barbara mathews and pauline cleary 1993 mathews, b.j.(barbara joan) ashton scholastic - new york
44986 Rahmatul Ummah Fi Ikhtilafil Aimmah 1993 Muhammad ibn Abdur Rahman Asy Syafi'iy ad Damsyiqiy Dar Al Kutub Al'alamiyah
44987 Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning 1993 graham Hooley and John Saunders,Nigel Piercy FT prentice hall
44988 ISLAM AND ISRAEL : Muslim Religious Endowments and the Jewish State 1993 Dumper, Michael - Washington DC USA.
44989 Elektronika Terpadu : Rangkaian dan sistem analog dan digital 1993 Millman, Jacob and Halkias, Christos C. Erlangga - Jakarta
44990 The Elusive Transformation: Science, Tecnology, and The Evolution oof International Politics 1993 Eugene B. Skolnikoff Princeton University Press - USA
44991 Personal Identity, National Identity, and International Relations 1993 William Bloom Cambridge University Press - New York
44992 Changing Classes : Stratification and Mobility in Post-Industrial Societies 1993 Gosta Esping Sage - California
44993 The Dead Sea Scrolls The Gospel of Barnabas and The New Testament 1993 M. A. Yussef American Trust Publications
44994 The Hierarchy of States: Reform and Resistance in The International Order 1993 Ian Clark Cambridge University Press - London
44995 Multilateralism Matters: The Theory and Praxis of an Institutional Form 1993 Columbia University Press - New York
44996 The Ends of The Earth: A Journal to The Frontiers of Anarchy 1993 Robert D. Kaplan
44997 The Logic of Anarchy: Neorealism to Structural Realism 1993 Barry Buzan and Charles Jones and Richard Little Columbia University Press - Columbia
44998 Islam Orde Baru Perubahan Politik dan keagamaan 1993 Tebba, Sudirman Tiara Wacana Yogya
44999 Revolution and World Order 1993 David Armstrong Clarendon Press - New York
45000 Aspek-aspek Epidemiologi Maloklusi 1993 Harkati Dewanto Gadjah Mada University Press - Yogyakarrta

Number of items : 60199