45901 |
impure Science : Fraud, Compromise, and Political Influence in Scientific Research
1992 |
BELL, Robert |
John Wiley & Sons - Jakarta |
45902 |
Prinsip belajar dan pembelajaran
1992 |
45903 |
Numerical Methods and Analysis
1992 |
BUCHMAN, James L and TUNER, Peter R |
McGraw Hill - New York |
45904 |
Epidemiology in nursing and health care
1992 |
Valanis, Barbara |
Prentice Hall - USA |
45905 |
International Relations : the Global Condition in the late twentieth century
1992 |
Pearson, Frederic S |
McGraw-Hill - Tokyo |
45906 |
The Management of operations : a conceptual emphasis
1992 |
Meredith, Jack R |
John Wiley & sons - New York |
45907 |
Predictive Control : A Unifie Approach
1992 |
Prentice Hall - New York |
45908 |
Model Reference Adaptive Control : From Theory to Practice
1992 |
BUTLER, Hans |
Prentice Hall - New York |
45909 |
Fast and LS TTL Data
1992 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
Motorola |
45910 |
Silsilah ta'lim al lughoh al 'arabiyah: Durus Min Al Quran Al Karim
1992 |
Lembaga Dakwah dan taklim |
45911 |
Silsilah ta'lim al lughoh al 'arabiyah: Al HAdits
1992 |
Lembaga Dakwah dan taklim |
45912 |
Keadilan Ilahi asas pandangan dunia islam
1992 |
Muthahhari, Murtadha |
Mizan - Bandung |
45913 |
Citra Muslim tinjauan sejarah dan sosiologi
1992 |
Ahmed, Akbar S |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
45914 |
Runtuhnya mitos politik santri
1992 |
Abdul Munir Mulkhan |
45915 |
Pajak dan Perilaku menunggak : studi kasus karanganyar dan sukoharjo
1992 |
Lembaga penelitian UMS - Surakarta |
45916 |
70 Tahun H. Buchari Tamam : Menjawab Panggilan Risalah
1992 |
Hakiem, Lukman |
Media Da'wah - Jakarta |
45917 |
Principles of human communication
1992 |
Robert E. Smith |
Kendall Publishing company |
45918 |
Menggugat keberadaan jamaah-jamaah islam
1992 |
Ali bin Hasan Al-Halaby Al Atsry |
Pustaka Al Kautsar |
45919 |
Nikah Mut'ah dalam islam : kajian ilmiah dari berbagai mazhab
1992 |
Al-Amili, Ja'far murtadha |
yayasan as-sajjad - Jakarta |
45920 |
Zakat dan pajak
1992 |
Munawir Sjadzali |
PT. Bina Rena Pariwara |
45921 |
Essential of Labor relations
1992 |
Mollie H. Bowers |
De Cenzo |
45922 |
Nursing Staff Development Strategies for Success
1992 |
Abruzzese |
Mosby-Year Book |
45923 |
Development infancy an introduction
1992 |
March H. Bornstein |
McGraw-Hill |
45924 |
Neurons and networks
1992 |
John E. Dowling |
The Belknap press |
45925 |
Annual Conference on development economics
1992 |
Lawrence H. Summer |
The World Bank |
45926 |
The Patriots Revolution
1992 |
Mark Frankland |
Elephant paperbacks |
45927 |
Essays in Presidential Rhetoric
1992 |
Theodore Windt |
Kendall Hunt Publishing |
45928 |
A Guide to canadian architectural styles
1992 |
Leslie Maitland |
Broadview press |
45929 |
Cecil review of general internal medicine
1992 |
J. Allen D. Cooper |
W.B. Saunders company |
45930 |
food, butrition and diet therapy
1992 |
L. Kathleen Mahan and Marian Arlin |
45931 |
close to the customer
1992 |
James H. Donnely |
45932 |
Plagiat-plagiat di MIT : tragedi akademis di Indonesia
1992 |
Ismet Fanany |
Haji Masagung - Jakarta |
45933 |
Al Asasu fis sunnah wa fiqhih Jilid I- III
1992 |
hawwa, Said |
Darus salam |
45934 |
Terjemah sunan at tirmidzi jilid 11
1992 |
Tirmidzi |
45935 |
Al Islamu wa musykalatul chad
1992 |
Sayyid Qutb |
Darusy Syuruq - Beirut |
45936 |
Dirasat Islamiyah
1992 |
Sayyid Qutb |
Darusy Syuruq - Beirut |
45937 |
Al Ruh
1992 |
Ibnul Qoyim Al Jauziyah |
darul Fikri - Beirut |
45938 |
Al Maurid :kamus inggris-arab
1992 |
Ba'albaqi, Munir |
Darul 'Ilm - Beirut |
45939 |
1992 |
45940 |
Berpikir & Berjiwa Besar
1992 |
David J Schwartz |
Binarupa Aksara - jakarta |
45941 |
An Nukat wa al Uyun Tafsir Mawardi
1992 |
Abu al Hasan al Mawardi |
Dâr al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah - Beirut, Libanon |
45942 |
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concerete and Masonry Buildings
1992 |
John Wiley & Sons - Canada |
45943 |
Negotiation Theory and Strategy
1992 |
Korobkin |
Walter Kwuwer - - |
45944 |
Twentieth-Century Speeches
1992 |
Briam Macarthur |
Penguin Book - New York |
45945 |
Political Ideologies : An Introduction
1992 |
Heywood, Andrew |
Macmillan - London |
45946 |
History of Southeast Asia : The nineteenth and twentieth centuries
1992 |
Tarling, Nicholas |
Cambridge University Press |
45947 |
Encyclopedia of Educational Research Volume 1
1992 |
Marvin C. Alkin |
Macmillan Publishing Company - New York |
45948 |
Encyclopedia Of Educational Research Volume 2
1992 |
Marvin C. Alkin |
Macmillan Publishing company - New York |
45949 |
Encyclopedia Of Educational Research Volume 3
1992 |
Marvin C. Alkin |
Macmillan Publishing Company - New York |
45950 |
Encyclopedia Of Educational research volume 4
1992 |
Marvin C. Alkin |
Macmillan Publishing Company - New York |