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Number of items : 60198
No Title Year Author Publisher
48301 Welcome to English 1 (Workbook) 1989 Willard D. Sheeler and Jean N. Dale English Language Services - USA
48302 Welcome to English 3 (Textbook) 1989 Willard D. Sheeler English Language Services - USA
48303 Welcome to English 6 (Textbook) 1989 Willard D. Sheeler English Language Services - USA
48304 Welcome to English 5 (Guidebook) 1989 Willard D. Sheeler English Language Services
48305 Welcome to English 1 (Guidebook) 1989 Willard D. Sheeler English Language Services
48306 Welcome to English 3 (Workbook) 1989 Wiilard D. Sheeler and Susan C. Bayley English Language Services - USA
48307 Welcome to English 2 (Workbook) 1989 Willard D. Sheeler and Jean N. Dale English Language Services - USA
48308 Chatterbox : Activity book 2 1989 Derek Strange Oxford university Press - New York
48309 Chatterbox : Activity Book 1 1989 Derek Strange Oxford University Press - New york
48310 Practice exercises for the TOEFL test 1989 Pamela J.Sharpe Barron's
48311 Physical and Geotechnical Properties of Soils 1989 Bowles, Joseph E. Mc Graw - Hill - Singapore
48312 New international business english : student's book 1989 Leo Jones and Richard Alexander Cambridge University Press
48313 Business Assigment : eight advanced case studies with video 1989 Ken Casler and David Palmer Oxford University Press
48314 Chatterbox : a conversation text of fluency activities for intermediate students 1989 Peter Voller and Steven Widdows Collier Macmillan - Canada
48315 International Business english : a course in communication skills (workbook) 1989 Leo Jones and Richard Alexander Cambridge University Press
48316 Accounting Principles I 1989 Shahab, Abdullah SAS - Bandung
48317 Primary Care Optometry 1989 Grosvenor, Theodore P Professional Press Books Fairchild Publications - New York
48318 Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman 1989 Tjahjadi, Nur Kanisius - Yogyakarta
48319 16 Tantangan Besar Islam dan Umatnya 1989 Alkhayyath, A. Aziz Bonafida cipta pratama - Jakarta
48320 Muhammadiyah: menjelang muktamar ke-42 di Yogyakarta 1989 Fachruddin, AR Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah - Yogyakarta
48321 Introducing Mass Communication 1989 Michael W. Gamble and Teri Kwal Gamble Mc Graw Hill
48322 More TWISTS : 18 More tales that Take a Surprising turn with excercise for comprehension & environment 1989 Burton Goodman Jamestown
48323 Let's Talk Activities for Oral Language 1989 Gaelene Rowe Dellasta - Melbourney
48324 Life studies : a thematic readers 1989 David Cavitch A Bedford Book - New York
48325 About The USA 1989 Elaine Kirn united state information agency..
48326 College Accounting 1989 McQuaig, Douglas J Houghton Mifflin Company - Dallas
48327 CHSPE : Score High On the CHSPE and Finish High School Early 1989 Arco Scholastic - New York
48328 The Other Half Glimpses of Grassroot Asia 1989 Peter c. Stuart Far Horizon Books
48329 WordPerfect For DOS 1989 [Tidak Terdaftar] WordPerfect Corporation - New York
48330 Fundamentals of trigonometry 1989 SWOKOWSKI, Earl W. PWS-KENT Publishing - Boston
48331 The Irony Of Democracy, an uncommon introduction to american politics 1989 ZELGIER, Dye Compani - California
48332 A first Course in Probsbility and Statistics With Applications 1989 STRAIT, Tang Peggy Harcourt Brace Jovanovich - New York
48333 Gelombang Berjalan dan Proteksi Surja 1989 HUTAURUK, T.S Erlangga - Jakarta
48334 Manufacturing Engineeing and Technology 1989 KALPAKJIAN, Serope Addison Wesley Publishing Company - Canada
48335 Conceptual Physics 1989 HEWITT, Paul G, Harper Collins Publishers - New York
48336 Business Assigments : eigh advanced case studies with video 1989 Ken Casler and David Palmer Oxford University Press
48337 Newbury House TOEFL Preparation Kit : Preparation Kit 1989 Liz Hamp-Lyons Newbury House publishers - New York
48338 Manual on Experimental Methods for Mechanical Testing Of Composites 1989 [Tidak Terdaftar] Society for Experimental Mechanics - New York
48339 Instructors manual to Accompany Mechanics of Solids 1989 FENNER, Roger T. Blackwell Scientific Publications - Oxford
48340 Ming Qing Chuangi Gushi Jingxuan 1989 Chen Ze Xin Jiangsu Child Publishing - Jiangsu, RRC
48341 An Tu Sheng Tong Hua Jing Xuan 1989 Hans Christian Andersen Jiangsu Child Publishing - Jiangsu, RRC
48342 Jing Hua Yuan Gu Shi 1989 Li Ruzhen Jiangsu Child Publishing - Jiangsu, RRC
48343 Xian Dai Xiao Shuo Jing Xuan 1989 Pan Dang Li Jiangsu Child Publishing - Jiangsu, RRC
48344 Shi Jie Tong Hua Ming Zhu Jing Xuan 5 1989 Yao Hong Jiangsu Child Publications - Jiangsu, RRC
48345 Tang Song Chuangi Gu Shi Jing Xuan 1989 Feng Yi Na Jiangsu Child Publishing - Jiangsu, RRC
48346 Zhong Xue Ying Yong Wen 1989 He Zi Huang Shing Lee Publishers Pte Ltd - Singapura
48347 Gelin Tonghua Jingxuan 1989 Shu Bo Hong and Zhou Xiang Jiangsu Choldren Publishers - Jiangsu, RRC
48348 The Science and Engineering of Materials 1989 ASKELAND, Donald R. PWS Kent - Boston
48349 Dongwu Chuangi Gushi Jingxuan 1989 Hu Ning Na Jiangsu Children Publishers - Jiangsu, RRC
48350 Shi Jie Tong Hua Ming Zhu Jing Xuan 1989 Yao Gong Jiangsu Children Publishers - Jiangsu, RRC

Number of items : 60198