35751 |
Ilmu Penyakit Kulit
2000 |
Hipokrates |
35752 |
Komunikasi Interpersonal Dalam Keperawatan : Teori dan Praktek
2000 |
35753 |
Malaria : Epidemiologis, Patogenesis, Manifestasi Klinis Dan Penanganan
2000 |
35754 |
Patofisiologi Untuk Keperawatan
2000 |
35755 |
Internet bagi Profesi Kedokteran
2000 |
SHAHAB, Alwi |
35756 |
Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat
2000 |
ENTJANG, Indan |
Citra Aditya Bakti |
35757 |
Pengantar Epidemiologi Penyakit Menular
2000 |
NOOR, Nur Nasry |
Rineka Cipta |
35758 |
Epidemiologi Penyakit Tidak Menular
2000 |
Rineka Cipta |
35759 |
Satu-Satunya Buku EKG yang Anda Perlukan
2000 |
THALER, Malcolm S |
Hipokrates |
35760 |
Keperawatan Gerontik
2000 |
NUGROHO, Wahjudi |
35761 |
Kedaruratan Medik: Pedoman Penatalaksanaan Praktis
2000 |
Binarupa Aksara |
35762 |
Pengantar Ilmu Bedah Ortopedi
2000 |
RASJAD, Charuddin |
Bintang Lamumpatue |
35763 |
Diseases of the Skin Clinical Dermatology
2000 |
JAMES, William D |
Saunders Company |
35764 |
Kelley's Textbook of Internal Medicine
2000 |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins |
35765 |
Streptococcal Intections: Clinical Aspect, Microbiologi
2000 |
Oxford University Press |
35766 |
Islamic Medicine
2000 |
Fakulty of Medicine MUY |
35767 |
Introductory Gerontological Nursing
2000 |
ROACH, Sally |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins |
35768 |
Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat
2000 |
Churchill LivingStone |
35769 |
Scope and Standards of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Practice
2000 |
American Psychiatric Publising Inc |
35770 |
Jendral Polisi RS Soekanto Kep. Kepolisian Negara R.I. Yg Pertama ( 1945-1959 ) Bapak Kepolisian Negara RI
2000 |
Karya Jaya |
35771 |
Seni Menulis Resep: Teori Dan Praktek
2000 |
Perca |
35772 |
The Medical Interview
2000 |
COLE, Steven A. et al. |
Mosby |
35773 |
The Use of Computers in General Practice
2000 |
PREECE, John |
Churchill LivingStone |
35774 |
Emergency Medicine : A Comprehensive Study Guide
2000 |
CLINE, David M. et al. |
Mc Graw Hill |
35775 |
Legal Concepts and Issues in Emergency Care
2000 |
LEE, Genell N |
Saunders Company |
35776 |
Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Jilid I : Buku Ajar
2000 |
FK. Universitas Indonesia |
35777 |
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery : Anesthesia Dentoalveolar...
2000 |
Saundes an Imprint of Elsevier |
35778 |
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery : Orthognathic Surgery
2000 |
Saundes an Imprint of Elsevier |
35779 |
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery : Trauma
2000 |
Saundes an Imprint of Elsevier |
35780 |
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery : Temporomandibular Disorders
2000 |
Saundes an Imprint of Elsevier |
35781 |
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery : Surgical Pathology
2000 |
Saundes an Imprint of Elsevier |
35782 |
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery : Cleft/Croniofacial/Cosmetic Surgery
2000 |
Saundes an Imprint of Elsevier |
35783 |
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery : Recontructive and Impalnt Surgery
2000 |
Saundes an Imprint of Elsevier |
35784 |
Cancer Biology
2000 |
KING, Roger JB. |
Pearson Prentice Hall |
35785 |
Waspadai Jantung Koroner Stroke Meninggal Mendadak Atasi Dengan Pola Hidup Sehat
2000 |
YATIM, Faisal |
Pustaka Populer Obor |
35786 |
A Rulebook for Arguments
2000 |
WESTON, Anthony |
Hackett Publishing Company |
35787 |
Akupunktur Dalam Pendekatan Ilmu Kedokteran
2000 |
SAPUTRA, Koosnadi |
Airlangga Univercity Press |
35788 |
Pedoman Praktis Perawatan Kesehatan Untuk Pengasuh Orang Usia Lanjut
2000 |
Pusat Informasi Dan Penerbitan Bagian IPD FK.UI |
35789 |
Health Ethics in South - East Asia Volume 3
2000 |
World Healt Organization |
35790 |
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders : DSM - IV
2000 |
American Psychiatric Association |
35791 |
Acute and Chronic Wounds : Nursing Manajement
2000 |
BRYANT, Ruth A. |
Mosby |
35792 |
Clinical Nursing Skills: Basic to Advanced Skills
2000 |
SMITH, Sandra F. et al. |
Prentice Hall |
35793 |
Introductory Clinical Pharmacology
2000 |
ROACH, Sally S. et al. |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins |
35794 |
Maternal Newborn Nursing : A Family and Community Based Approach
2000 |
OLDS, Sally B. et al. |
Prentice Hall |
35795 |
Community As Partner : Theory and Practice in Nursing
2000 |
ANDERSON, Elizabeth T. et al. |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins |
35796 |
Brunner and Suddarths Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing Vol.I
2000 |
BRUNNER, Lillian Sholtis |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins |
35797 |
Brunner and Suddarths Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing Vol.II
2000 |
BRUNNER, Lillian Sholtis |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins |
35798 |
Nursing Practice Hospital and Home the Adult
2000 |
Churchill LivingStone |
35799 |
Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness
2000 |
SPECTOR, Rachel E. |
Prentice Hall |
35800 |
The Human Body in Health and Illness
2000 |
HERLIHY, Barbara et al. |
W.B. Saunders Company |