35801 |
Community Public Health Nursing Volume I
2000 |
STANHOPE, Marcia et al. |
Mosby |
35802 |
Terapi Intravena : Buku Saku
2000 |
WEINSTEIN, Sharon M. |
35803 |
Kumpulan Makalah Pelatihan Asuhan Keperawatan Keluarga
2000 |
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan UI |
35804 |
Orientation to Nursing in the Rural Community
2000 |
BUSHY, Angeline |
Sage Publications |
35805 |
Psychiatric Nursing Clinical Guide : Assesment Tools And Diagnosis
2000 |
VARCAROLIS, Elizabeth M. |
W.B. Saunders Company |
35806 |
Nursing, Medicine and Primary Care
2000 |
Anne Williams |
35807 |
District Nursing: Providing Care in a Supportive Context
2000 |
Churchill LivingStone |
35808 |
Home Health Administration Manual
2000 |
SYER, Jean C. et al. |
Mosby |
35809 |
Holistic Stoma Care
2000 |
BLACK, Patricia K. |
Harcourt Publishers Limited |
35810 |
Readings In Community Based Nursing
2000 |
HUNT, Roberta |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins |
35811 |
Kumpulan Kasus Bioethics and Biolaw
2000 |
FK. Universitas Indonesia |
35812 |
Individual, Family and Community : Promoting and Restoring Health and Well_Being
2000 |
WILLIAMS, Phoebe Dauz et al. |
JMC Press, Inc. |
35813 |
Perempuan Agama Dan Pembangunan : Wacana ritik Atas Peran Dan Kepemimpinan Wanita
2000 |
Lembaga tudi Dan Inovasi Pendidikan |
35814 |
Krisis Dalam Pendidikan Islam
2000 |
HUSAIN, Syed Sajjad dkk. |
Al-Mawardi Prima |
35815 |
Working With Serious Mental Illness: A Manual for Clinical Practice
2000 |
Harcourt Publishers Limited |
35816 |
Childbirth Education : Practice, Research and Theory
2000 |
NICHOLS, Francine H. et al. |
Saunders Company |
35817 |
Manual Pemberantasan Penyakit Menular
2000 |
35818 |
Principles and Practice of Public Health Surveillance
2000 |
Oxford University Press |
35819 |
Kemudahan Dari Allah : Ringkasan Tafsir Ibnu Katsir Jilid IV
2000 |
RIFA I, Muhammad Nasib |
Gema Insani |
35820 |
Buruli Ulcer : Mycobacterium Ulcerans Infection
2000 |
World Healt Organization |
35821 |
Periodontal Surgery : A Clinical Atlas
2000 |
SATO, Naoshi |
Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc. |
35822 |
Fiber Reinforced Composites in Clinical Dentistry
2000 |
FREILICH, Martin A. et al. |
Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc. |
35823 |
Clinical Maxillofacial Protesthics
2000 |
Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc. |
35824 |
Health Care Management : Organization Design and Behavior
2000 |
Delmar Learning, a Division of Thomson Learning |
35825 |
Information Quality Assurance and Internal Control for Management Decision Making
2000 |
KINNEY, William R. |
Mc Graw Hill |
35826 |
Essentials of Traumatic Injuries to the Theeth
2000 |
ANDREASEN, J.O. et.al. |
Blackwell Munksgaard |
35827 |
Oral Cancer : The Dentists Role in Diagnosis, Management, Rehabilitation, and Prevention
2000 |
Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc. |
35828 |
Psychology of Medicine and Surgery : A Guide for Psychologists, Counsellor, Nurses and Doctors
2000 |
SALMON, Peter |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
35829 |
Integrated Care Pathways : A Practical Approach to Implemantation
2000 |
Reed Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd |
35830 |
Managing A Modern Hospital
2000 |
Apollo Hospital Educational & Research Foundation |
35831 |
Cost Management Strategies for Bussiness Decisions
2000 |
HILTON, Ronald W. et al. |
Mc Graw Hill |
35832 |
Case Presentations and MCQs For The MRCGP
2000 |
CHUH, Antonio A.T. |
Churchill LivingStone |
35833 |
Guide to Evidence Based Medicine
2000 |
Health Net |
35834 |
The Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Sourcebook : A Guide to Healing, Recovery, and Growth
2000 |
Lowell House |
35835 |
Family Guide to Emotional Wellness : Proven Self Help Techniques and Exercises For Dealing With Common Problems and Building Crucial Life Skills
2000 |
New Harbinger Publications, Inc. |
35836 |
Fundamentals of Nursing : Human Health and Function
2000 |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins |
35837 |
Apa Yang Sebaiknya Anda Ketahui Tentang Obat Wajib Apotek
2000 |
Gramedia Pustaka Utama |
35838 |
Dr. Susan Loves Breast Book
2000 |
LOVE, Susan M. |
Perseus Publishing |
35839 |
Health Assessment A nursing Approach
2000 |
FULLER, Jill et al. |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins |
35840 |
Manajemen Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan : Teori, Strategi dan Aplikasi Volume 1
2000 |
WIJONO, Djoko |
Airlangga Univercity Press |
35841 |
Manajemen Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan : Teori, Strategi dan Aplikasi Volume 2
2000 |
WIJONO, Djoko |
Airlangga Univercity Press |
35842 |
Nursing Model for Practice
2000 |
Reed Educational and Profesional Publishing Ltd. |
35843 |
Ilmu Akupunktur
2000 |
Tse Ching San dkk. |
KSMF Akupunktur Rumah sakit Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo |
35844 |
Caries in the primary dentition, after discontinuation of water fluoridation, among children receiving comprehensive dental care
2000 |
Seppa¨ L, Ka¨rkka¨inen S, Hausen H |
Blackwell Synergy |
35845 |
Oral mucosal lesions in a representative cross-sectional study of aging Germans
2000 |
Reichart, PA |
Blackwell Synergy |
35846 |
The Common Risk Factor Approach: a rational basis for promoting oral health
2000 |
Sheiham A, Watt RG |
Blackwell Synergy |
35847 |
Nutritional variables related to gingival health in adolescent girls
2000 |
Petti S, Cairella G, Tarsitani G |
Blackwell Synergy |
35848 |
Dental neglect and dental health among 26-year-olds in the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study
2000 |
Thomson WM, Locker D |
Blackwell Synergy |
35849 |
Dental anxiety reduction and dental attendance after treatment in a dental fear clinic: a follow-up study
2000 |
Aartman IHA, de Jongh A, Makkes PC, Hoogstraten J |
Blackwell Synergy |
35850 |
Oral hygiene and sugar consumption among urban and rural adolescents in Ghana
2000 |
Blay D, Åstrøm AN, Haugejorden O |
Blackwell Synergy |