35851 |
Factors associated with dental anxiety and attendance in middle-aged and elderly women
2000 |
Ha¨gglin C, Hakeberg M, Ahlqwist M, Sullivan M, Berggren U |
Blackwell Synergy |
35852 |
Factors of patient satisfaction/ dissatisfaction in a dental faculty outpatient clinic in Turkey
2000 |
Gu¨ rdal P, C¸ ankaya H,O¨ nem E, Dı˙nc¸er S, Yà |
Blackwell Synergy |
35853 |
The History of Articulators: Early Attempts to Reproduce Mandibular Movement
2000 |
Edgar N. Starcke, DDS |
Blackwell Synergy |
35854 |
Irrigation Rates and Handpieces Used in Prosthodontic and Operative Dentistry: Results of a Survey of North American Dental School Teaching
2000 |
Sharon Crane Siegel, DDS, MS, and J. Anthony von Fraunhofer, PhD, MSc |
Blackwell Synergy |
35855 |
Set Yourself Apart
2000 |
David Schwab, PhD |
Journal of Prosthodontics, |
35856 |
Les régimes politiques occidentaux
2000 |
Jean-Louis Quermonne |
Éditions du Seuil, |
35857 |
C'était le XXe siècle, tome 3. La guerre absolue
2000 |
Alain Decaux |
Pocket |
35858 |
Methods of Text and Discourse Analysis
2000 |
Stefan Titscher and Michael Meyer |
Sage Publications |
35859 |
Menjaga Alam Membela Masyarakat: Komunitas lokal dan pemanfaatan mangrove di teluk bumi
2000 |
Laksono |
Lafadl Pustaka - Jakarta |
35860 |
Media/ Society: Industries, images, and audiences
2000 |
David Croteau and Wiliam Hoynes |
Pine Forge Press - California |
35861 |
Election Polls, The News Media, and Democracy
2000 |
Lavrakas, Paul J. and Traugott, Michael W. |
Saven Bridges Press - New York |
35862 |
Multicultural Publics Relation
2000 |
Banks, Staphen P. |
Lowa State University - Jowa |
35863 |
Pers Meliput AIDS
2000 |
Harahap, Syaiful W. |
Pustaka Sinar Harapan - Jakarta |
35864 |
Media Now : Communicating Media in the Information Age
2000 |
Traubhaar, Joseph D. and Larose, Robert |
Wadsworth - London |
35865 |
Seluk Beluk Programa Radio
2000 |
Sunyoto, W. Daniels Handoyo and Latuhayat, A |
Yayasan Kanisius - Yogyakarta |
35866 |
Quality Assurance Handbook
2000 |
Idrus, N and Buchara |
Directorate General of Higer Education - 1999 |
35867 |
The Dynamics of Democratization : Elites, Civil Soceity and the Transition Process
2000 |
Gill, Graeme |
Palgrave Macmillan |
35868 |
fatawa rahimiyah
2000 |
Mufti, Abdur Rahim Lajpuri |
darul-ishaat |
35869 |
Bhatia's Dentogist MCQs In Dentistry
2000 |
Nanda Kishore Patteta |
Jaypee - New Dehli |
35870 |
Atlas Berwarna & Teks Fisiologi
2000 |
Yuria Handojo |
Hipokrates - Jakarta |
35871 |
Menyiapkan Makanan Pendamping Asi
2000 |
Diah Krisnatuti and Rina Yenrina |
Puspa Swara - Jakarta |
35872 |
Management of Zakah In Modern Muslim Society
2000 |
I.A. Imtiazi and Manan, Niaz, Deria |
Islamic Development Bank - Jedaah |
35873 |
Kapita Selekta Kedokteran Jilid II
2000 |
Media Aesculapius - Jakarta |
35874 |
Homicide in Islam :Legal Structure and The Evidence Requirements
2000 |
Sayed Sikandar Shah Haneef |
Percetakan Zafar Sdn. Bhd - Kuala Lumpur |
35875 |
Islamic Law in Malaysia Issues and Development
2000 |
Mohammad Hashim |
Ilmiah Publishers - Kuala Lumpur |
35876 |
Repositioning ASIA from Bubbleto Sustainable Economy
2000 |
Philip Kotler and Hermawan Kartajaya |
John Wiley & Sons - Singapore |
35877 |
A Guide to the Malaysian Code of Practice on Sexual Harrassment in the Workpalce
2000 |
Tengku Dato' Omar B. Tengku Bot and Maimunah Aminuddin |
Leeds Publications - Kuala Lumpur |
35878 |
sistem moneter islam
2000 |
m. umer chapra |
gema insani - depok |
35879 |
Apa yang anda ketahui mengenai: Gangguan dan Kelainan Sex
2000 |
Surya Murthi Publishing |
35880 |
Al Lam'u Fi Ar Raddi 'Ala Ahli Az Zaigi wa Al Bida'i
2000 |
Ali, Imam Abu Hasan |
Dar Al Kutub Al 'Alamiyah - Beirut |
35881 |
Marketing research state-of-the-art-perspectives
2000 |
Chakrapani Chuck |
American Marketing Association |
35882 |
Managing Whithin The Law
2000 |
Dato' Dr Hj Abdul Murad Ahmad |
CLT Profesional Training Sdn Bhd - malaysia |
35883 |
Democratic Commitments : Legislatures and International Cooperation
2000 |
Lisa L. Martin |
Princeton University Press - New Jersey |
35884 |
Religion and International Relation
2000 |
K. R. Dark |
Palgrave Macmillan - New York |
35885 |
Regulating The global Information Society
2000 |
Cristopher T. Marsden |
Rouledge - New York |
35886 |
Coding Theory, Cryptography and Related Areas
2000 |
Johannes Buchmann |
Springer - Berlin |
35887 |
Press Freedom and Global Politics
2000 |
Douglas A. Van Belle |
Praeger - London |
35888 |
The History and Politics of UN Security Council Reform
2000 |
Dimitris Bourantonis |
Routledge - Newcastle |
35889 |
Democracy and Peacemaking : Negotiations and debates, 1815-1973
2000 |
Philip Towle |
Routledge - London and New York |
35890 |
Hedley Bull on International Society
2000 |
Macmillan Press - London |
35891 |
Gender and Global Restructing : Sightings, Sites and Resistances
2000 |
Marianne H. Marchand |
Routledge - London and New York |
35892 |
The Postmodern State and the World Order
2000 |
Robert Cooper |
Demos |
35893 |
Idealism and Realism in International Relations : Beyond The Dicipline
2000 |
Robert M. A. Crawford |
Routledge - London and New York |
35894 |
The Coming Anarchy : Shattering The Dreams of The Post Cold War
2000 |
Balkan Gosts |
Random House - New York |
35895 |
Saving Strangers : Humanitarian Intervention in International Society
2000 |
Nicholas J. Wheeler |
Oxford University Press - Oxford |
35896 |
Social and Cultural Anthropology : The Key Concepts
2000 |
Nigel Rapport and Joanna Overing |
Routledge - London and New York |
35897 |
Towards a Renovated International Systems
2000 |
Richard Cooper |
Edinburgh Napier University Press - Edinburgh |
35898 |
Regionalism Among Developing Countries
2000 |
Sheila Page |
Palgrave - New York |
35899 |
Sun Tzu on The Art of War : The Oldest Miitary Treatise in The World
2000 |
Allandale Online Publishing - Leicester |
35900 |
International Relations, Political Theory and The Problem of Order
2000 |
N. J. Rengger |
Routledge - London and New York |