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Number of items : 60056
No Title Year Author Publisher
35851 Factors associated with dental anxiety and attendance in middle-aged and elderly women 2000 Ha¨gglin C, Hakeberg M, Ahlqwist M, Sullivan M, Berggren U Blackwell Synergy
35852 Factors of patient satisfaction/ dissatisfaction in a dental faculty outpatient clinic in Turkey 2000 Gu¨ rdal P, C¸ ankaya H,O¨ nem E, Dı˙nc¸er S, Yà Blackwell Synergy
35853 The History of Articulators: Early Attempts to Reproduce Mandibular Movement 2000 Edgar N. Starcke, DDS Blackwell Synergy
35854 Irrigation Rates and Handpieces Used in Prosthodontic and Operative Dentistry: Results of a Survey of North American Dental School Teaching 2000 Sharon Crane Siegel, DDS, MS, and J. Anthony von Fraunhofer, PhD, MSc Blackwell Synergy
35855 Set Yourself Apart 2000 David Schwab, PhD Journal of Prosthodontics,
35856 Les régimes politiques occidentaux 2000 Jean-Louis Quermonne Éditions du Seuil,
35857 C'était le XXe siècle, tome 3. La guerre absolue 2000 Alain Decaux Pocket
35858 Methods of Text and Discourse Analysis 2000 Stefan Titscher and Michael Meyer Sage Publications
35859 Menjaga Alam Membela Masyarakat: Komunitas lokal dan pemanfaatan mangrove di teluk bumi 2000 Laksono Lafadl Pustaka - Jakarta
35860 Media/ Society: Industries, images, and audiences 2000 David Croteau and Wiliam Hoynes Pine Forge Press - California
35861 Election Polls, The News Media, and Democracy 2000 Lavrakas, Paul J. and Traugott, Michael W. Saven Bridges Press - New York
35862 Multicultural Publics Relation 2000 Banks, Staphen P. Lowa State University - Jowa
35863 Pers Meliput AIDS 2000 Harahap, Syaiful W. Pustaka Sinar Harapan - Jakarta
35864 Media Now : Communicating Media in the Information Age 2000 Traubhaar, Joseph D. and Larose, Robert Wadsworth - London
35865 Seluk Beluk Programa Radio 2000 Sunyoto, W. Daniels Handoyo and Latuhayat, A Yayasan Kanisius - Yogyakarta
35866 Quality Assurance Handbook 2000 Idrus, N and Buchara Directorate General of Higer Education - 1999
35867 The Dynamics of Democratization : Elites, Civil Soceity and the Transition Process 2000 Gill, Graeme Palgrave Macmillan
35868 fatawa rahimiyah 2000 Mufti, Abdur Rahim Lajpuri darul-ishaat
35869 Bhatia's Dentogist MCQs In Dentistry 2000 Nanda Kishore Patteta Jaypee - New Dehli
35870 Atlas Berwarna & Teks Fisiologi 2000 Yuria Handojo Hipokrates - Jakarta
35871 Menyiapkan Makanan Pendamping Asi 2000 Diah Krisnatuti and Rina Yenrina Puspa Swara - Jakarta
35872 Management of Zakah In Modern Muslim Society 2000 I.A. Imtiazi and Manan, Niaz, Deria Islamic Development Bank - Jedaah
35873 Kapita Selekta Kedokteran Jilid II 2000 Media Aesculapius - Jakarta
35874 Homicide in Islam :Legal Structure and The Evidence Requirements 2000 Sayed Sikandar Shah Haneef Percetakan Zafar Sdn. Bhd - Kuala Lumpur
35875 Islamic Law in Malaysia Issues and Development 2000 Mohammad Hashim Ilmiah Publishers - Kuala Lumpur
35876 Repositioning ASIA from Bubbleto Sustainable Economy 2000 Philip Kotler and Hermawan Kartajaya John Wiley & Sons - Singapore
35877 A Guide to the Malaysian Code of Practice on Sexual Harrassment in the Workpalce 2000 Tengku Dato' Omar B. Tengku Bot and Maimunah Aminuddin Leeds Publications - Kuala Lumpur
35878 sistem moneter islam 2000 m. umer chapra gema insani - depok
35879 Apa yang anda ketahui mengenai: Gangguan dan Kelainan Sex 2000 Surya Murthi Publishing
35880 Al Lam'u Fi Ar Raddi 'Ala Ahli Az Zaigi wa Al Bida'i 2000 Ali, Imam Abu Hasan Dar Al Kutub Al 'Alamiyah - Beirut
35881 Marketing research state-of-the-art-perspectives 2000 Chakrapani Chuck American Marketing Association
35882 Managing Whithin The Law 2000 Dato' Dr Hj Abdul Murad Ahmad CLT Profesional Training Sdn Bhd - malaysia
35883 Democratic Commitments : Legislatures and International Cooperation 2000 Lisa L. Martin Princeton University Press - New Jersey
35884 Religion and International Relation 2000 K. R. Dark Palgrave Macmillan - New York
35885 Regulating The global Information Society 2000 Cristopher T. Marsden Rouledge - New York
35886 Coding Theory, Cryptography and Related Areas 2000 Johannes Buchmann Springer - Berlin
35887 Press Freedom and Global Politics 2000 Douglas A. Van Belle Praeger - London
35888 The History and Politics of UN Security Council Reform 2000 Dimitris Bourantonis Routledge - Newcastle
35889 Democracy and Peacemaking : Negotiations and debates, 1815-1973 2000 Philip Towle Routledge - London and New York
35890 Hedley Bull on International Society 2000 Macmillan Press - London
35891 Gender and Global Restructing : Sightings, Sites and Resistances 2000 Marianne H. Marchand Routledge - London and New York
35892 The Postmodern State and the World Order 2000 Robert Cooper Demos
35893 Idealism and Realism in International Relations : Beyond The Dicipline 2000 Robert M. A. Crawford Routledge - London and New York
35894 The Coming Anarchy : Shattering The Dreams of The Post Cold War 2000 Balkan Gosts Random House - New York
35895 Saving Strangers : Humanitarian Intervention in International Society 2000 Nicholas J. Wheeler Oxford University Press - Oxford
35896 Social and Cultural Anthropology : The Key Concepts 2000 Nigel Rapport and Joanna Overing Routledge - London and New York
35897 Towards a Renovated International Systems 2000 Richard Cooper Edinburgh Napier University Press - Edinburgh
35898 Regionalism Among Developing Countries 2000 Sheila Page Palgrave - New York
35899 Sun Tzu on The Art of War : The Oldest Miitary Treatise in The World 2000 Allandale Online Publishing - Leicester
35900 International Relations, Political Theory and The Problem of Order 2000 N. J. Rengger Routledge - London and New York

Number of items : 60056