35901 |
Theory of The Global State: Globality as an Unfinished Revolution
2000 |
Martin Shaw |
Cambridge University Press - London |
35902 |
Deliberative Democracy and Beyond: Liberals, Critics, Contestations
2000 |
John S. Dryzek |
Oxford University Press - Oxford |
35903 |
The Islamic World and The West: An Introduction to Political Cultures and International Relations
2000 |
Kai Hafez |
Brill - Boston |
35904 |
The Security Dilemmas of Southeast Asia
2000 |
Alan Collins |
Palgrave - New York |
35905 |
Effective Presentation Skills: A Practical Guide for Better Speaking
2000 |
Steve Mandel |
35906 |
World History: Pattern of Interaction
2000 |
McDougal Littell |
Rand McNally |
35907 |
World History: In Graphic Novel
2000 |
Glencoe |
McGraw Hill |
35908 |
Africa and The International System: The Politics of State Survival
2000 |
Christopher Clapham |
Cambridge University Press - London |
35909 |
Guided Evolution of Society: A Systems View
2000 |
bela H. Banathy |
Plenum Publisher - New York |
35910 |
International And The State In The Twentiethh Century
2000 |
Navari, Cornelia |
Routledge - New York |
35911 |
Konfliktfeld Bildung
2000 |
Wald, Hermann-J |
35912 |
Cambridge Dictionary Of American English
2000 |
Cambridge University Press - London |
35913 |
Police tv
2000 |
Tim vicary |
oxford university press |
35914 |
Soal-Jawab Yang Ringan-Ringan
2000 |
AR-Yogya |
PP Muhammadiyah |
35915 |
Anggaran Dasar Muhammadiyah
2000 |
PP Muhammadiyah |
35916 |
Restoring East Asia's Dynamism
2000 |
35917 |
Metodologi Studi Agama
2000 |
Aliade, Mircea |
Pustaka Pelajar - Yogyakarta |
35918 |
Ratu-Ratu Hadis
2000 |
Utsman, Fatimah and Hasan Asy'ari Ulama'i |
ITTAQA Press - Yogyakarta |
35919 |
Mudakhalat Falsafiyah Fi Al Islami wal 'Almaniyah
2000 |
Al Atas, Muhammad Naqib |
ISTAC - Kuala Lumpur |
35920 |
Memanjat Bukit Cahaya
2000 |
Syafi'ie, Kuswaidi |
Fajar Pustaka Baru - Yogyakarta |
35921 |
Proposal Penelitian di Perguruan Tinggi
2000 |
Sudjana, Nana and Awal Kusumah |
Algensindo - Bandung |
35922 |
Pengkajian Puisi
2000 |
Pradopo, Rachmat Djoko |
Gadjah Mada University Press - Yogyakarta |
35923 |
Profil Ulama
2000 |
Abdurrahman, Asjmuni |
Sekretariat MUI DIY - Yogyakarta |
35924 |
Islam Murni Dalam masyarakat Petani
2000 |
Mulkhan, Abdul Munir |
Bentang - Yogyakarta |
35925 |
Biotechnology Demystifying the Concepts
2000 |
Bourgaize |
Benjamin Cummings - San Fransisco |
35926 |
Perjalanan Pondok Pesantren Suryalaya
2000 |
Yayasan Serba bakti Ponpes Suryalaya - Suryalaya |
35927 |
NU, Kritisisme dan Pergeseran Makna Aswaja
2000 |
Alaena, Badrun |
Tiara Wacana Yogya - Yogyakarta |
35928 |
Common Destiny New Resolve Annual Report on the Work of the Organization
2000 |
Annan, Kofi A. |
United Nations - New York |
35929 |
Televisi dan Intervensi Negara: Konteks Politik Kebijakan Publik Industri Penyiaran Televisi
2000 |
Hermin Indah Wahyuni |
Media Pressindo - Yogyakarta |
35930 |
Jalan Ketiga: Pembaruan Demokrasi Sosial
2000 |
Anthony Giddens |
PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama |
35931 |
Labour Migration in Indonesia: Policies and Practice
2000 |
Population Studies Center Gadjah Mada Universit |
35932 |
Otonomi & Partisipasi Masyarakat Desa
2000 |
Mubyarto |
Forum Pengembangan Partisipasi Masyarakat - Yogyakarta |
35933 |
Making Money Off Migrants The Indonesian Exodus to Malaysia
2000 |
Jones, Sidney |
University of Wollongong - Hong Kong |
35934 |
Pembangunan Berbasis Rakyat
2000 |
Soedarsono, Nani |
Melati Bhakti Pertiwi - Jakarta |
35935 |
Ketika Orang Jawa Nyeni
2000 |
Kayam, Umar |
Galang Press - Yogyakarta |
35936 |
Cinta & Keterasingan
2000 |
Rosyadi, Khairul |
LKiS - Yogyakarta |
35937 |
Key Concepts in Politics
2000 |
Heywood, Andrew |
Macmillan - New York |
35938 |
Social Capital A Multifaceted Perspective
2000 |
Dasgupta, Partha and Ismail Serageldin |
The World Bank - Washington D.C. |
35939 |
Membongkar Mitos Membangun Peran
2000 |
Muslimin Nasution |
Plasma - Samarinda |
35940 |
Migration and Residential Mobility Macro and Micro Approaches
2000 |
Cadwallader, Martin |
University Wisconsin Press - Wisconsin |
35941 |
Health, Medicine, and Society Key Theories, Future Agendas
2000 |
Simon J. Williams and Jonathan Gabe |
Routledge - London |
35942 |
Otonomi Masyarakat Desa
2000 |
Mubyarto |
Aditya Media - Yogyakarta |
35943 |
Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Information
2000 |
Jack Beatson and Yvonne Cripps |
Oxford University Press - London |
35944 |
Terjemah Juz 'Amma Disertai Lafal
2000 |
Media Insani |
35945 |
Reforma Agraria
2000 |
Gunawan Wiradi |
Pustaka Pelajar - Yogyakarta |
35946 |
Corrupt Cities
2000 |
Robert Klitgaard and Ronald Maclean-Abaroa |
35947 |
Saran Pertimbangan Tentang Pelaksanaan Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Dalam Rangka Otonomi Daerah
2000 |
Badan Pertimbangan Pendidikan Nasional |
- Jakarta |
35948 |
Abih Tandeh
2000 |
R. Yando Zakaria |
ELSAM - Jakarta |
35949 |
Effective Public Relations
2000 |
Scott M. Cutlip and Allen H. Center |
Prentice Hall - London |
35950 |
Kekerasan Kolektif: Kondisi dan Pemicu
2000 |
Mohtar Mas'oed |
P3PK UGM - Yogyakarta |