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Number of items : 60056
No Title Year Author Publisher
25701 Hannah Arendt and International Relations 2005 Anthony F. Lang, Jr. and John Williams Palgrave Macmillan - New York
25702 International Human Rights & Humanitarian Law : Treaties, Cases & Analysis 2005 Fransisce Forrest Martin and Stephen J. Schnably Cambridge University - New York
25703 The Environment and International Relations 2005 John Vogler Routledge - London and New York
25704 Legitimacy in International Society 2005 Ian Clark Oxford University Press - New York
25705 The Future of International Relations 2005 Iver B. Neumann and Ole Wever Routledge - London and New York
25706 Sir Harold Nicolson & International Relations : The Practitioner as Theorist 2005 Derek Drinkwater Oxford University Press - New York
25707 Sovereignty, Democracy, and Global Civil Society 2005 Elisabeth Jay Friedman and Kathryn Hochstetler State Universityof New York Press - New York
25708 How The Weak Win Wars : A theory of Asymmetric Conflict 2005 Ivan Arregui n -Toft Cambridge University Press - New York
25709 Japan's International Relations: Politicis, Economics and Security 2005 Glenn D. Hook Routledge - London dan New York
25710 NATO in the " New Europe": The Politice of International Socializaton after the Cold War 2005 Alexandra Gheciu Standford University Press - California
25711 Globalization, Security and The Nation State : Paradigms in Transtition 2005 Sate University of New York Press - New York
25712 Intelligence and Statecraft : The Use and Limits of Intelligence in International Society 2005 Peter Jackson Praeger
25713 Global Order and Global Disorder : Globalization and The Nation-State 2005 Keith Suter Praeger - London
25714 Renegade Regimes 2005 Miroslav Nincic Columbia University Press - New York
25715 The Global Politics of Power Justice and Death : An Introduction to International Relations 2005 Peter J. Anderson Routledge - London and New York
25716 U. S. Intervention and Regime Change in Nicaragua 2005 Mauricio Solaun University of Nebraska Press - Solaun
25717 Global Politics of Regionalism: Theory and Pratice 2005 Pluto Press - London
25718 Foreign Policy in The Middle East : The Role of Lobbies and Special Interest Groups 2005 Janice J. Terry Pluto Press
25719 Classical and Modern Thought on International Relations 2005 Robert Jackson Palgrave - London
25720 Liberal Internationalism and The Decline of The State 2005 Per A. Hammarlund Palgrave - London
25721 Sovereign Bodies : Citizens, Migrants and States in The Postcolonial World 2005 Thomas Blom Hansen Princenton University Press - Princenton
25722 The Idea of Global Civil Society : Politics and Ethnics in a Globalization Era 2005 Randall D.Germain Routledge - London and New York
25723 Power in Global Governance 2005 Michael Barnett Cambridge University Press - London
25724 International Studies in Religion and Society : Volume 3 2005 Brill - Boston
25725 Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif : Komunikasi, Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik serta Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Lainnya 2005 M. Burhan Bungin Kencana - Jakarta
25726 International Commissions and The Power of Ideas 2005 United Nations University Press - New York
25727 Ngos and Transnational Networks : Wild Cards in World Politics 2005 William E. DeMars Pluto Press - London
25728 International Migration and The Globalization of Domestic Politics 2005 Routledge - London and New York
25729 The Global Resurgence of Religion and The Transformation of International Relations 2005 Scott M. Thomas Palgrave - New York
25730 Nation-Building: Five Southeast Asian Histories 2005 Institut of Southeast Asian Studies - Singapore
25731 Power and Politics in Poststructuralist Thought: New Theories of The Political 2005 Saul Newman Routledge - London and New York
25732 Identity and Institutions: Conflict Reduction in Divided societies 2005 Neal G. Jesse and Kristen P. Williams State University of New York Press - New York
25733 International relations: International Perspectives on Higher Education Research 2005 Malcolm Tight Elsevier - Asterdam
25734 Gender and Civil Society: Transcending Boundaries 2005 Routledge - London and New York
25735 Nuclear Weapons and Strategy: U. S. Nuclear Policy for The Twenty-First Century 2005 Stephen J. Cimbala Routledge - London and New York Press
25736 Four Seminal Thinkers in International Theory 2005 Martin Wight Oxford University Press - Oxford
25737 Scarity, Conflicts and Cooperation: Essay in The Political and Institutional Economics of Development 2005 Pranab Bardhan The MIT Press - London
25738 The Essential World History 2005 William J. Duiker and Jackson J. Spielvogel WadSworth
25739 Clinical Imaging : with Skeletal, chest, and abdomen pattern differentials 2005 Dennis M. Marchiori Evolve - USA
25740 Pendidikan Pancasila 2005 Winarno and Sri Haryati UPT Mata Kuliah Umum UNS Surakarta
25741 Keuangan Negara 2005 Tim Redaksi Nuansa Aulia
25742 Russian Foreign Policy in Transition: Concepts and Relaties 2005 CEU Press - New York
25743 Siaran Pers Hubungan Masyarakat Bagaimana Menembus Gawang Media Pers 2005 Purwadi, H. LP3Y - Yogyakarta
25744 Gerundelan para redaktur : bagaimana reporter menghindari kendala 2005 Agoes Widhartono Lembaga Penelitian Pendidikan dan Penerbitan - Yogyakarta
25745 Sinetron Indonesia Untuk Pasar dan Budaya 2005 Tohari, Ahmad LP3Y - Yogyakarta
25746 Democracy and War: Institutions, Norms, and the Evolution of International Confilct 2005 David L. Rousseau Standford University Press - California
25747 principles of the Institutional Law of International Organizations 2005 C. F. Amerasinghe Cambridge University Press - United States
25748 Humanitarian Intervention and Safety Zones: Iraq, Bosnia and Rwanda 2005 Carol McQueen Palgrave Macmillan - New York
25749 Religion and Politics: Cultural Perspectives 2005 Brill Academic Publisher - Leiden
25750 Imitation in International Relations 2005 Benjamin E. Goldsmith Palgrave Macmillan - Hampshire

Number of items : 60056