26751 |
The Ruthless Leader: Disiplin dan keteguhan dalam kepemimpinan
2004 |
McAlpine, Alistair |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
26752 |
Politik Pangan
2004 |
Usman, Sunyoto |
Cired - Yogyakarta |
26753 |
Allah Sang Wujud
2004 |
Qardhawi, Yusuf |
Risalah Gusti - Surabaya |
26754 |
Security Operations in Aceh: Goals, Consequences, and Lessons
2004 |
Sukma Rizal |
East West Center - Washington |
26755 |
Understanding Terror Networks
2004 |
Sageman Marc |
Penn - Philadhelphia |
26756 |
Introductory Statistics
2004 |
Mann, Prem S. |
John Wiley & Sons |
26757 |
20 Taushiyah Hasan Al-Banna : pendiri Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimun
2004 |
Ridhwan, Ridhwan Muhammad and Abu Hadian Shafiyarrahman (penerjemah) |
Al-Farda - Yogyakarta |
26758 |
Strategi Pembangunan Indonesia Pasca IMF
2004 |
Hadi, Syamsul and Jaslim, Rio Syahrial |
Granit - Jakarta |
26759 |
The Power of Power Politics From Classical Realism to Neotraditionalism
2004 |
Vasquez, John A. |
Cambridge University Press - New York |
26760 |
The Rational Design of International Institutions
2004 |
Koremenos Barbara and Lipson Charles |
Cambridge University Press - New York |
26761 |
Think Tank Traditions
2004 |
STONE Diane |
Manchester University - New York |
26762 |
Democracy by force : US Military Intervention in the post-cold war world
2004 |
Hippel Karin von |
Cambridge University Press - New York |
26763 |
Regions of War and Peace
2004 |
Lemke Doughlas |
Cambridge University Press - New York |
26764 |
Global Collective Action
2004 |
Sandler Todd |
Cambridge University Press - New York |
26765 |
Remapping Global Politics : History's Revenge and Future Shock
2004 |
Ferguson Yale H. and Mansbach Richard W. |
Cambridge University Press - New York |
26766 |
Islamic Banking: An International Perspective
2004 |
Shanmugam, Bala and Perumal, Vignesen |
UPM Press - Selangor |
26767 |
The Microfinance Revolution: Revolusi Keuangan Mikro
2004 |
Robinson, Marguerite S. |
Salemba Empat - Jakarta |
26768 |
Taming the Sovereigns : Institutional Change in International Politics
2004 |
Holsti K.J |
Cambridge University Press - New York |
26769 |
Financial Derivatives: Markets and Applications in Malaysia
2004 |
Bacha, Obiyathulla Ismath |
UPM Press |
26770 |
The Democratic Peace and Territorial Conflict in The Twentieth Century
2004 |
Huth Paul K. and Allee Todd L. |
Cambridge University Press - New York |
26771 |
Argument and Change in World Politics
2004 |
Crawford neta C. |
Cambridge University Press - New York |
26772 |
Popular Dissent, Human Agency and Global Politics
2004 |
Bleiker Roland |
Cambridge University Press - New York |
26773 |
From international to World Society
2004 |
Buzan Barry |
Cambridge University Press - New York |
26774 |
International organizations Before National courts
2004 |
Reinisch August |
Cambridge University Press - New York |
26775 |
International history of the Twentieh Century and Beyond
2004 |
Best Anthony and Hanhimaki Jussi M. |
Rouledge - USA |
26776 |
Agribusiness & Society
2004 |
Jansen, Kees and Vellema, Sietze |
Zed Books - London |
26777 |
Sri Murtono teater tak pernah usai : sebuah biografi
2004 |
Iswantara, Nur |
Intra Pustaka Utama - semarang |
26778 |
Malaysia's Strategic Vision & the International Economy
2004 |
Mansor, Shazali Abu and Radam, Alias |
UPM Press |
26779 |
Agricultural Economics
2004 |
Drummond, H. Evan and Goodwin, John W. |
Prentice Hall |
26780 |
Law & Economics
2004 |
Cooter, Robert and Ulen, Thomas |
Addison Wesley |
26781 |
Undang-undang Pajak-pajak Pusat Terbaru
2004 |
Markus, Muda |
Gramedia - Jakarta |
26782 |
Beyond Hanoi
2004 |
KERKVILET J. Tria Benedict |
Nias Press - Nias |
26783 |
Governance and Politics of China
2004 |
SAICH, Tany |
Palgrave - New York |
26784 |
Sistem Drainase Perkotaan yang Berkelanjutan
2004 |
Suripin |
Andi - Yogyakarta |
26785 |
Intermarket Analysis: Profiting form Global Market Relatioship
2004 |
Murphy, John |
John Wiley & Sons |
26786 |
Marketing : The Core
2004 |
Kerin, Roger A. and Hartley, Steven W. |
McGraw-Hill |
26787 |
Internet Marketing: Building advantage in a networked economy
2004 |
Mohammed, Rafi A. and Fisher, Robert J. |
McGraw-Hill |
26788 |
Theory, Practice, and Trends in Human Services: An Introduction
2004 |
Neukrug, Ed |
Thomson |
26789 |
Equity Markets in Action: The fundamentals of liquidity, market structure & trading
2004 |
Schwartz, Robert A. and Francioni, Reto |
Wiley |
26790 |
Transaksi Bisnis E-Commerce Perspektif Islam
2004 |
Asnawi, Haris Faulidi |
Magistra Insania Press - Yogyakarta |
26791 |
Bahasan Komprehensif : Strategi pengambilan keputusan bisnis
2004 |
Prawirosentono, Sayudi |
Bumi Aksara - Jakarta |
26792 |
Karya Tulis Ilmiah Sosial: Menyiapkan, menulis, dan mencermatinya
2004 |
Winarto, Yunita T. and Suhardiyanto, Totok |
Yayasan Obor Indonesia - Jakarta |
26793 |
Cara Berbicara dan Presentasi dengan Audio-Visual
2004 |
SAMETO, Hudoro |
Gramedia Pustaka Utama - Jakarta |
26794 |
Maka bertahajudlah, berdua dengan tuhan
2004 |
Andi, Muhammad |
Al-Huda - Jakarta |
26795 |
Menggali Muatan Pancasila dalam Perspektif Islam
2004 |
Karim M. Abdul |
Surya Raya - Yogyakarta |
26796 |
Basic Facts : About the United nations
2004 |
United Nations |
United Nations - New York |
26797 |
Defending the Rights of Others : The Great Powers, the Jews, and International Minority Protection, 1878-1938
2004 |
Fink Carole |
Cambridge - New York |
26798 |
Biologi Reproduksi Tanaman Buah-buahan Komersial
2004 |
Ashari, Sumeru |
Bayumedia Publishing - Malang |
26799 |
2004 |
Tjasyono HK, Bayong |
ITB - Bandung |
26800 |
Dasar Nutrisi Tanaman
2004 |
Agustina, Lily |
Rineka Cipta - Jakarta |