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Number of items : 60068
No Title Year Author Publisher
26751 The Ruthless Leader: Disiplin dan keteguhan dalam kepemimpinan 2004 McAlpine, Alistair Erlangga - Jakarta
26752 Politik Pangan 2004 Usman, Sunyoto Cired - Yogyakarta
26753 Allah Sang Wujud 2004 Qardhawi, Yusuf Risalah Gusti - Surabaya
26754 Security Operations in Aceh: Goals, Consequences, and Lessons 2004 Sukma Rizal East West Center - Washington
26755 Understanding Terror Networks 2004 Sageman Marc Penn - Philadhelphia
26756 Introductory Statistics 2004 Mann, Prem S. John Wiley & Sons
26757 20 Taushiyah Hasan Al-Banna : pendiri Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimun 2004 Ridhwan, Ridhwan Muhammad and Abu Hadian Shafiyarrahman (penerjemah) Al-Farda - Yogyakarta
26758 Strategi Pembangunan Indonesia Pasca IMF 2004 Hadi, Syamsul and Jaslim, Rio Syahrial Granit - Jakarta
26759 The Power of Power Politics From Classical Realism to Neotraditionalism 2004 Vasquez, John A. Cambridge University Press - New York
26760 The Rational Design of International Institutions 2004 Koremenos Barbara and Lipson Charles Cambridge University Press - New York
26761 Think Tank Traditions 2004 STONE Diane Manchester University - New York
26762 Democracy by force : US Military Intervention in the post-cold war world 2004 Hippel Karin von Cambridge University Press - New York
26763 Regions of War and Peace 2004 Lemke Doughlas Cambridge University Press - New York
26764 Global Collective Action 2004 Sandler Todd Cambridge University Press - New York
26765 Remapping Global Politics : History's Revenge and Future Shock 2004 Ferguson Yale H. and Mansbach Richard W. Cambridge University Press - New York
26766 Islamic Banking: An International Perspective 2004 Shanmugam, Bala and Perumal, Vignesen UPM Press - Selangor
26767 The Microfinance Revolution: Revolusi Keuangan Mikro 2004 Robinson, Marguerite S. Salemba Empat - Jakarta
26768 Taming the Sovereigns : Institutional Change in International Politics 2004 Holsti K.J Cambridge University Press - New York
26769 Financial Derivatives: Markets and Applications in Malaysia 2004 Bacha, Obiyathulla Ismath UPM Press
26770 The Democratic Peace and Territorial Conflict in The Twentieth Century 2004 Huth Paul K. and Allee Todd L. Cambridge University Press - New York
26771 Argument and Change in World Politics 2004 Crawford neta C. Cambridge University Press - New York
26772 Popular Dissent, Human Agency and Global Politics 2004 Bleiker Roland Cambridge University Press - New York
26773 From international to World Society 2004 Buzan Barry Cambridge University Press - New York
26774 International organizations Before National courts 2004 Reinisch August Cambridge University Press - New York
26775 International history of the Twentieh Century and Beyond 2004 Best Anthony and Hanhimaki Jussi M. Rouledge - USA
26776 Agribusiness & Society 2004 Jansen, Kees and Vellema, Sietze Zed Books - London
26777 Sri Murtono teater tak pernah usai : sebuah biografi 2004 Iswantara, Nur Intra Pustaka Utama - semarang
26778 Malaysia's Strategic Vision & the International Economy 2004 Mansor, Shazali Abu and Radam, Alias UPM Press
26779 Agricultural Economics 2004 Drummond, H. Evan and Goodwin, John W. Prentice Hall
26780 Law & Economics 2004 Cooter, Robert and Ulen, Thomas Addison Wesley
26781 Undang-undang Pajak-pajak Pusat Terbaru 2004 Markus, Muda Gramedia - Jakarta
26782 Beyond Hanoi 2004 KERKVILET J. Tria Benedict Nias Press - Nias
26783 Governance and Politics of China 2004 SAICH, Tany Palgrave - New York
26784 Sistem Drainase Perkotaan yang Berkelanjutan 2004 Suripin Andi - Yogyakarta
26785 Intermarket Analysis: Profiting form Global Market Relatioship 2004 Murphy, John John Wiley & Sons
26786 Marketing : The Core 2004 Kerin, Roger A. and Hartley, Steven W. McGraw-Hill
26787 Internet Marketing: Building advantage in a networked economy 2004 Mohammed, Rafi A. and Fisher, Robert J. McGraw-Hill
26788 Theory, Practice, and Trends in Human Services: An Introduction 2004 Neukrug, Ed Thomson
26789 Equity Markets in Action: The fundamentals of liquidity, market structure & trading 2004 Schwartz, Robert A. and Francioni, Reto Wiley
26790 Transaksi Bisnis E-Commerce Perspektif Islam 2004 Asnawi, Haris Faulidi Magistra Insania Press - Yogyakarta
26791 Bahasan Komprehensif : Strategi pengambilan keputusan bisnis 2004 Prawirosentono, Sayudi Bumi Aksara - Jakarta
26792 Karya Tulis Ilmiah Sosial: Menyiapkan, menulis, dan mencermatinya 2004 Winarto, Yunita T. and Suhardiyanto, Totok Yayasan Obor Indonesia - Jakarta
26793 Cara Berbicara dan Presentasi dengan Audio-Visual 2004 SAMETO, Hudoro Gramedia Pustaka Utama - Jakarta
26794 Maka bertahajudlah, berdua dengan tuhan 2004 Andi, Muhammad Al-Huda - Jakarta
26795 Menggali Muatan Pancasila dalam Perspektif Islam 2004 Karim M. Abdul Surya Raya - Yogyakarta
26796 Basic Facts : About the United nations 2004 United Nations United Nations - New York
26797 Defending the Rights of Others : The Great Powers, the Jews, and International Minority Protection, 1878-1938 2004 Fink Carole Cambridge - New York
26798 Biologi Reproduksi Tanaman Buah-buahan Komersial 2004 Ashari, Sumeru Bayumedia Publishing - Malang
26799 Klimatologi 2004 Tjasyono HK, Bayong ITB - Bandung
26800 Dasar Nutrisi Tanaman 2004 Agustina, Lily Rineka Cipta - Jakarta

Number of items : 60068