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Number of items : 60068
No Title Year Author Publisher
26901 Weaving It Together 4 : Connecting Reading and Writing 2004 Milada Broukal Thomson, Heinle - Kanads
26902 Weaving It Together 3 : Connecting Reading and Writing 2004 Milada Broukal heinle - Kanada
26903 MCQs Success in Part 1 MRCOphth 2004 CN Cua and Ronald Chung Marudi - singapura
26904 success in part 2 MRCOphth 2004 T Ho and R Rajendram marudi
26905 Grammar Essentials : Graded Exercises in English 2004 Robert J. Dixson Longman - New York, USA
26906 Effective Academic Writing 2 : the short essay 2004 Alice Savage and Patricia Mayer Oxford University Press - New york
26907 How Political Parties Respond: Interest Aggregation Revisited 2004 LOWSON, Kay Routledge - London
26908 Guests Of God 2004 BIANCHI, Robert R. Oxford - London
26909 Statistik : Schaum's Easy Outline 2004 SPIEGEL, Murray R. Erlangga - Jakarta
26910 Atur Diri Sendiri : Paradigma Baru Pengolahan Lingkungan Hidup 2004 SOEMARWOTO, Otto Gdjah Mada University Press - Yogyakarta
26911 Exploring Content 1 : Reading for Academic Success 2004 Lorraine C. Smith Longman - New York
26912 Engaging the Arab & Islamic Wolds though Public Diplomacy 2004 RUGH, William A. Public Diplomacy Council - Washington
26913 Islamic Activism 2004 WIKTOROWICZ, Quintan Indiana University Press - Bloomington
26914 Islamic Perspectives on the New Millennium 2004 HOOKER, Virginia Iseas - Singapore
26915 Islam In Transition 2004 DONOHUE, John J. Oxford University Press - New York
26916 Western Muslims and The Future Of Islam 2004 RAMADAN, Tariq Oxford University Press - New York
26917 Islam and the Challenge of Democracy 2004 EL FADL, Khaled Abou Princeton - New Jersey
26918 politik Luar Negeri Korea Selatan 2004 YOON, Yang Seung Gajah Mada University Press - Yogyakarta
26919 Israeli Politics And The Middle east Peace Process, 1988-2002 2004 BARIRI, Hassan A. Routledge Curzon - London
26920 More Reading Power 2004 Beatrice S.Mikulacky and Linda Jeffries Longman - New York
26921 The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited 2004 MORRIS, Benny Cambridge - New York
26922 A History of the Modern Middle East 2004 CLEVELAND, William L. Westview - New York
26923 Nilai-Nilai Ilahiah Remaja Pelajar : Telaah Phenomenologis dan Strategi Pendidikannya 2004 Buseri, Kamrani UII Press - Yogyakarta
26924 Memasuki Pernikahan Agung 2004 Adhim, Mohammad Fauzil mitra pustaka - Yogyakarta
26925 Write ahead 2 : skills for academic success 2004 Linda robinson Fellag Pearson Education - New York
26926 Memahami Alur Kehidupan : pandangan hidup muslim 2004 Purwodarsono, Didik pustaka salma - Yogyakarta
26927 Longman introductory course for the TOEFL test : the paper test 2004 Deborah Phillips Pearson Education
26928 Cinta itu Berkah bukan Musibah 2004 Sholeh UG Amorbook - Yogyakarta
26929 Motor Fleet Safety and Security Management 2004 DELLA, Daniel E. and GIUSTINA CRS Press - New York
26930 Free Trade Agreements in Southeast Asia 2004 SEN, Rahul Iseas - Singapore
26931 HdO Modern Japanese Society 2004 KREINER, Josep Brill - Boston
26932 Southeast Asia in the WTO 2004 SALLY, Razeen Iseas - Singapore
26933 A History Of Japanese Trade And Industry Policy 2004 SUMIYA, Oxford University Press - New York
26934 Integrasi antar kelompok etnis (orang Jawa, Minang, dan Batak di Jogja, Tanah Karo dan Padang) 2004 Mahli Zainuddin Tago LP3M UMY - Yogyakarta
26935 The world we live in content readings for critical thinking (Book two: live and culture) 2004 John F. Chabot and David DeRocco Full Blast
26936 The world we live in content readings for critical thinking (Book One : science) 2004 John F. Chabot and David DeRocco Full Blast
26937 Introduction to e- commerce 2004 Rayport, Jeffrey F Mc Graw Hill - Singapore
26938 Revitalisasi Fungsi Imam, Khotib dan Doa 2004 Faqih, Aunur Rohim LPPAI UII - Yogyakarta
26939 Computers, information technology in perspective 2004 Long, Larry and Long, Nancy Prentice Hall - New jersey
26940 Dampak Liberalisasi Perdagangan Terhadap Kinerja Ketahanan Pangan Nasional 2004 Saliem, Handewi P Puslitbang Sosek Pertanian Deptan - Bogor
26941 Islamic Insurance : A modern approach to Islamic banking 2004 Khorshid, Aly RoutledgeCurzon - London
26942 Business and Administrative Communication 2004 Locker, Kitty O Mc Graw -Hill - New York
26943 Manual on the use of Timber in Coastal and River Engineering 2004 CROSSMAN, Matt and SIMM, Jonathan Thomas Telford - London
26944 Malaysian Geotechnical Conference 2004 2004 The Institution of Engineers Malaysia - Malaysia
26945 Landslide Risk Assessment 2004 LEE, E.M and JONES, D.K.C Thomas Telford - London
26946 Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian 2004 Daniel, Moehar Bumi Aksara - Jakarta
26947 Construction Management Fundamentals 2004 SCHEXNAYDER, Clifford J. McGraw Hill - Singapura
26948 Repair of Concrete Structures to En 1504 2004 - Elevier - Boston
26949 Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practice 2004 H. Douglas Brown Longman - New York
26950 Bioenergy options for a cleaner environment 2004 Sims, Ralph E.H. World Renewable Energy Network - Netherlands

Number of items : 60068