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Number of items : 60078
No Title Year Author Publisher
30801 Chicken Soup For The Soul A 2nd Helping of : 86 lebih Kisah untuk Membuka Hati dan Mengobarkan Semangat Kembali 2002 CANFIELD, Jack Gramedia Pustaka Utama
30802 Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul : 63 Kisah Keberanian dan Penuh Ilham dari Orang-orang yang berhasil Mengatasi Kanker 2002 Jack Canfield (Et.al) Gramedia Pustaka Utama
30803 Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul 2 : Kisah-Kisah untuk Membuka Hati dan Menggugah Semangat Kembali Para Ibu 2002 Jack Canfield (Et.al) Gramedia Pustaka Utama
30804 Indocina : Persilangan Kebudayaan 2002 GROSLIER, Bernard Philippe KPG
30805 IT Project management on track from start to finish 2002 PHILLIPS, Joseph McGraw - Hill Book Company
30806 Cybercrime. Vandalizing the information society 2002 FURNELL, Steven Addison-Wesly Pub
30807 Visual Basic.NET Developer's guide to ASP.NET, XML, and ADO.NET 2002 McMANUS, Jeffrey P Addison-Wesly Pub
30808 Visual Basic.NET How to program 2002 DIETEL, H M PRENTICE HALL
30809 The Essential guide to wireless communications applications 2002 DORNAN, Andy PRENTICE HALL
30810 Programming Basics using microsoft, Visual Basic, C++, HTML, and Java 2002 KNOWLTON, Todd Thomson
30811 The Visual basic coach 2002 SALVAGE, Jeff Addison-Wesly Pub
30812 Macromedia dreamweaver 4 2002 GUTHRIC, Ruth Thomson
30813 Visual Basic.net Unleashed 2002 KIMMEL, Paul SAMS
30814 Regulasi antidumping di bawah bayang-bayang pasar bebas 2002 SUKARMI Sinar Grafika
30815 Al Qur'an dan sains. Memahami metodologi bimbingan Al Qur'an bagi sains 2002 YAHYA, Harun Dzikra
30816 Media society 2002 CROTEAU, David PINE FORGE Press
30817 Writing, Directing and producing documentary films and videos 2002 ROSENTAL, Alan Southern Illinois Univev Press
30818 Documentary film makers speak 2002 STUBBS, Liz Amacom
30819 The Advertising handbook 2002 BRIERLEY, Sean Routledge
30820 Media : Research for media production 2002 CHAER, Abdul Elsevier Pub. Company
30821 Press bias and politics. How the media frame controversial issues 2002 KUYPERS, Jim A Praeger Publishers
30822 Pemanfaatan VBScript dalam pengembangan WEB 2002 [Tidak Terdaftar] Salemba Empat
30823 Pembuatan program aplikasi kontruksi (Retaining wall) dengan Visual basic 6.0 2002 [Tidak Terdaftar] salemba infotek
30824 Pendidikan Berbasis Kompetensi 2002 [Tidak Terdaftar] Univ. Atma Jaya Yk
30825 Student learning: a central facus for institutions of higher education 2002 [Tidak Terdaftar] [Tidak Terdaftar]
30826 Macromedia: coldfusion 2002 KAPARTHI, Shashi Thorsons
30827 Internet security and firewalls 2002 PREETHAM, V V [Tidak Terdaftar]
30828 Customer relationship management. The Bottom line to optimizing your ROI 2002 ANTON, Jhon PRENTICE HALL
30829 The big of meeting games 2002 CAROSELLI, Marlene [Tidak Terdaftar]
30830 Mega-Selling : rahasia seorang penjual ulung 2002 COWPER, David Erlangga
30831 Quality Software Project Management 2002 FUTRELL, Robert T PRENTICE HALL
30832 Sistem Informasi Berbasis Aktivitas : Pedoman Implementasi bagi Eksekutif 2002 NAIR, Mohan Salemba Empat - Jakarta
30833 Interaction design. Beyond human-computer interaction 2002 [Tidak Terdaftar] John Wiley & Sons
30834 Studi Kelayakan Proyek : Konsep, Teknik & Kasus, seri Manajemen Bank No.66 2002 SUTOJO, Siswanto Damar Mulia Pustaka
30835 Financial statement analysis an integrated approach 2002 BERGEVIN, Peter M PRENTICE HALL
30836 Islamisasi kampus & ilmu pengetahuan 2002 IKHSAN, Muhammad LPPI
30837 EDP Electronic data processing 2002 HERMANTO Univ Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
30838 Advaces In Steel Structures: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures 9-11 December 2002, Hongkong, China Volume I 2002 SL. Chan (Editor) Elsevier
30839 Climbing and walking robots 2002 BIDAUD, Philippe Professional Books
30840 Practical Radio Frequency test & Measurement. A Technician's Handbook 2002 CARR, Joseph J Elsevier Pub. Company
30841 Pavement Management for Airport, Roads, and Parking Lots 2002 SHAHIN, M Y SPRINGER
30842 Bridge rehabilitation 2002 RADOMSKI, Wojciech IMPERIAL COLLEGE PRESS
30843 Avances in Steel Structures Vol.2 2002 S. L. Chan Elsevier
30844 Power Transformers Principles and Applications 2002 WINDERS, John J Marcel Dekker
30845 Electromagnetics Explained. A Handbook for Wireless/RF, EMC and High-Speed Electronics 2002 SCHMITT, Ron NEWNES
30846 The Financial Numbers Game : Detecting Creative Accounting Practices 2002 MULFORD, Charles W. Wiley
30847 Accounting for Fixed Assets 2002 PETERSON, Raymond H John Wiley & Sons
30848 Management Information Systems 2002 EFFY OZ Thomson
30849 Kamus Lengkap Dunia Komputer 2002 [Tidak Terdaftar] Andi Offset
30850 Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology 2002 SEELEY, Rod R McGraw - Hill Book Company

Number of items : 60078