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Number of items : 60078
No Title Year Author Publisher
30851 Hazardous Chemicals Desk Reference 2002 LEWIS, Richard J John Wiley & Sons
30852 Growth and Profitability. Optimizing the finance function for small and emerging Businesses 2002 DONEGAN, Michael C John Wiley & Sons
30853 Oxford English Dictionary 2002 [Tidak Terdaftar] Oxford & IBH Publishing
30854 A Guide to the Elemants 2002 STWERTKA, Albert Oxford University Press
30855 American Women Inventors 2002 CAMP, Carole Ann Enslow Publishers
30856 On The Shoulders of Giants. The Great Works of Physics and Astronomy 2002 HAWKING, Stephen RUNNING Press
30857 Science Fair Success using Household Products 2002 TOCCI, Salvatore Enslow Publishers
30858 The Skya the Limit. Stories of Discovery by Women and Girls 2002 THIMMEAH, Catherine Houghton Mifflin Company
30859 The Human Genome Project. What Does Decoding DNA Mean for Us? 2002 BOON, Kevin Alexanders Enslow Publishers
30860 Dr Jenner and the Speckled Monster. The Search for the Smallpox Vaccine 2002 MARRIN, Albert Dutton Children's Books
30861 Leadership Communication 2002 BARRETT, Deborah J McGraw - Hill Book Company
30862 Secret Agents. The Menace of Emerging infections 2002 DREXLER, Madeline Joesph Henry Press
30863 Indigo 2002 HOFFMAN, Alice SCHOLASTIC
30864 Jonas Salk : Conquering Polio (A Lerner Biograohy) 2002 McPherson, Stephanie Sammartino Lerner Pub. Company
30865 Mosaic 2 Reading 2002 WEGMANN, Brenda McGraw - Hill Book Company
30866 Mosaic 1 Reading 2002 WEGMANN, Brenda McGraw - Hill Book Company
30867 The New York Public Library Desk Reference 2002 [Tidak Terdaftar] HYPERION
30868 Volcanoes 2002 BOURSEILLER, Philippe Harry N Abrams, Ink Pub
30869 The American City. What Works What Doesn't 2002 GARVIN, Alexander McGraw - Hill Book Company
30870 The Ford Century : Ford Motor Company and the innovation that shaped the world 2002 BANHAM, Russ Artisan
30871 Encantado : Pink Dolphin of the Amazon 2002 MONTGOMERY Sy Houghton Mifflin Company
30872 Secrets of sound studying the calls and songs of whales, elephants, and birds 2002 SAYRE, April Pulley Houghton Mifflin Company
30873 Al-Qur'an Buku yang menyesatkan dan buku yang mencerahkan 2002 [Tidak Terdaftar] [Tidak Terdaftar]
30874 Filsafat Wujud Mulla Sadra 2002 NUR, Syaifan Pustaka Pelajar
30875 Al-Hallaj Sang Sufi Syahid 2002 MASSIGNON, Louis Fajar Pustaka Baru
30876 Eklektisisme Hukum Nasional: Kompetisi antara Hukum Islam dan Hukum Umum 2002 AZIZY, A. Qodri Gama Media
30877 Agenda Psikologi Islami 2002 NASHORI, Fuad Pustaka Pelajar
30878 Antara al-Farabi dan khomeini: Filsafat Politik Islam 2002 YAMANI Mizan
30879 Bukti Keberadaan Allah 2002 IBRAHIM, Al-Qasim ibn Serambi
30880 Agama & Etos Dagang 2002 QODIR, Zuly PONDOK EDUKASI
30881 Aneka pendekatan studi agama 2002 SMART, Ninian LKiS
30882 Al-Luma': Rujukan Lengkap Ilmu Tasawuf 2002 SARRAJ, Abu Nashr Risalah Gusti
30883 Keadilan Perspektif psikologi 2002 FATUROCHMAN Pustaka Pelajar
30884 Belajar Mudah 'Ulum al-Qur'an 2002 SUKARDI Lentera
30885 Islam Milenaris: Asal-usul, doktrin dan pemberontakan gerakan babisme 1844-1853 2002 FUAD, Ahmad Nur IPAM
30886 Dinamika Masyarakat Islam dalam Wawasan Fikih 2002 ABDURRAHMAN, M Rosda
30887 Dialektika Peradaban: Modernisme politik dan budayadi akhir abad ke-20 2002 ESPOSITO, John L QALAM
30888 Dasar-dasar Linguistik Umum 2002 SOEPARNO Tiara Wacana Yogyakarta
30889 Filsafat Ilmu Sosial Kontemporer 2002 FAY, Brian Jendela
30890 Fenomena al-Qur'an: Pemahaman Baru Kitab Suci Agama-agama Ibrahim 2002 NABI, Malik ben MARJA'
30891 Alquran Kritis: Studi Tematik dan MEtoda Baru 2002 HARYONO M. Yudhie (Editor) Nalar
30892 Eksistensialisme dan Humanisme 2002 SARTRE Jean Paul Pustaka Pelajar
30893 Filsafat Politik 2002 SCHMANDT, Henry J. Pustaka Pelajar
30894 Filsafat Pendidikan Islam 2002 NIZAR, Samsul Ciputat Press
30895 God and Man in the Qur'an: Semantics of the Qur'anic Weltanschauung 2002 IZUTSU, Toshihiko Islamic book Trust
30896 Hakekat Sufi 2002 [Tidak Terdaftar] Pustaka
30897 Speak American. A Survival Guide to The Language and culture of the USA 2002 JOHNSTON, Dileri Borunda Random Hause
30898 War and Peace in the law of Islam 2002 KHADDURI, Majid Tarawang
30899 Filsafat Hikmah: Pengantar Pemikiran Shadra 2002 MUTHAHHARI, Murtadha Mizan
30900 Filsafat Nietzsche 2002 DELEUZE, Gilles Ikon Teralitera

Number of items : 60078