32151 |
Malpraktik Dalam Keperawatan
2002 |
AKE, Julianus |
32152 |
Pendidikan Kesehatan Dalam Keperawatan
2002 |
SULIHA, Uha dkk. |
32153 |
Transcultural Nursing : Concepts, Theories, Research, and Practice
2002 |
LEININGER, Madeline et al. |
Mc Graw Hill |
32154 |
Understanding Periodontal Diseases: Assessment and Diagnostic Procedures in Practice
2002 |
CHAPPLE, Iain L C. |
Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc. |
32155 |
Diagnosis and Risk Prediction of Periodontal Diseases
2002 |
Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc. |
32156 |
Dental Management of the Medically Compromised Patient
2002 |
LITTLE, James W. et al. |
Mosby |
32157 |
Management of Pain and Anxiety in the Dental Office
2002 |
DIONNE, Raymond A. et al. |
W.B. Saunders Company |
32158 |
Operasi Sumbing : Petunjuk Praktis
2002 |
32159 |
Teknik Pembedahan Celah Bibir Dan Langit-Langit
2002 |
MARZOEKI, Djohansjah dkk. |
Sagung Seto |
32160 |
Health Care Informatics : An Interdisciplinary Approach
2002 |
ENGLEBARDL, Sheila P. et al. |
Mosby |
32161 |
Management of Hospitals : Hospital Administration in the 21st Century IV : Hospital Managerial Services
2002 |
Deep & Deep Publications PVT.LTD. |
32162 |
Management of Hospitals : Hospital Administration in the 21st Century III : Hospital Preventive and Promotive Services
2002 |
Deep & Deep Publications PVT.LTD. |
32163 |
Management of Hospitals : Hospital Administration in the 21st Century 2 : Hospital Supportive Services
2002 |
Deep & Deep Publications PVT.LTD. |
32164 |
Management of Hospitals : Hospital Administration in the 21st Century 1 : Hospital Core Services
2002 |
Deep & Deep Publications PVT.LTD. |
32165 |
Hospital Law ( Emerging Doctrines and Jurisprudence )
2002 |
FK. Universitas Indonesia |
32166 |
HFMAs Introduction to Hospital Accounting
2002 |
BERGER, Steven H. et al. |
Healthcare Financial Management Association |
32167 |
Anxietas Dan Depresi : Modul Pelatihan Bagi Dokter Umum...
2002 |
Direktorat Jenderal Pelayanan Medik Dep.Kes. RI. |
32168 |
Anatomi : At a Glance
2002 |
FAIZ, Omar et al. |
Erlangga |
32169 |
Fatwa - Fatwa Kontemporer Jilid III
2002 |
Gema Insani |
32170 |
Ilmu Perawatan Mata
2002 |
ILYAS, Sidarta |
Sagung Seto |
32171 |
Practical Dental Local Anaesthesia
2002 |
MEECHAN, John G. |
Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc. |
32172 |
Local Anaesthesia in Dentistry
2002 |
ROBINSON, Paul D. et al. |
Elsevier Limited |
32173 |
Vinir Porselen Laminasi
2002 |
HAGA, Michio et al. |
Hipokrates |
32174 |
Riset Pemasaran Dan Perilaku Konsumen
2002 |
UMAR, Husein |
Gramedia Pustaka Utama |
32175 |
Carrers in Healthcare Management : How To Find Your Path and Follow it
2002 |
HADDOCK, Cynthia Carter et al. |
The Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives |
32176 |
Financial Strategy for managed Care Organizations : Rate Setting, Risk Adjustment, and Competitive Advantage
2002 |
WRIGHTSON, Charles William |
The Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives |
32177 |
Stopping Diabetes in its Tracks : The Definitive Take Charge Guide
2002 |
LALIBERTE, Richard et al. |
The Readers digest Association, Inc. |
32178 |
Nutrition for a Healthy Pregnancy: The Complete Guide to eating Before, During, and after your Pregnancy
2002 |
SOMER, Elizabeth |
An Owl Book |
32179 |
What to Expect You re Expecting : The Pregnancy Guide That Reassuringly Answers the...
2002 |
MURKOFF, Heidi et al. |
Workman Publishing |
32180 |
Critical Thinking in Respiratory Care : A Problem Based Learning Approach
2002 |
Mc Graw Hill |
32181 |
Analisis Kimia Kuantitatif
2002 |
DAY, R.A et.al. |
Erlangga |
32182 |
Identifikasi Obat
2002 |
AUTERHOFF, Harry et al. |
Institut Teknologi Bandung |
32183 |
The Health Care Value Chain : Producers, Purchasers, and Providers
2002 |
BURNS, Lawton R. |
Jossey Bass Publishrs |
32184 |
Revolusi IQ / EQ / SQ : Menyingkap Rahasia Kecerdasan Berdasarkan Al-Quran Dan Neurosains Mutakhir
2002 |
PASIAK, Taufiq |
Mizan |
32185 |
Formulasi Obat Topikal Dengan Dasar Penyakit Kulit
2002 |
ANIEF, Moh |
Gadjah Mada University Press |
32186 |
Peranan Informed Consent Dalam Transaksi Terapeutik ( Persetujuan Dalam Hubungan Dokter Dan Pasien) Suatu Tinjauan Yuridis
2002 |
KOMALAWATI, Veronica |
PT. Citra Aditya Bakti |
32187 |
Pengenalan Masalah Psikososial: Pedoman Umum Pengenalan Masalah Psikososial Bagi Petugas Kesehatan
2002 |
Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia |
32188 |
Buku Pedoman Umum Kesehatan Jiwa Masyarakat : Bagi Lintas Sektor Terkait
2002 |
Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia |
32189 |
Orthopaedic Nursing
2002 |
W.B. Saunders Company |
32190 |
Renal Nursing : A Practical Approach
2002 |
Terry Gregg |
Ausmed Publications March |
32191 |
Comprehensive nursing Care in Multiple Sclerosis
2002 |
Demos Medical Publishing |
32192 |
Wound Care : A Handbook for Community Nurses
2002 |
Whurr Publishers |
32193 |
Ilmu Kesehatan Anak Jilid I : Buku Ajar
2002 |
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia |
32194 |
Ringkasan hadis Shahih Al-Bukhari
2002 |
Az-ZABIDI, Imam |
Pustaka Amani |
32195 |
Narkoba Ancaman Masa Depan : Panduan Pencegahan Dan Penanggulangannya
2002 |
RAHARJO, Trisno |
Lembaga Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat UMY |
32196 |
Imunologi :Essential Immunology
2002 |
ROITT, Ivan M. |
Widya Medika |
32197 |
Private dental visits per dentist in Spain from 1987 to 1997
2002 |
Bravo M. |
Blackwell Synergy |
32198 |
The fluoride content of foods and beverages from negligibly and optimally fluoridated communities
2002 |
Jackson RD, Brizendine EJ, Kelly SA, Hinesley R, Stookey GK, Dunipace, AJ |
Blackwell Synergy |
32199 |
Do young adults demand more dental services as their income increases?
2002 |
Grytten J, Holst D |
Blackwell Synergy |
32200 |
Outlines of Criminal Law and Justice in Islam
2002 |
Mohammad Shabbir |
International Law Book Services - Selangor |