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Number of items : 60071
No Title Year Author Publisher
32251 Global Justice & Transnational Politics 2002 The MIT Press - London
32252 International Relations : The Key Concepts 2002 Martin Griffiths and Terry O'Callaghan Routledge - London and New York
32253 Many Globalizations : Cultural Diversity in The Contemporary World 2002 Peter L. Berger and Samuel P. Huntington Oxford University Press - New York
32254 Rethinking World History : Essays on Europe, Islam and World History 2002 Marshall G. S Hodgson Cambridge University Press - New York
32255 American Orientalism: The United States and the Middle East Since 1945 2002 Douglas Little The University of North Carolina Press - London
32256 Traditions of International Ethnics 2002 Cambridge University Press - New York
32257 Restructuring World Politics : Transnational Social, Movements, Networks and Norms 2002 Sanjeev Khagram University of Minnesota Press - Princenton
32258 The Ebbing of European Ascendancy : An International History of The World 1914-1945 2002 Sally Marks Oxford University Press - Oxford
32259 Microregionalism and World Order 2002 Shaun Breslin Palgrave - New York
32260 Internationalization and Domestic Poltics 2002 Robert o Keohane Cambridge University Press - New York
32261 Rethinking Humanitarian Intervention 2002 Brian D. Lepard State University Press - United States of America
32262 After International Relations : Critical Realism and The (Re)construction of World Politics 2002 Heikki Patomaki Routledge - London and New York
32263 Citizens and The State 2002 Oxford University Press - xford
32264 From Terrorism to Politics 2002 Anisseh Van Engeland and Rachael M. Rudolph Ashgate - New York
32265 State Identities and The Homogenisation of Peoples 2002 Heather Rae Cambridgw University Press - London
32266 The Emergence of Private Authority in Global Governance 2002 Cambridge University Press - London
32267 The Eighty Years Crisis : International Relations 1919-1999 2002 Tim Dunne Cambridge University Press - London
32268 One World : The Ethics of Globalization 2002 Peter Singer Yale University Press - New Zealand
32269 The International Relations of Japan and South East Asia : Forging A New Regionalism 2002 Suco Sudo Routledge - London and New York
32270 Historycal Sociology of International Relations 2002 Cambridge University Press - Cambridge
32271 Historical materialism and Globalization 2002 Mark Rupert Routledge - London and New York
32272 Organizational Decision Making 2002 Cambridge University Press - London
32273 Crisis Theory and World Order : Heideggerian Reflections 2002 Norman K. Swazo State University of New York - New York
32274 Media and Sovereignty: The Global Information Revolution and Its Challenge to State Power 2002 Monroe E. Price The MIT Press - London
32275 Political Space: Frontiers of Change and Governance in a Globalizing World 2002 Yale H. Ferguson State University of New York Press - New York
32276 Islam and Colonialism: Western Perspectives on Soviet Asia 2002 Will Myer Routledge - London and New York
32277 Debating The Global Financial Architecture 2002 State University of New York Press - New York
32278 Political Geography: Territory, State and Society 2002 Kevin R. Cox Blackwell Publishers - Malden
32279 The Encyclopedia of World History: Part I 2002 Peter N. Stearns Barrtleby - New York
32280 The Encyclopedia of World History: Part III 2002 Peter N. Stearns
32281 The Encyclopedia of World History: Part II 2002 Peter N. Stearns
32282 US Economic Stratecraft for Survival 1933-1991: Of Sanctions, Embargoes and Economics Warfare 2002 Alan P. Dobson Routledge - London and New York
32283 aids gender dan kesehatan reproduksi 2002 Ashadi Siregar LP3Y
32284 Global Community: The Role of International Organizations in the Making of the Contemporary World 2002 Akira Iriye University of Californis Press - California
32285 Kontroversi Pembaruan Fiqih 2002 Wahbah Zuhaily and Jamal Athiyah Erlangga - Jakarta
32286 Himpunan Ketentuan Umum Dan Tata Cara Perpajakan Tahun 2001 2002 Indonesia Eko Jaya - Jakarta
32287 Cosmopolitan Justice 2002 Moellendorf, Darrel Westview Press
32288 Copernicus Atau Rahasia-Rahasia Langit 2002 Balai Pustaka - Jakarta
32289 Politisi VS Jenderal Kontrol Sipil atas Militer di Tengah Arus yang Bergeser 2002 Desch, Michael C. Rajawali Pers - Depok
32290 Civilization and its discontents: peradaban dan kecewa-kecewa 2002 Freud, sigmund immortal publishing dan octopus - yogyakarta
32291 Cantik itu luka 2002 Kurniawan, eka gramedia - jakarta
32292 Writing 4th editions 2002 Leo lieberman and jeffrey spielberger Thomas ARCO
32293 Sistem Informasi Manajemen 2002 Muhammad Fakhri Husein and Amin Wibowo UPP AMP YKPN - Yogyakarta
32294 Masyarakat Madani (Muara Reformasi di Indonesia) 2002 Winarna Surya Adisubrata UPP AMP YKPN - Yogyakarta
32295 Complete English Grammar Tata Bahasa Inggris Lengkap 2002 Hariyono, Rudy Gitamedia Press - Surabaya
32296 Tanfidz Keputusan Rapat Pimpinan (RAPIM) Muhammadiyah DIY Tahun 2002 2002 PP Muhammadiyah
32297 Meraih Bening Hati dengan Manajemen Qolbu 2002 Gymnastiar, Abdullah Gema Insani
32298 Politik Isu Tunggal: Jalan Buntu Gerakan Masyarakat Sipil 2002 Hermawan, Eman KLIK - Yogyakarta
32299 Masalah-Masalah Khilafiah dan Jalan Keluarnya 2002 Sulthan, Jamal Rajagrafindo Persada - Jakarta
32300 Excellent Public Relations and Effective Organizations A Study of Communication Management in Three Countries 2002 Grunig, Larissa A. Routledge - New Jersey

Number of items : 60071