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Number of items : 60068
No Title Year Author Publisher
33501 Jamur Kuping: Anda Bertanya, Pakar & Praktisi Menjawab 2001 Agus G.T.K AgroMedia Pustaka - Jakarta
33502 Earth Issues reader for understanding earth 2001 Press, Frank and Siever, Raymond W.H Freeman and company - new york
33503 Bawang Putih : Dataran Rendah 2001 Palungkon, Rony and Budiarti, Asiani Penebar Swadaya - Jakarta
33504 Journeys to Java by a Siamese King 2001 Imtip Pattajoti Suharto ITB press - Bandung
33505 The North Korean System In the Post-Cold War Era 2001 KIM, Samuel S Palgrave - Columbia
33506 Agribisnis Perikanan 2001 Rahardi, F and Kristiawati, Regina Penebar Swadaya - Jakarta
33507 The Object-Oriented Approach Concepts, System Development, nd Modelling With UML 2001 John W. Satzinger and Tore U.Orvik Course Technology - Kanada
33508 Manajemen Buku 1 2001 Williams,Chuck Salemba Empat - Jakarta
33509 Statistik I 2001 Hadi, Sutrisno Andi - Yogyakarta
33510 Posmodernisme dan Budaya Konsumen 2001 Featherstone, Mike Pustaka Pelajar - Yogyakarta
33511 Manajemen Biaya Dengan Tekanan Stratejik buku 2 2001 Blocher, Edward J. Salemba Empat - Jakarta
33512 Managerial Economics dalam Perekonomian Global jilid 1 2001 Salvatore, Dominick Erlangga - Jakarta
33513 Akuntansi Manajemen: Konsep, Manfaat & Rekayasa 3 2001 Mulyadi Salemba Empat - Jakarta
33514 Sistem Informasi Akuntansi 2001 Widjajanto, Nugroho Erlangga - Jakarta
33515 ReMarketing for Business Recovery: Sebuah Pendekatan Riset 2001 Simamora, Bilson Gramedia - Jakarta
33516 Water Science & Technology: Waste Management Problems in Agro-Industries 2001 2001 Tsuno, H and Orhon, D IWA Publishing
33517 Komposisi Arsitektur 2001 Krier, Rob Erlangga - Jakarta
33518 High Temperature Air Combustion: From Energy Conservation to Pollution Reduction 2001 Tsuji, Hiroshi and Gupta, Ashwani K. CRC Press
33519 Seri Dasar Hukum Ekonomi 2001 Seidman Ann Proyek Elips - jakarta
33520 Silsilah ta'lim al lughoh al 'arabiyah : At Ta'bir 2001 Lembaga Dakwah dan taklim Megatama Offset - Jakarta
33521 Mengenal majelis mujahidin untuk penegakan syari'ah islam 2001 markaz pusat majelis mujahidin - yogyakarta
33522 Silsilah ta'lim al lughoh al 'arabiyah : Qira'ah wal Kitabah 2001 Lembaga Dakwah dan Taklim Megatama Offset - Jakarta
33523 Silsilah ta'lim al lughoh arabiyah :Kitabus suwar 2001 Lembaga Dakwah dan Ta'lim Megatama Offset - Jakarta
33524 Silsilah ta'lim al lughoh 'arabiyah : Shorof 2001 Lembaga Dakwah dan Taklim Megatama Offset - Jakarta
33525 Silsilah ta'lim al lughoh al arabiyah : Nahwu 2001 Lembaga Dakwah dan Taklim Megatama Offset - Jakarta
33526 East of Eden 2001 John Steinbeck Penguin Books - England
33527 Captain Corelli's Mandolin 2001 Louis de Bernieres Pearson Education Limited with Penguin Books - England
33528 Translation 2001 ANam Sutopo and Dewi Candraningrum Muhammadiyah University Press - Surakarta
33529 Bridget Jones's Diary 2001 Helen Fielding Picador - London
33530 The Moonstone 2001 Wilkie Collins Pearson Education Limited with Penguin Books - England
33531 Twelfth Night 2001 William Shakespeare wordsworth edition Limited - new york
33532 The Princess Diaries : Third Time Lucky 2001 Meg Cabot Macmillan
33533 Grammar Express 2001 Marjorie Fuchs and Margaret Bonner Longman Pearson Education - New York
33534 Gogo Loves English 2 2001 Ken Methold and Stanton Procter Longman Pearson Education - Hong Kong
33535 Gogo Loves English 2 (Workbook) 2001 John Potter Longman Pearson Education - Hong Kong
33536 Gogo Loves English 4 (Workbook) 2001 John Potter Longman Pearson Education - Hong Kong
33537 Gogo Loves english 4 2001 Stanton Procter and Melanie Graham Longman Pearson Education - Hong Kong
33538 Gogo Loves English 5 2001 Stanton Procter and Melanie Procter Longman Pearson Education - Hong Kong
33539 Gogo Loves English 5 (Workbook) 2001 John Potter Longman Pearson education - Hong Kong
33540 Gogo Loves English 3 2001 Ken Methold and Stanton Procter Longman Pearson Education - Hong Kong
33541 Gogo Loves english 3 (Workbook) 2001 John Potter Longman pearson education - Hong Kong
33542 Gogo Loves English 3 (Teacher's Book) 2001 Stanton Procter and Melanie Graham Longman pearson education - Hong Kong
33543 Gogo Loves English 4 (Teacher's book) 2001 Masako Hiraki and Stanton Procter Longman Pearson Education - Hong Kong
33544 Gogo Loves english 2 (Teacher's book) 2001 Stanton Procter and Melanie Graham Longman Pearson education - Hong Kong
33545 Opportunities : Elementary (Students' Book) 2001 Michael harris and David Mower Longman, Pearson Education Limited - England
33546 Opportunities : Elementary (Language Powerbook) 2001 Michael Dean and Olivia Johnston Longman, Pearson Education Limited - England
33547 Opportunities : Elementary (Test Book) 2001 Michael Harris Longman, Pearson Education Limited - England
33548 Market Leader : Upper Intermediate Business English Course Book 2001 David Cotton and David Falvey Pearson Education Limited - England
33549 Market Leader : Upper Intermediate Business English (Practice File) 2001 John Rogers Pearson Education Limited, Longman - England
33550 Market Leader : Upper Intermediate Business English (Test File) 2001 Christine Johnson Pearson Education Limited, Longman - England

Number of items : 60068