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Number of items : 60068
No Title Year Author Publisher
33551 onsumer behavior, implications for marketing strategy 2001 Neal, Cathy and Quester, Pascale The McGraw-Hill - australia
33552 Advanced Gold : teacher's book 2001 Sally Burgess and Richard Acklam Pearson education - Ingris
33553 Advanced Gold : exam maximiser (with key) 2001 Sally Burgess and Richard Acklam Pearson Education - Inggris
33554 Advanced Gold : coursebook 2001 Richard Acklam and Sally Burgess Pearson Education - Inggris
33555 Advanced Gold : exam maximiser (with key with audio cd set) 2001 Sally Burgess and Richard Acklam Pearson Education - Inggris
33556 Pingu loves English 2 2001 Diana Webster and Anne Worrall Longman - Inggris
33557 Pingu Loves english 1 2001 Diana Webster and Anne Worral Longman - Inggris
33558 Conflict Resolution 2001 DANA, Daniel McGraw-Hill - New York
33559 Turbulent Peace the Chalelenges of Managing International Conflict 2001 CROCKER,Chester A. United States Institute - Washinton
33560 Learn to listen listen to learn : academic listening and note-tasking (teacher's manual) 2001 Roni S. Lebauer Pearson Education
33561 Market Leader : Upper Intermediate Business English (Teacher's Resource Book) 2001 Bill Mascull Pearson Education Limited, Longman - England
33562 Understanding and Using English Grammar : Teacher's Guide 2001 Betty Schrampfer Azar and Barbara F. Matthies Longman - USA
33563 Test Bank for Understanding and Using English Grammar 2001 Mark Wade Lieu Longman - USA
33564 Gogo Loves English 1 (Workbook) 2001 John Potter Longman - Hong Kong
33565 Gogo Loves English 1 2001 Ken Methold Longman - Hong Kong
33566 Colour Atlas of Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery 2001 A.G. Tyers and J. R. O. Collin Butterworth Heinemann
33567 A Grand Delusion Democracy and Economic Reform in Egypt 2001 KIENLE, Eberhard I.B.Touris Publihers - London
33568 The Last Great Revolution 2001 WRIGHT, Robin Vintage Books - New York
33569 Transnational Muslim Politics 2001 MANDAVILLE, Peter Routledge - New York
33570 Success Adventures : Lebih dari 50 Kisah Nyata yang akan menggugah pikiran anda untuk mencari terobosan menuju sukses 2001 KONOPASEK, Roger Gramedia Pustaka Utama - Jakarta
33571 SQ : Memanfaatkan Kecerdasan Spiritual dalam Berpikir Integralistik dan Holistik untuk Memaknai Kehidupan 2001 Zohar, danah and Ian Marshall Mizan - Bandung
33572 Panorama Survey : Refleksi Metodologi Riset 2001 SUHARDONO, Edy Gramedia Pustaka Utama - Jakarta
33573 Cutting edge : elementary (students' book) 2001 Sarah Cunningham and Peter Moor Pearson education - Inggris
33574 Cutting edge : pre-intermediate (workbook) 2001 Peter Moor and Sarah Cunningham Pearson education - Inggris
33575 Cutting edge : pre-intermediate (students' book) 2001 Sarah Cunningham and Peter Moor Pearson Education - English
33576 Fisika Untuk Sains dan Teknik Edisi ketiga Jilid 2 2001 TIPLER, Paul A. Erlangga - Jakarta
33577 Sukses Melakukan Prestasi 2001 KASALI, Rhenald Gramedia Pustaka Utama - Jakarta
33578 Teknologi beton 2001 SAMEKTO, Wuryati and RAHMADIYANTO, Candra Kanisius - Yogyakarta
33579 Cutting edge : elementary (teacher's resource book) 2001 Frances Eales and Sarah Cunningham Pearson Education - Inggris
33580 Cutting edge : pre-intermediate (teacher's resource book) 2001 Jane Comyns Carr and Sarah Cunningham Pearson Education - Inggris
33581 Perguruan Tinggi Bermutu : Paradigma Baru Manajemen Pendidikan Tinggi Menghadapi Tantangan Abad ke-21 2001 TAMPUBOLON, Daulat P. Gramedia Pustaka Utama - Jakarta
33582 Statistik : Teori dan Aplikasi 2001 SUPRANTO, J. Erlangga - Jakarta
33583 Palestinian Refugees the Right Of Return 2001 ARURI, Naseer Pluto Press - London
33584 Kamus Lengkap Teknik Sipil 2001 SCOTT, John S. Erlangga - Jakarta
33585 Theory of Structures 2001 TIMOSHENKO, S.P. McGraw Hill - Singapura
33586 Hazardous Waste Management 2001 LaGrega, Michael D. McGraw Hill - New York
33587 Plain english dictionary 2001 Sir Trevor McDonald Collins
33588 Palestine/Isael : Peace or Apartheid 2001 BISHARA, Marwan Zed Bokks - New York
33589 Etika Berbeda Pendapat dalam Islam 2001 al-Alwani, Thaha Jabir Fayyadh Pustaka Hidayah - Bandung
33590 Statistik untuk kedokteran dan kesehatan : deskriptif, bivariat, dan multivariat dilengkapi aplikasi dengan menggunakan SPSS 2001 M. Sopiyudin Dahlan Salemba medika - Jakarta
33591 Road Transport Rules 2001 - MDC - Kuala Lumpur
33592 Test your prepositions 2001 Peter Watcyn-Jones and Jake Allsop Penguin English
33593 Diplomatic Theory From Machiavelli To Kissinger 2001 G.R.Berridge Palgrave - New York
33594 Fundamentals of Physics : Volume 2 2001 Halliday, David and Resnick, Robert John Wiley & Sons Inc - New York
33595 The Many faces of Asian Security 2001 SIMON, Sheldon W NBR - New York
33596 China's Dilemma the Taiwan Issue 2001 LIJUN, Sheng Iseas - Singapore
33597 The Struggle for Democracy 2001 Greenberg, Edward S and Page, Benjamin I Longman - New York
33598 Tipografi 2001 Sunarto, Wagiono Gramedia Pustaka Utama - Jakarta
33599 Indonesia Today 2001 LLOYD, Grayson Iseas - Singapore
33600 Korea In The Cross Currents 2001 MYERS, Robert J. Palgrave - New York

Number of items : 60068