37151 |
Mematahkan Belenggu Motivasi : Membangkitkan Energi Penggerak Sumber Energi
1999 |
HAREFA, Andrias |
Gramedia Pustaka Utama - Jakarta |
37152 |
Bahasa Inggris 1
1999 |
Ratna Sayekti Rusli and Syahrizad Syahab |
Universitas Terbuka - JAkarta |
37153 |
Dictionary of Grammar and Usage
1999 |
Kam Chuan Aik and Kam Kai Hui |
Longman - Singapore, Jakarta |
37154 |
English for everyday activities : a picture process dictionary
1999 |
Lawrence J. Zwier |
New Readers Press - Hong Kong |
37155 |
Cambridge english worldwide : Listening and speaking pack starter
1999 |
Andrew Littlejohn and Diana Hicks |
Cambridge University Press - New York |
37156 |
Cambridge english worldwide : listening and speaking pack three
1999 |
Andrew littlejohn and Diana Hicks |
Cambridge University Press - New York |
37157 |
Gambar Denah dan Potongan
1999 |
WANG, Thomas C. |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
37158 |
Struktur Edisi 2
1999 |
SCHODEK, Daniel L. |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
37159 |
Southeast Asian Affairs 1999
1999 |
SINGH, Daljid |
Iseas - Singapore |
37160 |
Cambridge english worldwide : listening and speaking pack one
1999 |
Andrew Littlejohn and Diana Hicks |
Cambridge University Press - New York |
37161 |
Cambridge english worldwide : listening and speaking pack two
1999 |
Andrew Littlejohn and Diana Hicks |
Cambridge University Press - New york |
37162 |
Developments in the European Union
1999 |
CRAM, laura |
Macmilan Press LTD - New York |
37163 |
1999 |
Milkovich |
McGraw-Hill |
37164 |
Child Psychology a contemporary Viewpoint
1999 |
Hetherington, E. Mavis and Parke, Ross D. |
McGraw-Hill - USA |
37165 |
Technical Communication : areader-centered approach
1999 |
Anderson, Paul V. |
Heinle & Heinle - USA |
37166 |
The Economics of the good society : the Variety of economic arrangements
1999 |
Berliner, Joseph S |
Blackwell publishers - USA |
37167 |
Introducing public administration
1999 |
Shafritz, Jay M and Russell, E.W |
Longman |
37168 |
Srategic Choice and International Relations
1999 |
LAKE, David A. |
Princeton University Press - New Jersey |
37169 |
Sources of the western tradition Vol. 2
1999 |
Perry, Marvin |
Houghton Mifflin Company - Boston |
37170 |
Projects with young learners
1999 |
Diane Phillips and Sarah Burwood |
Oxford University Press |
37171 |
Brief Edition Computers
1999 |
Long, Larry and Long, Nancy |
Prentice Hall - USA |
37172 |
English for Islamic Studies 1
1999 |
Rochani |
Muhammadiyah University Press - Surakarta |
37173 |
Cracking the TOEFL CBT
1999 |
George S. Miller |
Priceton Review Publishing - USA |
37174 |
Modern database management
1999 |
McFadden, Fred R. and Hoffer, Jeffrey A |
Addison-Wesley - USA |
37175 |
Bahan dan Praktek Beton
1999 |
MURDOCK, L. J. and BOOK, K. M |
Erlangga - Jakarta |
37176 |
Information systems
1999 |
Alter, Steven |
Addison- Wesley Educational Publishers Inc. - San Fransisco |
37177 |
Teknik Pantai
1999 |
Beta Offset - Yogyakarta |
37178 |
Aliens & Ufos
1999 |
Henry Billings and Melissa Billings |
Jamestown Publishers |
37179 |
1999 |
Henry Billlings and Melissa Billings |
Jamestown Publishers |
37180 |
Insight Into IELTS
1999 |
Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowel |
Cambridfge University Press |
37181 |
Analisis dan Perspektif Kebijaksanaan Pembangunan Pertanian Pasca Krisis Ekonomi
1999 |
Sudaryanto, Tahlim |
Pusat Penelitian Sosek BP3 Deptan - Bogor |
37182 |
Soil Mechanics & Foundations
1999 |
BUDHU, Muni |
John Wiley & Sons - New York |
37183 |
Classic Classroom Activities : the oxford picture dictionary program
1999 |
Renee Weiss and jayme Adelson Goldstein |
Oxford University Press - Australia |
37184 |
Soil Dynamics And Machine Foundations
1999 |
Galgotia - New Delhi |
37185 |
Dasar- dasar Logika
1999 |
Sumaryono, E. |
Kanisius - Yogyakarta |
37186 |
The Ultimate Phrasal Verb Book
1999 |
Carl W.Hart |
Barron's |
37187 |
Trans- Atlantic Tensions
1999 |
HAASS, Richard N. |
Brookings Institution Press - Washington D.C. |
37188 |
Tentara Mendamba Mitra
1999 |
Tim Peneliti |
Mizan - Bandund |
37189 |
Low Vision Rehabilitation
1999 |
American Academy of Ophthalmology |
American Academy of Ophthalmology |
37190 |
Peluang Kerjasama Politik & Ekonomi Indonesia-Timur Tengah
1999 |
MASHAD, Dhurorudin |
PPW - LIPI - Yogyakarta |
37191 |
Menentang Peradaban : Pelarangan Buku di Indonesia
1999 |
ELSAM - Jakarta |
37192 |
The Philippine Glaucoma Society
1999 |
37193 |
Games For Children
1999 |
Gordon Lewis and Gunther Bedson |
Oxford University Press |
37194 |
Construction of Marine and Offshore Structures
1999 |
CRC Press - New York |
37195 |
Pemilu Dan Kekerasan Politik
1999 |
SULISTYO, Hermawan |
PPW-LIPI - Jakarta |
37196 |
Perencanaan Strategis Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta 1999-2009
1999 |
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta |
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta |
37197 |
Buku Panduan Akademik Tahun 1999/2000
1999 |
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta |
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta |
37198 |
Minitab Manual for Moore and McCabe's : Introduction to the Practice of Statistics
1999 |
Evans, Michael J |
W.H Freeman - New York |
37199 |
Eye Care in Developing Nations
1999 |
Schwab, Larry |
The Foundations of the American Academy of |
37200 |
Neuro Ophthalmic System
1999 |
Modica, Patricia A |
Butterworth |