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Number of items : 60048
No Title Year Author Publisher
37601 Rekonstruksi Pendidikan dan Tradisi Pesantren Religiusitas Iptek 1998 Abdul Munir Mulkhan and Abdul Hadi ; dkk Pustaka Pelajar - Yogyakarta
37602 Management Perusahaan 1998 MANULANG Liberty
37603 Cara Belajar Yang Efisien Jilid I 1998 THE LIANG GIE PUBIB
37604 Legal Directory Of Indonesia 1998 Ali Budiharjo ( dkk ) Siber Konsultan
37605 Menggagas Jurnalisme sensitif Gender 1998 Mukhotib MD (Editor) PMII Kom.IAIN Sunan Kalijaga
37606 Bagaimana Meliput Dan Menulis Berita Untuk Media Massa 1998 ASHADI SIREGAR (dkk) Kanisius
37607 Agama-agama Besar di India (Hindu-Jaina-Budha) : Perbandingan Agama 1998 SHAPIRO, Lawrence E. Bumi Aksara
37608 Ekspresi Politik Mus;lim 1998 EICKELMAN, Dale F Mizan
37609 Metodologi Penafsiran Al-Qur'an 1998 BAKHTIAR, Amsal Pustaka Pelajar
37610 Metodologi Penetapan Kesahihan Hadis 1998 FAYYAD, Mahmud Ali Pustaka Setia
37611 Ulumul Hadis :untuk Fakultas Tarbiyah Komponen MKDK 1998 AHMAD, H. Muhammad Pustaka Setia
37612 Sunnah Rasul sumber ilmu pengetahuan dan peradaban 1998 QARDHAWY, Yusuf Al Gema Insani Press
37613 Citizen Soldiers : The US Army From the ... 1998 AMBROSE, Stephen E Simon and Schuster
37614 Metodologi Penelitian Filsafat 1998 BAKKER, ANTON Kanisius
37615 King of the World. National bestseller 1998 REMNICK, David Vintage Books
37616 Atlas of America : Our nation in Maps, Facts, and pictures 1998 [Tidak Terdaftar] Readers's Digest
37617 Studi kelayakan bisnis 1998 IBRAHIM, M Yacub Rineka Cipta
37618 American folklore an encyclopedia 1998 [Tidak Terdaftar] [Tidak Terdaftar]
37619 The Concise Blackwell Encyclopedia Of management 1998 COOPER, Cary L Blackwell
37620 State Constitutions of the United States 1998 MADDEX, Robert L CQ Congressional Quarterly Inc.
37621 English Grammar : Prescriptive, Descriptive, Generative, Performance 1998 RILEY, Kathryn Allyn and Bacon
37622 Welly. Complet Novels 1998 WELTY, Eudora [Tidak Terdaftar]
37623 The First eagle 1998 HILLERMAN, Tony Harper Collins College Publishers
37624 Handbook Substances That Enhance Of Soil The Physical Properties Of Soil Conditioners 1998 WALLACE, Arthur Marcel Dekker - New York
37625 True Colors : An EFL Course For Real Communication Jilid 1-4 1998 MAURER, Jay Addison-Wesly Pub
37626 Hinduism 1998 KLOSTERMAIER, Klaus K [Tidak Terdaftar]
37627 East into upper East. Plain tales from New York and New Delhi 1998 JHAVALA, Ruth Prawer [Tidak Terdaftar]
37628 The Politics of news the news of politics 1998 GRABER, Doris A CQ Congressional Quarterly Inc.
37629 The War in Vietnam 1998 EDMONDS, Anthony O Greenwood Press
37630 The ultimate college survival guide 1998 WORTHINGTON, Janet Farrar Thorsons
37631 How Congress Works 1998 ANDERSON, Paula (Cover desig.) Congressional Quarterly Inc.
37632 The Song Of The Lark and My Antonia 1998 CATHER, Willa Carrol & Graf Pub.
37633 Interfaces between second language acquistion and language testing research 1998 BACHMAN, Lyle F Cambridge At The Univ. Press
37634 The Challenge of Fundamentalism : Political Islam and the New World Disorder 1998 TIBBI, Bassam University of California Press
37635 Ghost canoe 1998 HOBBS, Will An Aspen Pub
37636 Holes 1998 SACHAR, Louis Readers's Digest
37637 The All-True travels and adventures of lidie newton 1998 SMILEY, Jane [Tidak Terdaftar]
37638 American idioms and some phrases just for fun 1998 SWICK, Edward Barron's Educational Series, Inc
37639 A Man in full 1998 WOLF, Bernard [Tidak Terdaftar]
37640 The house of dies drear 1998 MARTOYO, SUSILO Simon and Schuster
37641 The Lustre of our country. The American experince of religious freedom 1998 NOONAN, John T University of California Press
37642 Trunk music 1998 CONNELLY, Michael ST. Martin press
37643 "We Are still here" American Indians in the twentieth century 1998 IVEERSON, Peter [Tidak Terdaftar]
37644 Fever season 1998 HAMBLY, Barbara Bantam Books
37645 English as a Legal Language 1998 ROSSINI, Christine Kluwer Law International
37646 Doing teacher research. From inquiry to understanding 1998 FREEDMAN, Robert O Heinle & Heinle Publishers
37647 Biz Talk-1 dan 2. American business slang & jargon 1998 BURKE, David Optima Books
37648 Principles of macroeconomics 1998 TAYLOR, John B Houghton Mifflin Company
37649 Plant viruses in Asia 1998 [Tidak Terdaftar] Gadjah Mada University Press
37650 Organisasi dan arsitektur komputer 1998 Stallings, William Prenhallindo

Number of items : 60048