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No | Judul | Tahun | Penulis | Penerbit |
651 | Mayo Clinic Images in Internal Medicine | 2010 | Furman S. McDonald, MD | |
652 | Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography | 2010 | Lloyd R. Snyder | John Wiley & Sons |
653 | LAPORAN PRAKTIKUM KOSMETIKA ALAMI | 2010 | Omega Chrestotevia | |
654 | Nurse’s Pocket Guide | 2010 | Marilynn E. Doenges, APRN, BC—Retired and Mary Frances Moorhouse, RN, MSN, CRRN, LNC | |
655 | Pharmaceutical Suspensions | 2010 | Alok K. Kulshreshtha | |
656 | Pharmacology | 2010 | JAMES KEOGH, R.N. | |
657 | Cosmetic Dermatology Products and Procedures | 2010 | Zoe Diana Draelos MD | |
658 | Conflict, Security and the Reshaping of Society (Open Access) | 2010 | Dal Lago , Alessandro | Taylor and Francis |
659 | NGOs in India (Open Access) | 2010 | Kilby , Patrick | Taylor and Francis |
660 | Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (Open Access) | 2010 | Lodgaard , Sverre | Taylor and Francis |
661 | Queer Methods and Methodologies (Open Access) | 2010 | Nash , Catherine J. | Taylor and Francis |
662 | Civil Society and International Governance (Open Access) | 2010 | Armstrong , David | Taylor and Francis |
663 | Hayek, Mill and the Liberal Tradition | 2010 | Farrant , Andrew | Taylor and Francis |
664 | The Practices of Happiness | 2010 | Steedman , Ian | Taylor and Francis |
665 | Consumer-Citizens of China (Open Access) | 2010 | Tian , Kelly | Taylor and Francis |
666 | Location-Based Information Systems (Open Access) | 2010 | Labrador , Miguel A. | Taylor and Francis |
667 | Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers in the European Union (Open Access) | 2010 | Cortés , Pablo | Taylor and Francis |
668 | Transgender Identities (Open Access) | 2010 | Hines , Sally | Taylor and Francis |
669 | Visions of Victory | 2010 | Richard Stengel | |
670 | The Challenge of Establishing World-Class Universities | 2009 | Jamil Salmi | the world bank |
671 | Bureaucracy and Administration | 2009 | EVAN M. BERMAN | Taylor & Francis Group - Broken Sound Parkway NW, Sui |
672 | Bureaucracy and Administration | 2009 | Ali Farazmand | CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group |
673 | D e c e n t r a l i z at i o n P o l i c i e s i n A s i a n D e v e l o p m e n t | 2009 | Shinichi Ichimura and Roy Bahl | World Scientific Publishing - Singapore |
674 | Decentralization, Democracy, and Development | 2009 | Yongmei Zhou | The International Bank for Reconstruction and D - Washington, D.C. |
675 | Dinamika Demokrasi dan Perpolitikan Lokal di Indonesia | 2009 | DEDE MARIANA | Asosiasi Ilmu Politik Indonesia (AIPI) - Bandung |
676 | Pelajaran dari Desentralisasi Kehutanan Mencari Tata Kelola yang Baik dan Berkeadilan di Asia-Pasifik | 2009 | Carol J. Pierce Colfer | Badan Planologi Kehutanan, Departemen Kehutanan |
677 | PolicyÊMakingÊandÊImplementation:Ê StudiesÊfromÊPapuaÊNewÊGuinea | 2009 | YÊR .ÊJ.ÊMA Y | ANU E Press - Australia |
678 | Health Financing in Indonesia A Reform Road Map | 2009 | Claudia Rokx and Claudia Rokx George Schieber Pandu Harimurti Ajay Tandon Aparnaa Somanathan | The World Bank |
679 | Bureaucracy and Administration | 2009 | Ali Farazmand | Taylor and Francis Group |
680 | Bureaucracy and Administration | 2009 | EVAN M. BERMAN and JACK RABIN | Taylor & Francis |
681 | Civil Service Reform in the States | 2009 | J. Edward Kellough and Lloyd G. Nigro | State University of New York Press, |
682 | Journalists in Film | 2009 | Heroes and Villains | Edinburgh University Press |
683 | Normative Theories of the Media | 2009 | Clifford G. Christians and Theodore L. Glasser, Denis McQuail, Kaarle Nordenstreng, Robert A. White | University of Illinois Press |
684 | Dinamika Demokrasi dan Perpolitikan Lokal di Indonesia | 2009 | DEDE MARIANA | Asosiasi Ilmu Politik Indonesia (AIPI) - Bandung |
685 | Film Studies | 2009 | Ed Sikov | Columbia University Press |
686 | Between Languages and Cultures | 2009 | ROSEMARY CHAPMAN | McGill-Queen's University Press |
687 | The Power of Law in a Transnational World | 2009 | Franz von Benda-Beckmann and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, and Anne Griffiths | Berghahn Books |
688 | Hierarchy in International Relations | 2009 | David A. Lake | Cornell University Press |
689 | Empowering Agriculture ENERGY OPTIONS FOR HORTICULTURE | 2009 | NA (No Author) | |
690 | The Practise of Knowledge Management In a Govemment Organization Managing The Informal Economy In Yogyakarta City, Indonesia. | 2009 | Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, M.Sc | Illionis USA by Common Ground |
691 | Implementasi Knowledge Management pada Organisasi Publik: Teori dan Kasus | 2009 | Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, M.Sc and Umar Priyono | Sinergi Publishing - Yogyakarta |
692 | Kamus Kepustakawanan Indonesia | 2009 | Lasa HS | Pustaka Book Publisher |
693 | Manajemen Perpustakaan Sekolah | 2009 | Lasa HS | Pinus - Yogyakarta |
694 | Surga Ikhlas | 2009 | Lasa HS | Great Publisher - Yogyakarta |
695 | Artemidorus Ephesius P.Artemid.siv Artemidorus personatus | 2009 | ||
696 | Grundwissen Immunologie | 2009 | Christine Schütt and Barbara Bröker | Auflage |
697 | Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology: Viruses and Nanotechnology | 2009 | Marianne Manchester and Nicole F. Steinmetz | Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg |
698 | Molecular Research in Aquaculture | 2009 | Ken Overturf | |
699 | ACCRETION PROCESSES IN STAR FORMATION | 2009 | Andrew King, and Douglas Lin, Stephen Maran, Jim Pringle and Martin Ward | |
700 | Toll-like Receptors: Roles in Infection and Neuropathology | 2009 | Tammy Kielian |