41151 |
Modeling and Control of Robot Manipulators
1996 |
SCIAVICCO, Lorenzo |
McGraw Hill International Editions - New York |
41152 |
General Chemistry
1996 |
EBBING, Darell D. |
Houghton Miflin Company - Boston |
41153 |
Purchasing for Manufacturing
1996 |
HOUGH, Harry E |
Industrial Press - New York |
41154 |
Handbook of Plastics, Elastomers, and Composites
1996 |
HARPER, Charles A. |
McGRAW-HILL - America |
41155 |
Polimer Mutakhir
1996 |
HARTOMO, Anton J. |
ANDI - Yogyakarta |
41156 |
Plastic Component Design
1996 |
Industrial Press Inc. - New York |
41157 |
Struktur Baja: Desain Dan Perilaku 2
1996 |
SALMON, Charles G. and JOHNSON, John E. |
Gramedia Pustaka UTama - Jakarta |
41158 |
CNC Machining Handbook
1996 |
MADISON, James |
Industrial Press Inc. - New York |
41159 |
The economics of strategy
1996 |
BESANKO, David and DRANOVE, David |
John Wiley & Sons - New York |
41160 |
laporan konferensi dunia ke 4 tentang wanita tahun 1995
1996 |
kantor menteri negara urusan peranan wanita |
41161 |
Landasan Manajemen Pendidikan
1996 |
Fattah, Nanang |
PT Remaja Rosdakarya - Bandung |
41162 |
CAD Method for Industrial Assembly: Concurrent Design of PRoducts, Equipment and Control Systems
1996 |
John Wiley & Sons - England |
41163 |
Assembly Automation : A Management Handbook
1996 |
RILEY, Frank J. |
Industrial Press - New York |
41164 |
Invitation to the Psychology of Religion
1996 |
PALOUTZIAN, Raymond F. |
Allin & Bacon - Massachusetts |
41165 |
Flow Measurement Engineering Handbook
1996 |
MILLER, Richard W. |
McGraw Hill - USA |
41166 |
Konglomerat Samson-Delilah
1996 |
Saidi, Zaim |
Mizan - Bandung |
41167 |
Petunjuk Kerja LAS
1996 |
Pradynya Paramita - Jakarta |
41168 |
Amrica A Narrative History
1996 |
TINDALL, George Brown |
W W Norton 7 Company - New York |
41169 |
Pedoman Etik Penelitian Kedokteran Indonesia
1996 |
FKUI - Jakarta |
41170 |
Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor: 7 Tahun 1989 Tentang Peradilan Agama
1996 |
Pustaka Tinta Mas - Surabaya |
41171 |
Plumber's Quick Reference Manual
1996 |
WOODSON, Dodge R |
McGraw Hill - New York |
41172 |
Petunjuk Penyusunan Proposal Riset Unggulan Kemitraan Tahun Anggaran 1997/1998
1996 |
Ristek - Jakarta |
41173 |
Teori Belajar dan Model-model Pembelajaran: Buku 1
1996 |
TOETI Soekamto |
41174 |
Logic and Discrete Mathematics : A Computer Science Perspective
1996 |
GRASSMANN, Winfried Karl |
Prentice Hall - New Jersey |
41175 |
Kamus Fisika : Elektronika-Optoelektronika
1996 |
Pusat Pembinaan dadn Pengembangan Bahasa - Jakarta |
41176 |
High-Speed CMOS Data
1996 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
Motorola - New York |
41177 |
High Performance ECL Data : ECLinPS and ECLinPS Lite
1996 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
Motorola |
41178 |
Very-High-Speed CMOS Data : Formely Titled " Advanced High-Speed CMOS Data
1996 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
Motorola |
41179 |
Burr-Brown Mixed Signal Products
1996 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
BURR-BROWN - Canada |
41180 |
Tartibu Al-Qomus Al-Muhith Jilid 1
1996 |
Azzawi, Thohir Ahmad |
41181 |
Tartibu Al-Qomus Al-Muhith Jilid 2
1996 |
Azzawi , Thohir Ahmad |
41182 |
Tartibu Al-Qomus Al-Muhith Jilid 3
1996 |
Azzawi , Thohir Ahmad |
41183 |
New Releases Data Book Volume V
1996 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
Maxim |
41184 |
Tartibu al qomus al mukhith Jilid 2
1996 |
Azawi, Thohir Ahmad |
41185 |
The Essence of Effective Communication = Komunikasi Efektif
1996 |
ANDI - Yogyakarta |
41186 |
Pentium Pro & Family Developer's Manual Vol.1
1996 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
Intel |
41187 |
Communicating in Groups and teams : Sharing Leadership : Sharing Leadership
1996 |
Lumsden, Gay and Lumsden, Donald |
Wadsworth Publishing Company - New York |
41188 |
Memperkirakan Titimangsa Suatu naskah
1996 |
Dipodjojo, Asdi |
Lukman Ofset Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta |
41189 |
Mathematical Models for Structural Reliability Analysis
1996 |
[Tidak Terdaftar] |
CRC Press - New York |
41190 |
Terjemah Hadis Shohih Muslim Jilid 1
1996 |
Daud, Ma'mur |
41191 |
Pokok-pokok pikiran tentang demokrasi ekonomi & Pembangunan
1996 |
Pamungkas, Sri-Bintang |
Yayasan Daulat Rakyat - Jakarta |
41192 |
Women Transforming Communications global intersections
1996 |
Allen, Donna and Rush, Ramona R |
SAGE Publications - USA |
41193 |
Introduction to Ecology & Ecosystems Analysis
1996 |
Cronan, Christopher S |
Shaw-ferguson Environmental Publications - USA |
41194 |
Koreksi terhadap ajaran tasawuf
1996 |
Djaelani, Abdul Qadir |
Gema Insani Press - Jakarta |
41195 |
Educational research : competencies for analysis and application
1996 |
Gay, L.R |
Merrill - USA |
41196 |
Memelihara Ruh Muhammadiyah
1996 |
AR. Fachruddin |
Pustaka SM |
41197 |
Evolusi Ruhani
1996 |
Mizan - Bandung |
41198 |
Rahasia Tafsir Al-Fatihah
1996 |
Amuli, Syaikh Jawad |
Cahaya - Bogor |
41199 |
The Laws of Our Fathers
1996 |
Scott Turow |
United States |
41200 |
The United Nations and RWANDA 1993 - 1996
1996 |
Departemen of Publik Information |
United Nations - New York |