41501 |
Visualisasi Objektif Perawatan
1996 |
KUSNOTO, Hendro |
41502 |
Clinical Decision Making and Treatment Planing in Osseointegration
1996 |
ENGELMAN, Michael J. |
Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc. |
41503 |
Consumer Behavior
1996 |
WELLS, William D. et al. |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
41504 |
New Rules : Regulation, Markets, and the Quality of American Health Care
1996 |
BRENNAN, Troyen A. et al. |
Jossey Bass Publishrs |
41505 |
Medical Laboratory Management and Supervision : Operations, Review, and Study Guide
1996 |
VARNADOE, Lionel A. |
F.A. Davis Company |
41506 |
Cases in Marketing Management and Strategy
1996 |
QUELCH, John A. et al. |
Prentice Hall |
41507 |
Produk Hukum Tentang Lingkungan Rumah Sakit
1996 |
41508 |
Shoping Centers and Other Retail Properties : Investmen, Development, Financing, and Management
1996 |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
41509 |
Medical Entomology For Students
1996 |
Chapman & Hall |
41510 |
Anatomi Dan Fisiologi Tubuh Manusia : Latihan Dan Panduan Belajar
1996 |
41511 |
Buku Ajar Praktis Bedah Mulut
1996 |
PEDERSEN, Gordon W. |
41512 |
Latihan Membaca Foto Rongga Mulut
1996 |
LANGLAIS, Robert P. et al. |
Hipokrates |
41513 |
Penuntun Praktis Peresepan Obat
1996 |
41514 |
Geligi Tiruan Lengkap Lepas
1996 |
HARSHANUR, Itjingningsih Wangidjaja |
41515 |
Value Migration : How to Think Several Moves Ahead of the Competition
1996 |
SLYWOTZKY, Adrian J. |
Corporate Decisions, Inc. |
41516 |
The Loyalty Effect : The Hidden Force Behind Growth, Profits, and Lasting Value
1996 |
REICHHELD, Frederick et al. |
Brain & Company, Inc. |
41517 |
1996 |
BRANDENBURGER, Adam M. et al. |
Currency and Doubleday |
41518 |
Behavior Modification : What it is and How to Do It
1996 |
MARTIN, Garry et al. |
Prentice Hall |
41519 |
Family Health Care Nursing: Theory, Practice, and Research
1996 |
F.A. Davis Company |
41520 |
Prinsip-Prinsip Kimia Medisinal Jilid II
1996 |
Gadjah Mada University Press |
41521 |
Fiqih Wanita
1996 |
UWAIDAH, Syaikh Kamil Muhammad |
Pustaka Al-Kautsar |
41522 |
The Contemporary English - Indonesian Dictionary
1996 |
SALIM, Peter |
Modern English Press |
41523 |
The Balanced Scorecard : Translating Strategy Into Action
1996 |
KAPLAN, Robert S. et al. |
The President and Fellow of Harvard College |
41524 |
Manajemen Keperawatan : Suatu Pendekatan Sistem
1996 |
GILLIES, Dee Ann |
W.B. Saunders Company |
41525 |
Remedial Images Collections At The Siloam Gleneagles Hospital
1996 |
Museum Universitas Pelita Harapan |
41526 |
Fantasizing the Feminine in Indonesia
1996 |
[ tak terdaftar ] |
Durham University Press |
41527 |
Mediating the Message : Theories of Influences on Mass Media Content
1996 |
Shoemaker, Pamela J. |
Longman - USA |
41528 |
Attitudes and Persuasion : Classic and Contemporary Approaches
1996 |
Petty, Richard and Cacioppo, John |
Westview Press - Amerika |
41529 |
Bredel di Udara
1996 |
Institut Studi Arus Informasi - Jakarta |
41530 |
evaluasi sumberdaya lahan
1996 |
tarsito - bandung |
41531 |
Geligi Tiruan Lengkap Lepas
1996 |
Drg.Ny.Itjingningsih W.H |
EGC - Jakarta |
41532 |
Revolusi Ekonomi : Menuju Masa depan berkelanjutan dengan dengan membebaskan perekonomian dari pengajaran uang semata
1996 |
Willem Hoogendijk |
Yayasan Obor Indonesia - Jakarta |
41533 |
Sharh Al-Aqeedat-il-Wasitiyah
1996 |
Sheikh ui-Islam Ibn Taimiyah |
Darussalam Publications - Riyadh |
41534 |
A Dictionay of Japanese Food (Inggredients and Culture)
1996 |
Richard Hosking |
Tuttle - Osaki |
41535 |
Understanding Commercial Law
1996 |
Philippa Gerbic |
Butterworths - Wellington |
41536 |
Vibrations for Engineers
1996 |
Dimarogonas, Andrew |
Prentice - Hall Internastional - New Jersey |
41537 |
Manajemen Suatu Pendekatan berdasarkan Islam
1996 |
Effendy, Ek.Mochtar |
Bhratara Niaga Media - Jakarta |
41538 |
International Trade and Business Law Annual
1996 |
41539 |
Europe from A to Z Guide to European integration
1996 |
Werner Weidenfeld |
European Commission |
41540 |
Worlding Women: A feminist international politics
1996 |
Jen Jindy Pettman |
Routledge - New York |
41541 |
Powers and Prospects
1996 |
Noam Chomsky |
Pluto Press - London |
41542 |
Frontiers : Territory and State Formation in The Modern World
1996 |
Malcolm Anderson |
Polity Press - California |
41543 |
The End of The Nation State : The Rise of Regional Economies
1996 |
Kenichi Ohmae |
Herper Collins Publishers - London |
41544 |
Ethics in International Relations: A Constitutive Theory
1996 |
Mervyn Frost |
Cambridge University Press - London |
41545 |
Systems in Crisis
1996 |
Cambridge University Press - London |
41546 |
The Leviathan in The State Theory of Thomas Hobbes: Meaning and Failure of a Political Symbol
1996 |
Carl Schmitt |
Greenwood Press - London |
41547 |
International Theory: Positivism & Beyond
1996 |
stephen Krasner |
Cambridge University Press - London |
41548 |
The Return of Culture and Identity in IR Theory
1996 |
Yosef Lapid |
Lynne Rienner Publishers - London |
41549 |
The International Dimensions of Democratization: Europe and The Americas Expanded Edition
1996 |
Oxford University Press - Oxford |
41550 |
Pengenalan Dasar Disritmia Jantung
1996 |
Sandra Atwood and Cheryl Stanton, Jenny Storey |
Gadjah Mada University Press - Yogyakarta |