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Number of items : 60200
No Title Year Author Publisher
41501 Visualisasi Objektif Perawatan 1996 KUSNOTO, Hendro EGC
41502 Clinical Decision Making and Treatment Planing in Osseointegration 1996 ENGELMAN, Michael J. Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc.
41503 Consumer Behavior 1996 WELLS, William D. et al. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
41504 New Rules : Regulation, Markets, and the Quality of American Health Care 1996 BRENNAN, Troyen A. et al. Jossey Bass Publishrs
41505 Medical Laboratory Management and Supervision : Operations, Review, and Study Guide 1996 VARNADOE, Lionel A. F.A. Davis Company
41506 Cases in Marketing Management and Strategy 1996 QUELCH, John A. et al. Prentice Hall
41507 Produk Hukum Tentang Lingkungan Rumah Sakit 1996
41508 Shoping Centers and Other Retail Properties : Investmen, Development, Financing, and Management 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
41509 Medical Entomology For Students 1996 SERVICE, M.W Chapman & Hall
41510 Anatomi Dan Fisiologi Tubuh Manusia : Latihan Dan Panduan Belajar 1996 ANDERSON, Paul D. EGC
41511 Buku Ajar Praktis Bedah Mulut 1996 PEDERSEN, Gordon W. EGC
41512 Latihan Membaca Foto Rongga Mulut 1996 LANGLAIS, Robert P. et al. Hipokrates
41513 Penuntun Praktis Peresepan Obat 1996 THEODORUS EGC
41514 Geligi Tiruan Lengkap Lepas 1996 HARSHANUR, Itjingningsih Wangidjaja EGC
41515 Value Migration : How to Think Several Moves Ahead of the Competition 1996 SLYWOTZKY, Adrian J. Corporate Decisions, Inc.
41516 The Loyalty Effect : The Hidden Force Behind Growth, Profits, and Lasting Value 1996 REICHHELD, Frederick et al. Brain & Company, Inc.
41517 Co-Opetition 1996 BRANDENBURGER, Adam M. et al. Currency and Doubleday
41518 Behavior Modification : What it is and How to Do It 1996 MARTIN, Garry et al. Prentice Hall
41519 Family Health Care Nursing: Theory, Practice, and Research 1996 F.A. Davis Company
41520 Prinsip-Prinsip Kimia Medisinal Jilid II 1996 Gadjah Mada University Press
41521 Fiqih Wanita 1996 UWAIDAH, Syaikh Kamil Muhammad Pustaka Al-Kautsar
41522 The Contemporary English - Indonesian Dictionary 1996 SALIM, Peter Modern English Press
41523 The Balanced Scorecard : Translating Strategy Into Action 1996 KAPLAN, Robert S. et al. The President and Fellow of Harvard College
41524 Manajemen Keperawatan : Suatu Pendekatan Sistem 1996 GILLIES, Dee Ann W.B. Saunders Company
41525 Remedial Images Collections At The Siloam Gleneagles Hospital 1996 Museum Universitas Pelita Harapan
41526 Fantasizing the Feminine in Indonesia 1996 [ tak terdaftar ] Durham University Press
41527 Mediating the Message : Theories of Influences on Mass Media Content 1996 Shoemaker, Pamela J. Longman - USA
41528 Attitudes and Persuasion : Classic and Contemporary Approaches 1996 Petty, Richard and Cacioppo, John Westview Press - Amerika
41529 Bredel di Udara 1996 Institut Studi Arus Informasi - Jakarta
41530 evaluasi sumberdaya lahan 1996 SITOUS SANTUN R.P tarsito - bandung
41531 Geligi Tiruan Lengkap Lepas 1996 Drg.Ny.Itjingningsih W.H EGC - Jakarta
41532 Revolusi Ekonomi : Menuju Masa depan berkelanjutan dengan dengan membebaskan perekonomian dari pengajaran uang semata 1996 Willem Hoogendijk Yayasan Obor Indonesia - Jakarta
41533 Sharh Al-Aqeedat-il-Wasitiyah 1996 Sheikh ui-Islam Ibn Taimiyah Darussalam Publications - Riyadh
41534 A Dictionay of Japanese Food (Inggredients and Culture) 1996 Richard Hosking Tuttle - Osaki
41535 Understanding Commercial Law 1996 Philippa Gerbic Butterworths - Wellington
41536 Vibrations for Engineers 1996 Dimarogonas, Andrew Prentice - Hall Internastional - New Jersey
41537 Manajemen Suatu Pendekatan berdasarkan Islam 1996 Effendy, Ek.Mochtar Bhratara Niaga Media - Jakarta
41538 International Trade and Business Law Annual 1996
41539 Europe from A to Z Guide to European integration 1996 Werner Weidenfeld European Commission
41540 Worlding Women: A feminist international politics 1996 Jen Jindy Pettman Routledge - New York
41541 Powers and Prospects 1996 Noam Chomsky Pluto Press - London
41542 Frontiers : Territory and State Formation in The Modern World 1996 Malcolm Anderson Polity Press - California
41543 The End of The Nation State : The Rise of Regional Economies 1996 Kenichi Ohmae Herper Collins Publishers - London
41544 Ethics in International Relations: A Constitutive Theory 1996 Mervyn Frost Cambridge University Press - London
41545 Systems in Crisis 1996 Cambridge University Press - London
41546 The Leviathan in The State Theory of Thomas Hobbes: Meaning and Failure of a Political Symbol 1996 Carl Schmitt Greenwood Press - London
41547 International Theory: Positivism & Beyond 1996 stephen Krasner Cambridge University Press - London
41548 The Return of Culture and Identity in IR Theory 1996 Yosef Lapid Lynne Rienner Publishers - London
41549 The International Dimensions of Democratization: Europe and The Americas Expanded Edition 1996 Oxford University Press - Oxford
41550 Pengenalan Dasar Disritmia Jantung 1996 Sandra Atwood and Cheryl Stanton, Jenny Storey Gadjah Mada University Press - Yogyakarta

Number of items : 60200